Monday Morning Randoms…take 2!

UGH!!!  I just spent 45+ min writing up a blog post, only for it to disappear on me!  :'(  Seriously annoying!  I know why it happened, and it’s completely my fault, but it doesn’t make it sting any less.  So, I’m trying again.

But, first I have to make my breakfast, since this could take another 30 min to remember everything I posted previously…

Okay, I’m back and enjoying my pancakes while re-typing everything I lost.  *sigh*

So, I was saying that I’ve been a little scatter-brained lately and it’s driving me crazy.  I tend to be a thinker, not a doer…a procrastinator…a one track minded individual.  If I have something that has most of my focus, i.e. fitness, then the other things, like laundry, dishes & housework tend to be done on an emergency basis.  Last week I had some errands that I had to get done out of the house, so everything else was kind of pushed off until it was a *must-do* thing.  Which makes me crazy, I know, but I can’t seem to get it under control.  There is also a ton of clutter building up around here and it’s making me grumpy.  Eric, aka hubby, thinks I must love clutter since I seem to always let it pile up, but it’s really the opposite.  It’s usually the fact that I’m OCD about it.  You see, the clutter doesn’t have a place and I don’t know how to “properly” organize it, so it gradually piles up.  Plus…I’m lazy.  😛  So, internet, I’m letting YOU hold me accountable!  Today’s task is to clean off my mess of a desk.  Cluttered desk, cluttered mind!

Here’s a before…

Ridonkulous, right?  I’ll share my after tomorrow.  🙂

And, since I titled this post Monday randoms, here’s some more randomness for ya.

  • First up, BOOTS!  Like I’ve mentioned before, I’m not the trendiest dresser.  I like to think I dress nice, but it’s not really super fashionable or trendy.  Since I finally bought some skinny jeans and some leggings, I decided I needed some tall boots.  Who would have thunk that it would be so hard!  It might be because I’m kind of picky so that coupled with the fact that it’s kind of late in boot season, made my shopping a little difficult.  I ended up deciding on these pretties….the Antonio Melani Elena boot

Antonio Melani + Sale kinda sealed the deal for me.  I’m not in LOVE with them, but I like them well enough until I find THE perfect ones.  After trying on several, I think I have a better idea of what I want in the perfect boot.  I did some online window shopping this weekend and found this awesomeness to put on my wish list!

Frye Veronica Slouch boots!  Gorgeous!

  • And while I’m on a shopping tangent, check out this cool picture frame from Crate & Barrel

I love the look of two of them together!

  • I adore this awesome ampersand pillow too.  When you flip it over, it’s white with a black ampersand.  😉

  • I’m going on day 30 of my 366 project!  Instead of sharing daily or even weekly, I figured I’d share a month at a time.  I’ve tried to do a 365 (366 this year!) project before, but I always put a lot of pressure on myself to make it an awesome picture every day, but in the end never ended up sticking with it.  This year I decided that it just had to be any picture from any camera.  All of the ones so far have been from my phone…Instagram to be more specific.  But that’s okay.  A picture, is a picture.  It still tells a story.

  • Annnnd, because you might be wondering about my LiveFit journey…I’m about to start week 4.  I am a little off on my workouts so I’m going to end week 3 with shoulders today and start week 4 with back & biceps.  I’ll try to do a summary of week 3 soon!

Gotta run since I’m seriously behind on my day due to my little blogging mishap!  Hope your Monday is great!

Pretty Nails are Awesome…

I rarely have color on my fingernails.  They are short (because I chew on them) and really thin, so they tear easily.  Not to mention that when I did actually take the time to paint my fingernails, the color would start to chip off within a day.  Apparently my nails are really oily too.  Then, one night I went to an engagement party and my trendy friend who always dresses & looks so cute, had this really cool nail design.  After I told her how cool they were, she informed me that they were just stick-ons from the make-up store.  I really wanted to try them, but never made it to the make-up store.

Then, one day while I was in Target…there they were!!  I bought a pack for my girlie because she had a school dance coming up and I thought it would be a great way to try them out.  She always wants to paint her nails, but being the anal/ocd one that I am, I never have time to sit down and do it the way I think it should be done.  You know, file, push back cuticles, clear coat..dry…1st color coat….dry…2nd color coat…dry…top coat…dry, dry, dry!  It takes forever and inevitably, one always gets messed up because she forgets before they are dry.  So, in my mind, these stick-ons were the perfect solution!  We did them for her dance and I couldn’t believe how easy they were to apply and she loved them.  After that I was hooked.  They are kind of expensive at ~$8.50 a box, but I think they’re worth it.

I found this new color/print the other day and couldn’t wait to try it and of course, thought it would be a great thing to share with my blog readers.

This is what the box looks like…

and here’s what comes inside…2 packs of stickers (one pack per hand unless you use the tip I found from Kandee that I’m going to post below!), a nail buffer, a nail file and instructions (not pictured obviously :))

You basically wash your hands, file and buff all your nails and figure out which sticker size best fits each of your nails.  Peel them off and stick them on.  Then, file off the excess at the top.  That’s it!!

