2012 was pretty good to me, but that doesn’t mean I’m not excited to see what 2013 has in store!
Highlights from 2012…
- Finally made it to Las Vegas and as a bonus, took a helicopter ride into the Grand Canyon
- Saw the musical, Wicked
- Completed my longest race to date…10 miles!
- Got a new ride
- Had amazing seats for a USA soccer game
- Swam with dolphins and stingrays
Things I could have done without in 2012…
- 3rd skin cancer found and cut out
- my SIL losing someone she loves
- science fair projects
- a tropical depression raining out my Colbie Caillat/Train concert date with hubby & BIL/SIL
It was good while it lasted, but I say, bring on 2013! I’m not much for New Years resolutions, but I have a few things I’d like to work on this year.
- Taking more pictures WITH my kids whether I’m camera ready or not and learn to appreciate them even if I don’t look the way I want to look in them. My goal is once a week.
- Meal plan more! It’s not healthy to eat out as often as we do. Even though I try to choose wisely, I know it would be better for my health and wallet if we ate at home more often.
- I want to de-clutter my head and home because as much as I’m a clutterbug and tend to stack things everywhere, it makes me a happier mommy when it’s all straightened and organized
- I’m trying the 365 thing again this year, but I’m not holding my breath on making it to the end. I’ll see how far I can make it this time though. Who knows, maybe the third times a charm! I’m following along with ProjectLife365 and posting to my Instagram account. Click my face on the right side of the blog to get to my Instagram profile! 🙂
Okay, your turn!! Tell me the good and bad of 2012 and something you want to work on for the upcoming year. Let’s rock 2013!
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