If last week was my “get ‘r done” week, this week is the opposite…NOT gettin ‘r done.
I’ve gotten a few things accomplished…like starting to learn Ruby (yes, a kids book! I gotta start small), doing a little work on a part time gig and finally finishing To Kill a Mockingbird.
That’s the extent of my “work” this week though.
It started over the weekend. I got a little (okay, a lot) complacent and distracted and it grew from there.
The weather certainly isn’t helping my productivity. It’s overcast and cold and I just want to curl up on the couch with a blanket and a cup of hot coffee loaded with rich, thick buttery cream and sugar-y goodness.
This morning I desperately wanted to crawl back into my warm bed with the hubby instead of making sandwiches for lunches and driving the kids to school.
It’d been a few weeks since I treated the kids to hot chocolates before school so we made a detour on our way downtown to get something warm to drink. Well, the kids got something warm, I got my usual iced latte. I’m a creature of habit. I stick to my favorites and don’t like to venture out of my comfort zones.
I started out semi productive today, but then I started binge watching House of DVF on demand. Have you guys seen this? Did you know it existed? I’m not sure how I missed this show being on tv! I’ve started to realize lately that I really, really love Diane von Furstenburg’s designs so I was ALL OVER this reality show. Hence the getting sucked in part. The show was just okay. I was in it for the fashion really and to see DVF. 😉
This photo has nothing to do with me being a slacker, but I’m so in love with my pretty pink girl that arrived in the mail last week. I’ve been staring at her daily while she hung out on the mantel for awhile. She’s now residing on top of my dresser in the bedroom.
Today is our Friday because the kids have a 4 day weekend and I’m not sure what we’re doing other than History Fair projects, but we MUST do something productive! And something fun!
I know it’s not yet the weekend for most of you, but do you have anything good planned?
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