Day 18 of NaBloPoMo and I’m starting to feel the pressure.
The first 15 days were great. Enjoyable even. The words flowed through my fingertips effortlessly. I wanted to post and even when I only blogged about what I did that day, I felt good about it.
Then, I hit a speed bump…then a wall.
Day 16 wasn’t terrible, but it was starting to become work.
Day 17, I wanted to throw in the towel. I was trying to post late in the day for the second day in a row, the kids were driving me bonkers and I just wanted to shut out the outside world, get into my little bubble and go brain dead watching mindless tv shows. For the second night in a row, the hubby was sitting on the couch, asking me “how much longer” I was going to be. Then WordPress (or my hosting) was being a PITA by not letting me add a photo. Ugh! I just wanted to close the computer and forget about it for the rest of the night.
But I didn’t. I’m glad I didn’t, but I was close.
It reiterated the fact that I really gotta get better about scheduling posts. With the exception of 2 days, I’ve sat at the computer every day to write a post!
See more on Know Your Meme
Seriously, I have shit to do and while I feel like over the past two weeks, I’ve gotten more comfortable with blogging daily life, it still takes me longer than it should to crank out a post…add that to the list of what I need to get better at! 😛
If you’re participating in NaBloPoMo, how are you feeling now that we’re past the halfway mark? Is it getting easier or harder? Have you hit a wall yet, have you already climbed your wall and are smooth sailing again?
I started three days late (“what? we’re in NOVEMBER?”) but then I stuck with it pretty well. Only missed one day because I pulled a post I had already published, about someone who I realized in the middle of the night would not have wanted me to write about her, she’s just too private a person.
So far it hasn’t been too hard to get the posts up, but I want to do more commenting. And dress up my blog a little. And increase my traffic. Uh, oh, now I feel the pressure coming on.
Haha. I feel you! I started out pretty strong commenting on some blogs, but I’ve trailed off lately. I definitely want to visit and comment on more blogs! I checked out your blog. I love your posts! I’ll definitely be back often. Thanks so much for stopping by my little corner of the internet! 🙂
Yes girl…..preach! Our posts are almost the same right now!! My life keeps getting in the way. At least you’re posting daily… My plan this weekend is to get a few posts in the hopper ready to roll! We can do this:)
Yes we can!!
Oh, definitely getting harder!!! ACK!!! I used to blog all the time…sometimes I would even post 2-3 times a day! Yes, I must’ve been going through some sort of insanity, but actually it was a way for me to distract myself. Now, it’s soooo much harder to do that! glad I found your blog though…will be back
Wow, 2-3 times a day. That’s impressive! Thanks for stopping by Claudia. 🙂
It is really tough posting every day. Props to Claudia and her getting more than one done a day! I have been having a tough time of it too. I look forward to reading more of your posts. Cheers!
Thanks so much for stopping by Steph! 🙂
Some days it’s harder, some it’s easier. I’ve meant to pre-write posts and schedule them this entire time and have only done that once the entire month. And sometimes it will be 9pm and I remember I need to blog. But I will say my readership has improved and my stats have gone up with the daily blogging. I thought I would just irritate everyone, lol!
Same here. It’s been hard to post daily sometimes, but on the other hand, it’s kind of been easier. Before, there was so much time in between postings that I felt like I was either trying to cram a lot into one post or feeling pressure to blog something really great. But posting often, I don’t feel that same pressure and just wing it most days. I would like to post about something other than just blabbing about my day, but those posts are few and far between. :oP