Here’s the finished product…

That up there ^ is a computer generated Polaroid, but these little babies below were pics I took with my Instax just for fun.  🙂

I am SO in love with these nail stickers.  I forgot how much I loved having pretty nails!  The first day I had them on I thought everything I did looked better.  The way I drank my coffee, the way I fixed my hair…everything!  I know this was all totally in my head.  lol.  But, I haven’t had painted nails in YEARS!  It was like I just got a pretty new ring and wanted to admire it all day long.

Now, they are supposed to last 10 days, but I think it depends on your application, your nails and how hard you are on your nails.  Mine have been on 4 days today and I have a few chips on the edges and thanks to washing dishes, a crack in one (I know, I should have used gloves!).  I’ve even been painting a clear top coat on in hopes of keeping them pretty longer.  I’ve resolved to the fact that they won’t last much longer, but thanks to the tip below, I have another application!  😉

**tip alert**…Kandee Johnson over at had a tip that I’m now passing on to you.  Kandee has a great tutorial video, but dang if I couldn’t find it when I tried to search quickly.  Anywho, on to the tip!

Wait for it…

it’s epic…

it’s a why-didn’t-I-think-of-that…

If you have short nails you can just cut off the excess and use it on your other hand!!  That way one box will give you TWO uses and then, it’s only $4.25 per use.  Super cheap for an adorable manicure that everyone will be complimenting you on AND you didn’t have to spend an hour painting & drying your nails only to have them chip the next day!

Trying to be trendy…

I’m SO not the most trendy dresser.  I always think people look so cute in their trendy outfits, but I have a really hard time getting out of my comfort zone.  My closet is full of staples, you know, those things that you can wear ALL the time, that go with everything…black slacks, black tank/cami, white tank/cami, black sweater, grey sweater, white slacks and then I have dressy jeans & slacker jeans and a whole bunch of t-shirts.  I’m not afraid of colors, but the problem is that I tend to always buy things I can get a lot of use out of.  In my every day wear, I’m a jeans/t-shirt/flops kind of girl.  I like to be comfortable and these things make me comfortable.  If I’m not in my jeans, tee & flops, then I’m in my groove crops, sports bra, tee & tennis shoes.  However, now that I’m comfortable in my skin again and I feel good about myself, I find myself trying to be a little more trendy in how I dress.  I am terrible at accessorizing and being a little OCD, it’s really hard to not be so matchy matchy which I know is BAD!  But thanks to Pinterest and some super inspirational online friends, little by little I feel like I’m getting better with my outfits.  Now, of course, I forgot my hoop earrings in these pics and don’t forget, I’m still a work in progress and yes, I’m still in JEANS, but…here’s my attempt at being somewhat trendy.  Well, I guess it’s really just the belt & scarf that I added that make it “trendy” and different from my usual wear, but it’s baby steps, right?!  🙂

photo taken by Boo (i.e. my 8yo)

photo above & below taken by the hubs

*fun fact…the first time I wore this sweater, Boo (8yo), told me I looked like an elf.  The second time I wore it, he said I really had to stop wearing it because I reminded him of a leprecaun!  lol.  Boys!

Wear to buy:  Sweater, scarf & belt are all from Target — Jeans are ReRock Boot cut from Express

Christmas list — Workout wear

So I’ve already mentioned that I LOVE lululemon and since it’s getting really close to Christmas, I thought I’d put together a little wish list of lululemon staples.  FYI, if you only get one thing lululemon, I think it should be either the groove pant or the groove crop (not pictured)…they are must-haves!

lululemon staples

Pssst…for any elves looking for ideas for me…I already own the jacket & the pants, but I would love to have the bags, the racerback tank (black, sz 6) or the deep V bra in Paris Pink (sz 8)! 😉

Cool Racerback Tank
$42 –

Define Jacket
$99 –

Yoga thong

Triumphant Tote
$118 –

I’ll be posting more wish lists before Christmas so don’t forget to check back!

It’s Friday! (well, for the kids anyway)

Hola internet!  Just wanted to check in for a ramble session.  It’s Tuesday and the kids have the rest of the week off for Thanksgiving so I’m not sure I’ll be posting much.  I haven’t worked out so far this week.  (bad Katie!!)  My throat has been bothering me since Saturday and honestly, I’m a big believer in giving your body time to heal.  So, since I haven’t been feeling 100%, I’ve been taking it easy.  Maybe I’ll take the pup for a walk this afternoon though since it’s nice and overcast outside.

I’m pumped today because I found a dress for the hubs’ work party in a couple weeks.  It’s always so stressful trying to find something that I like.  Today just happened to be a good dressing room day.  You know, as opposed to a bad dressing room day, where everything you try on looks horrid and you feel fat?  Today was the direct opposite of that!  I love when that happens!  I find that when I like what I’m trying on that apparently I need photographic proof that it looks cute.  (Anyone else do that?…No?…Just me?)  The poor dressing room attendant chick probably thought I was doing something crazy in the dressing room because I was in there forever.  Anywho, I found my dress for the party so it’s all good!  Now to find shoes & jewelry!

So, since I’m a freak and take pics in the dressing room, I thought I’d share my dressing room finds from today…I didn’t buy the outfit on the right, even though I LOVED it.  I think I might go back or order it online with a coupon code or something.  I was worried the blue pants would go out of style, but I like it so much that I’m not sure I care if I can wear them a year from now.  😛

Both outfits are from Express.  🙂