I have heard of NaNoWriMo, but NaBloPoMo? Brandy, over at Fresh Sugar Photography, posted about NaBloPoMo today and it was impeccable timing. I was just thinking that I hadn’t posted in awhile and I was annoyed with myself.
Annoyed because I like blogging, but don’t seem to make the time for it.
Annoyed because when I do make the time for it, I sit staring at my laptop, with my fingers on the keys waiting for inspiration to strike…but it rarely does. Maybe it’s because I don’t post often enough that I feel whenever I do post, it should be something worth reading or something really interesting. Sadly, my life is not that interesting. In my busy time, I’m running errands or cleaning, in my down time (most of the time) I’m surfing the internet, reading about essential oils, making lists of things I need to get done, making lists of things I want to get done, binge watching SOA, catching up on my weekly shows. In a nutshell, I’m really good at wasting time and planning to do things. 😛
Anywho, back on topic! (I’m also really good at getting distracted!)
NaBloPoMo {National Blog Post Month} – Blog every day in November!!
I’m so good at challenges…um, not really…but, challenge accepted anyways!! 😛
Forewarning, my posts may not be super exciting and they will quite possibly be just a photo or a quote some days, but I’m going to really try to write more. Even if it’s just what I did that day.
Over the course of the month I hope to get better at…
- scheduling posts instead of flying by the seat of my pants
- more real writing…talking TO you, instead of sometimes talking at you
- writing posts faster
- posting more often…duh
K. Now, don’t be a party pooper and join in on the fun with me! You can go to BlogHer to get your nifty NaBloPoMo badge and add your name to the blogroll.
If you decide to participate, please leave a comment so I can make sure I’m following you!