It’s Friday! (well, for the kids anyway)

Hola internet!  Just wanted to check in for a ramble session.  It’s Tuesday and the kids have the rest of the week off for Thanksgiving so I’m not sure I’ll be posting much.  I haven’t worked out so far this week.  (bad Katie!!)  My throat has been bothering me since Saturday and honestly, I’m a big believer in giving your body time to heal.  So, since I haven’t been feeling 100%, I’ve been taking it easy.  Maybe I’ll take the pup for a walk this afternoon though since it’s nice and overcast outside.

I’m pumped today because I found a dress for the hubs’ work party in a couple weeks.  It’s always so stressful trying to find something that I like.  Today just happened to be a good dressing room day.  You know, as opposed to a bad dressing room day, where everything you try on looks horrid and you feel fat?  Today was the direct opposite of that!  I love when that happens!  I find that when I like what I’m trying on that apparently I need photographic proof that it looks cute.  (Anyone else do that?…No?…Just me?)  The poor dressing room attendant chick probably thought I was doing something crazy in the dressing room because I was in there forever.  Anywho, I found my dress for the party so it’s all good!  Now to find shoes & jewelry!

So, since I’m a freak and take pics in the dressing room, I thought I’d share my dressing room finds from today…I didn’t buy the outfit on the right, even though I LOVED it.  I think I might go back or order it online with a coupon code or something.  I was worried the blue pants would go out of style, but I like it so much that I’m not sure I care if I can wear them a year from now.  😛

Both outfits are from Express.  🙂


  1. I used to work at express. Go back on Friday and get it. Or today I know I had an email coupon if you want it. It expires tonight. OR Wait a few weeks, those pants will probably go on clearance.

    • I used my email coupon today, $60 off! 😉 I have another one I could use if need be plus I got the cash back bucks that I can use next week I think. I love coupons!

  2. Love the Blue Pants! <3


  4. Blue pants (especially jeans) are very in style right now, so go for it!

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