In case you’ve been living under a rock, there’s a trend called Meatless Mondays. Basically, you go vegetarian just for the day. Here’s a cool infographic about it…
I want to get back into the habit of Meatless Mondays, but I’m terrible about planning ahead and I want to do something different other than just black beans & avocado. Which are a staple in this house and completely delicious, but I need to branch out a little. Here are a couple of recipes I’m thinking about for dinner tonight…
Thai Black Pepper and Garlic Tofu
(image & recipe source via Fat Free Vegan)
How delicious does that ^^^ look?!
The Best Veggie Burger Ever
(the bold labeling of Best definitely makes me want to try it!)
(image & recipe source via V.K.Rees Photography)
and maybe one of these tofu nugget recipes for the kids…
(image & recipe via Vegalicious)
(image & recipe via Live.Learn.Love.Eat)
Then again, who am I kidding, it’s almost 11am here and I still need to get dressed, wash clothes, workout, eat lunch and go to Target. Maybe this is on the menu for NEXT Monday. 😉
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