ProCakes | Review


A couple of weeks ago I was browsing some of my favorite fitness blogs and I ran across a new product.



A high protein pancake mix with no added sugar, wheat and gluten free!

Sounded promising!

I finally got a chance to try them out last week so I’m sharing it with you all!

They were super easy to prepare.

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The batter smelled delicious…a yummy hint of cinnamon to it!

I haven’t cooked pancakes in awhile, but from what I remember, they were just like cooking an all flour, gluten filled pancake.


The packet made 3 nice size pancakes (only 2 are pictured because I jacked up my first one and it wasn’t so pretty).  I decided to add blueberries to the pancakes and top them with a greek yogurt spread and a little drizzle of syrup.


Completely delicious!


No gritty or weird flavors

Fluffy texture


This mix is definitely a “love ’em!”  If you’re looking for an easy, protein packed pancake that’s gluten free, low sugar and carb friendly…this is your answer.  Do they taste like normal pancakes?  Not completely, but no protein pancake does (IMO).  That doesn’t mean that they aren’t good, just delicious in a different way.  I’ve made my own protein pancakes before that were pretty dang tasty, but it took some preplanning on my part because it required ingredients that I may or may not have.  Plus, I had to get the blender dirty, it took longer to prepare them and they had way more calories/carbs/fat than the ProCakes mix.  ProCakes is premixed for you so it’s super EASY & FAST to prepare!  I’ll definitely be ordering a bag soon!  If you’re an Amazon prime member, you can get free shipping, but even ordering directly from ProCakes, the shipping is very reasonable.

ProCakes Nutrition (mix only)  Calories: 165 | Fat: 5g | Sodium: 185g | Carbs: 22g (14g net) | Protein: 13g

disclaimer: I was gifted this sample packet of ProCakes, but I was not compensated in any other way and all views in this post are my honest, unbiased opinions!
disclaimer (2): This post contains an affiliate link.  By clicking, you help me and this blog out, but this is at no cost to you! It’s a win-win!  🙂


  1. I love pancakes. I can eat it at anytime of the day. I’ll try this easy-to-do recipe this weekend. Thank you for sharing! 😉

  2. Caren says:

    You are so awesome!!! I just came across this review and I wanted to thank you SO much for your kind words and amazing images.

    Would you mind if I reposted them?

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