and I’m pretty sure, this wasn’t it.
If you’re living in the United States, you would have to be in a bubble to not know what’s been going on lately.
I’m not going to choose sides and I’m not going to get all preachy (I’m not good at that anyway). This whole thing is weighing heavy on my mind this morning and I need to get this out…
I agree that change needs to occur, but actions that can be likened to those of a feral animal, does not get your point across. Do you know what happens to animals that become feral? It’s the very thing you are rioting against. Anger and violence does not beget change. Reasoning, patience, listening, creating empathy and providing solutions is likely a good start on the road to change. I may be naive, but I have to believe that the majority of Americans are not in favor of innocent people dying, no matter their color. The majority of American’s are not unreasonable. The hatred, violence and division has to stop. Martin Luther King Jr. is probably rolling in his grave. I don’t believe he would have wanted this. From what I understand, he was an educated, quiet man, who listened and worked towards forming solutions instead of lashing out in anger and violence. Even after he was arrested numerous times and assaulted several (reported) times he still fought back using words and peaceful actions. I only wish there was someone like him now.
My thoughts are with everyone. I will never know what it feels like to be a minority and it angers me that people are treated wrongly or unfairly based on the color of their skin, but there HAS to be another way. Violence is not the answer. I really hope we as Americans can get our act together. We’re regressing instead of progressing. Let’s form relationships and work towards a solution together…not become further divided.