I’m currently sitting in the living room, hubby at one end of the couch, me on the other, listening to the teen tell me about what’s on her Christmas list and watching her practice for her school musical while emailing my crazy early shopping MIL about Christmas presents for the kids.
“Oooh, I should have been writing my blog post for the day instead of surfing Facebook!”
Annnnd, now I’m here, trying to crank out a quick blog post before the kiddos go to bed.
I have random thoughts from the weekend floating around in my head…
- Thought #1…It was buy firewood on the side of the road weather this weekend. I think it’s a regional thing, but here in Florida when the temperature drops below 60 degrees, suddenly firewood is a hot commodity. You buy it randomly on the side of the road from the back of a pick up truck. Is that a weird thing? Do people do this where you live?
- Thought #2…I was at Target on Saturday, enjoying a hot pumpkin spice latte wondering why I chose to escape my house and browse Target on a Saturday afternoon, when I saw this adorable new Christmas tradition just begging to be started. OLAF!! Who doesn’t love Olaf? And he’s much cuter than that Elf on a Shelf. At first I thought he was a replacement for Elf, but it doesn’t say he talks to Santa so I’m guessing he’s a just for fun thing. Thank goodness I don’t have little kids anymore!
- Thought #3…Does anyone else browse Target’s book section and take photos of books that look good so that you can look them up on Amazon and Goodreads? I love having a print copy of a book, but it’s so much easier to read before bed if I use my kindle. Plus, a print copy is nice if you like the book, but if you hate it…not so nice.
- Thought #4…Also while at Target (let’s not even talk about sad it is that Target was the most exciting part of my weekend) I was debating buying the new T. Swifty album. I don’t normally buy the hard copy, but she’s all about the hard copies staying alive so it’s actually cheaper to buy the cd versus the mp3 version. That part is a no brainer, but then Target had to go and complicate things by offering an exclusive Deluxe Edition. Suddenly I neeeeeeeded those 3 extra songs and 3 audio clips!!! I stood in the cd aisle debating this for no less than 5 min. Trying to decide whether those few extras were worth almost double what the non deluxe version is selling for. :/ Anyone have the deluxe edition? Is it worth the extra $8?
- Thought #5…I haven’t had much time to think about it lately, but in four short months, the teen and I will be headed to Italy with her school vocal class. I’m so freaking excited I can’t even stand it! Yesterday I googled and found an Italy photo to use as my iPhone wallpaper and it’s making me even more excited. I gotta get the holidays over with though before I can really start to mentally prep. (yes, I do actually mentally prep for months. I’m an anxious traveler)
- Thought #6…My husband is annoyingly good at having fun with the kids. He bought this Raspberry Pi thing and he’s been helping our son with it all weekend. Less helping really and more playing along, watching and answering any questions he’s had. Other than Science Fair experiments (which are finally DONE! Woohoo!), Hayden has been playing with Pi all weekend! The teen wasn’t as interested in Raspberry Pi, but she started on Khan Academy today. Hubs is determined to make them little techies!
- Thought #7…Since I’m sure you all were waiting with bated breath on how I’m feeling after dousing myself with oils, I’m happy to report that I’m 95% better today! Yep, that’s right, 24-48hrs of oiling myself down and I’m mostly back to normal! I actually like the smell of the oils, but my husband is not a fan and I swear if he makes a face and tells me how stinky they are ONE.MORE.TIME, I’m going to douse him with them in his sleep! I know you don’t like the smell! I heard you the first 499 times! He’s also feeling better today. Coincidence? I think not.
How was your weekend? Hopefully more exciting than mine. 🙂
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