Weekly Highlights

Yes, that title really says, “weekly highlights” and yes, I’m talking about LAST weeks highlights.

I started this post on Friday while I was killing a little time, before heading to breakfast with my SIL, by sitting in a local coffee shop, sipping my iced vanilla latte, listening to some oldies playing over the house speakers.

Photo on 4-17-15 at 8.26 AM

Me at said coffee shop, killing time, trying to take a pic without looking like I’m taking a pic


I kept opening my laptop all weekend trying to finish this post before Monday, but here I am…it’s now Tuesday and I’m still working on it.

At this point I should just scrap the whole thing, but dang it, I already spent time getting this post together so I’m going to finish it…late or not! 😛

Okay, weekly wrap up commencing…

Last Wednesday was MAH BIRFDAY! Woot! I did a little Sephora shopping earlier in the week to snag my sweet Beauty Insider Birthday gift (super awesome NARS lip duo!) and then we went to dinner at Bonefish Grill the day of my birthday. Not to mention my little birthday breakfast with my SIL on Friday and I’m due to have a birthday breakfast/lunch with my mom soon! 37 ain’t half bad so far.


My goofy kids would barely stand still for a photo.


Don’t laugh, but I finally took the time to figure out how to borrow e-books from library. All I have to say is…why did I wait so long?! It sucks that a lot of the ones I wanted had a waiting list, but I did find a couple that didn’t and I got in the virtual line for ones that I was interested in reading. Gold star to me for taking advantage of the resources we are privileged to have access to!

We have a local coffee shop that even though I had visited it once, I was still kind of intimidated by it. On the recommendation of a local Instagram friend I ordered an Iced Vanilla Latte and I am intimidated no more! I’ve quickly become obsessed…they’ll probably know my name by heart soon. On the up side, since I have to get dressed and go inside to order, no more driving the kids to school in my PJ’s.

I’ve been getting in some regular workouts. Not as regular as I should be because I’ve been super sore after each one and I don’t have nearly enough time to get in good shape for the mud run that’s happening in 3 weeks, but I’ll be in better shape than I am now!

Lilly Pulitzer for Target – Did ya’ll see the craziness that went down the morning LP went on sale at Target?! People done lost their minds. They are material items, ladies. Let’s all just take a chill pill. And don’t even get me started on the people who bought a crap ton of it so they can re-sell it! Err.

Thug Kitchen *warning* NSFW or kids who can read  – I don’t love the use of “thug”, but this website cracked me up. So much so that I’m even thinking about buying the cookbook.

Okay, I’m sure more happened that I wanted to share, but that’s the bulk of it and at this point I just want to get this post published and move on to more current happenings. 🙂

Your turn…What’s the latest in your life? Anything fun, cool, happy, crazy? Any good jams you’ve had on repeat?


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