Getting deep today

Last week I came upon a video that asks 50 people one question…
bodypartOf course I watched the video first without thinking about my answer. I know it would have been different before I watched as opposed to after.

First I’ll answer truthfully and then I’ll give my after watching the video answer at the end of the post.

My before answer would be a toss-up between my boobs and my profile (chin/nose).

I have plenty of things about my body that I have a love/hate relationship with, but I’ve grown to accept them.

For example…

My feet are a small size 10. I am 5’4″ and my feet are monstrous boats. I weigh more now, but when I was in HS, imagine a 103lb frame with size 10’s holding it up. Kind of out of proportion. I’ve learned to accept the fact that they are on the bigger side though and I actually don’t mind that they are a 10. Sure, sometimes I wish they were smaller, but that’s only because I see a really cute shoe and I know that it would look horrible on my foot. Some shoes just don’t look good on me and that’s okay, but dang does it bum me out when it’s a really super fantabulous shoe. I have plenty of beautiful shoes in my closet though so obviously my shoe size doesn’t restrict me that much. 😉

My skin/freckles. My freckles have faded some on my face, but when I was younger, everyone would comment about my freckles. “Wow, you have a lot of freckles!”. I was lucky in that I didn’t really get teased or bullied about it – there was this one kid in HS, but he was an idiot who just liked to annoy me and he wasn’t exactly a looker himself if you know what I mean. I spent a lot of years wishing I wasn’t speckled and wishing my skin wasn’t so pale. Like my feet though, over the years, I learned to accept them. I actually like my freckles now and like that they make me different.

FullSizeRenderI’m sure I could find a better old photo at my moms, but this was the best I had on hand. I was around 9 in this photo and I definitely had more freckles appear over the years. When I think about my freckles, I distinctly remember a school photo with my hair pulled back, with that horrible school photo lighting that showed everything on your face. Not to mention that the color processing they do does not always work for the fair skinned, freckled type. There are some horribly processed photos of my (now) teen. Her red hair, freckles and pale skin make the auto color processing go nuts!

My hair. It was a mousy brown color, stick straight and thin/lifeless. I used to hate it, but now thanks to covering up my greys, I have a pretty rich shade of brown. It’s no longer stick straight and I kind of wish it was, but throughout the years, I’ve learned what works for my hair texture and what doesn’t and not to be repetitive, but I’ve learned to accept what I can’t change.

Now for the things that I’m still working on…

My boobs. Before kids, I had small B’s. Perky, but small. I was never in love with them, but I didn’t feel the desire to change them. After kids, my boobs are a deflated, saggy B-C. I have struggled with wanting implants. Mostly so I can feel comfortable in cute clothes without a bra, but if pushed I’m not sure I’d actually go through with it. Honestly, it’s the putting something into my body that my body could reject and something that would require upkeep 10-15 yrs down the road. I’m not sure it’s worth it. I’m too old to go bra less anyways probably.

My profile (chin/nose). My chin is slightly recessed and my nose seems too big for my face. If I wasn’t married with children and could be sure it would come out looking amazing, I would likely go for it. But, I don’t want to send that message to my kids. I preach to them about accepting who they are and accepting their bodies and I really mean it. What kind of message would I be sending when I can’t even accept my own? My husband and my kids love me the way I am and by changing a part of my face would be to change who they love. I would still be the same inside, but I would look different.

I still have some internal work to do, but I’m close.  After the recent Renee Zellweger hoopla, I’m determined to stop being so hard on myself and accept me just as I am!

Your turn. “If you could change one thing about your body, what would it be?”

Think about your answer and then watch the video below.  Don’t read the rest of my post until after you finished the video.



K. Did you watch it? Did it make you tear up and smile at the same time? Was it what you expected?

As promised, here’s my after answer…it’s a toss up again, but this time it’s between changing nothing or adding fairy wings!  🙂

So tell me, what’s your before and after?



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