I’ve been trying to get back on the healthy train by getting back to regular workouts and eating better.
I recently decided to cut gluten out of my diet (it’s been a week today!) to see if some of my health issues are related to my gluten intake and I signed up for a mud run in May.
Now, you’d think those two things would have been the catalyst that propelled me into healthier ways, but instead I find that I’m taking one step forward and two steps back. Yes, I do know that the more common saying is “two steps forward, one step back.” Which makes what I actually said, worse!
Last week I started walking. It wasn’t much, but I thought if I can just get myself out there, I’ll be more motivated. And for the most part…it worked. Then the weekend came along and my body was feeling tired from the several days of walk/jogs so I gave myself permission to forego the daily sweat. I was doing well. My eating was pretty good and I felt great.
Today I feel out of control. I haven’t snacked a ton, but my drinking is buh-nanas. And, no, not that kind of drinking. I did have a half glass of wine, but the rest of my drinks were non-alcoholic. I just could not be satisfied today with only drinking water. I wanted coffee, tea, wine, etc. The only ones I really regret are the Teavana tea and the wine. Otherwise I probably wouldn’t chastise myself so much. I started off my day with a green smoothie so all my drinks weren’t necessarily bad. I just had too many flavored/non-water drinks and very little plain water. Drinking is my kryptonite. It’s like liquid snacking. I like to have something to sip and water just doesn’t have the same effect on my brain as something flavored. Clearly I have a problem. Three of my last five Instagram photos are of me sipping on a tasty beverage! I think I need a new hobby.
Oh well, onwards and upwards. *puts on big girl panties* Tomorrow will be better, I’ll make sure of it!
Other than my liquid snacking, today was otherwise a pretty good day. It was one of very few days out of the month that my hair was did and I had a full face of make-up on. Of course I only thought of taking photos after I changed out of my outfit and was sitting on the couch slacking. (I’m a terrible blogger) I did snap a couple pretend-to-be-glam photos (in my workout clothes that I didn’t workout in I might add) while I was using Photobooth , on my laptop, to try on my new Nars lipstick pencils because I was too lazy to go to the bathroom mirror. 😛
Happy Monday party peeples! I hope everyone had a great start to their week.
I also have a drinking problem. At any given time, my desk has a cup of coffee, a tervis tumbler filled with water, and at least one can of sparkling water and possibly a can of diet coke. It’s a problem. I love fluids!