*step into confessional* It’s been 4 months and 8 books since my last book update…
I’ve lost a little steam since the beginning of the year, but I’m still chugging along…slowly chugging…but moving nonetheless. However slow I may be moving though, I’m pretty happy with crushing my yearly goal. I know it wasn’t a super lofty goal or anything, but I crushed it dangit. Maybe in 2015, I’ll actually set a goal that I have to work at. Or maybe not. If it starts feeling like work, I’ll likely drop it like it’s hot.
The worst of the last 8 would definitely be The Blue Hour. It took me for-ever to finish! The premise is an older, semi-retired, sick detective, gets pulled into a serial murder investigation and partnered up with a chip on her shoulder, younger detective. I love a good serial murder mystery, but this one was just all over the place. It was really interesting, it was a snoozefest, then it was interesting again, snoozefest. And not to spoil the ending for you, but, it wasn’t the best. If I could go back in time, I would skip this book!
My favorite recently is probably If I Stay. It’s a YA novel about a girl who gets into a car accident and she is having an out of body experience while in a coma in the hospital and she’s deciding whether to stay or go.
Wonder is a book that has gotten a lot of attention over the past year. It’s about a disfigured boy and how he copes with entering 5th grade at a mainstream school for the first time. It’s a young reader book (my 11yo & 14yo thought it was great), but adults will enjoy it too! .
The Beginning of Everything, Where’d You Go Bernadette, Reconstructing Amelia and The Paper Magician were all solid reads. Some better than others, a couple slow here and there, but I enjoyed them all.
The Four Year Career was a super short read about MLM companies and how to succeed. Great read if you’re interested in that kind of thing!
I’m reading a book right now, but it’s hard for me to get through so I’m not really that excited about it at the moment. I can’t find a book I really *want* to read. I read a couple pages of a sample and then decide I don’t want that type of book so I move on to another sample. I swear I have probably 20 samples on my kindle. I want to read books, but I loathe the process of starting a new one. You are mourning the loss of the characters from the last book you read and then you have to meet new people and get into new plots. Bleh.
Y’all read anything good lately? I could use some suggestions.
Disclaimer: Katie Higginbotham (aka Freckled Latte) is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. In other words, if you click one of my links up ^^^ there, I could “possibly” receive an income from it. Not enough to feed my family or anything, but hey, maybe one day I’ll be able to buy us lunch.
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