Five on Friday

Whaddup?! I’m baaaaaaaack!

I’m finally starting to feel myself after being back in the states since Sunday. On Monday I thought I was doing so great…I didn’t nap, I woke up at a normal time, went to bed at a normal time, got dressed in real clothes, went out to lunch with my girl. On Tuesday the boy was home sick and we just hung around the house and chilled all day, but still no nap. Then I crashed on Wednesday. I took a 4 hr nap like I was drugged. I made myself get up, thought I was going to be screwed at bedtime, but no, I went to bed at a normal time. I’ve taken a nap every day since Wednesday, but today’s was only 1.5 hrs. I’m hoping this is the last day! I’m tired of napping and not getting much done.

While I have a buttload of photos and memories I want to share from Italy (which was ah-mazing btw), that post is going to have to be next week some time when I get the rest of my photos edited and have more time to write.

On my mind this week…

I recently started to try and figure out Google+ and man do I feel dumb. It feels so complicated! It tags my posts automatically, I don’t like that just anyone can put me in a circle and WHY are there people who I have no idea who they are, in my feed?! Argh. I found this tip article. Not sure how good it is, but clearly I need some help figuring out how to work Google+. If you have any tidbits please pass them my way!

I didn’t make a big purchase over in Italy, like I did in France, but I did make a purchase right before my trip. I ordered the THEIT camera bag and I love it! It was big and a little heavy with my gear, but so cute and NO ONE guessed it was a camera bag.

I’m not going to really get into much Italy stuff until I blog about it, but let’s just say that I was slightly spoiled by their Caffe Latte’s! I neeeeeeed to be able to make it JUST like they did. I only had one bad caffe latte while I was over there and it was only bad because it was too hot. All the other times, they served it at the PERFECT temperature for drinking! My only regret was not getting to have one more often.

Speaking of coffee…Starbucks is celebrating the 20th birthday of their Frappuccino by offering a Birthday Cake Frap from March 26-30th. I’m not sure if it’s being advertised in Starbucks, but if you didn’t know, now ya do! I haven’t tried one yet, but I will definitely be having one this weekend.

In addition to coffee, I have recently become obsessed with Teavana (Starbucks owns Teavana if you didn’t know. I didn’t until I was in there recently). I really want to like more than just iced black tea and I always try Teavana’s tea samples when I pass, but none have really tasted that good to me. Until the other day. It was a Youthberry + Orange tea blend, just slightly sweetened and it was delicious! Then I saw how easy it was to make it and I was hooked! Now I’m on a mission to find more flavors that I like. I want the whole tea set up too with the special pot and rock sugar.

K, I’m off to grab dinner while my hubby is headed home from the airport. I’ve only seen him for 1 day since I got back from Italy. Can’t wait to hang with him tonight.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!


Four Day Weekend, Here We Come!

It’s Friday and I’ve officially made it through a whole week of NaBloPoMo! I don’t want to count my chickens yet or anything, especially since the weekends are hard to blog during, but I’m stoked I’ve made it a quarter of the way through this blogging every day for a month thing.

Today I’m gonna phone it in a little and post a Five on Friday. Mostly because I’ve got a lot of little things on my mind and I just want to get them out staccato style.

stac•ca•to  /stəˈkädō/ : with each sound or note sharply detached or separated from the others

I love music. I love to sing. I love to dance. You would think I would have done something musical as a child. Unfortunately, I’m a stubborn little wench and refused to play anything other than piano when I was younger, which we couldn’t afford at the time so that meant I learned to play nothing. I’m the only one of my 4 siblings that never learned an instrument. Don’t feel bad for me though, not only am I never to old to learn, but I’m now living vicariously through my children. My daughter is a vocal major at her middle school with a minor in musical theatre (hoping to switch her major to musical theatre in HS) and my son is a majoring in piano. You know the downside to having musical children? It is not uncommon to wake up to your 11yo, in his underwear, playing piano at 6:30 in the morning when he’s supposed to be getting ready for school. And once he starts actually getting ready, his sister will just be getting into her morning beauty routine and will start belting out songs at the top of her lungs from the school musical. Songs that aren’t even hers, but ones that she’s heard 200 times so she knows them by heart. Then said songs will get stuck in your head for hours!

I was listening to the radio today and they were interviewing Mary J Blige. She has an album coming out in December, called The London Sessions. It’s called the London Sessions because she picked up everything and moved to London for a month to write this album with a bunch of London talent that she hadn’t worked with before. A huge creative leap for her to make, but she felt like what had been working for her was getting a little stale and she needed to mix things up a bit. Go out on a limb and do something that was good for her soul. She jumped in with both feet and even though it got off to a rocky start (the first song was a dud!), she pushed on and ended up with an album that she’s proud of. She said that even if the album doesn’t do well, she’ll still be glad she did it because it was good for her creatively to get out of her comfort zone.  Anywho, I just thought that it was food for thought and could apply to everyone’s life in one way or another. So, what are you doing to feed your soul?!

I’m not proud to say this, but homeless people kind of make me uncomfortable. I have sympathy towards them, yet, I don’t want to be a pushover or duped by someone who maybe isn’t as needy as they claim or is just going to use the money for drugs/alcohol. So to combat my inner turmoil, I don’t make eye contact, I ignore them or quickly dismiss them with “I don’t have any money”. In most situations, I’d like to at least be comfortable enough to treat everyone as a human being, but as a female I feel super vulnerable if I’m getting into my car and someone comes up behind me to ask for money. I would be ignoring all of those “stay safe” guidelines that have been drilled into us if that didn’t make me a little nervous.  But it’s stories like this and the video below, that make me want to do more to help anyone who finds themselves in the position of being homeless.

I know this probably keeps you up at night worrying so let me put your mind at ease, I think I MAY be closer to finding out what I want to be when I grow up. Yay!! It’s only taken me 36.5 yrs, but I’m almost there. I’m 90% sure I want it to be something in the health/nutrition field, with an emphasis on the holistic side. The downside is that I really want to take classes in person so that I have someone to ask questions to and peers to talk things out with, but I can’t find a lot of reputable holistic offerings.  I think I’m going to have to go for a Bachelors in Science and Nutrition and then take holistic classes/certifications separately. I went to a health luncheon on Wednesday and one of the speakers talked about Epigenetics, which sounds fascinating…way over my head at the moment, but uber cool at the same time! I’d love to learn more about epigenomes.

Confession: my first ever 1/2 marathon is a short month away and I haven’t run in months. I FINALLY got out and started running last night. Those 13.1 miles are gonna down! When I signed up for this race, I had such high hopes. I’m gonna train my ass off! I’m going to run the whole way! I’m going to make a PR (personal record)! Now my goal is just not to get picked up by the pace cart! If you’ve never ran in a race before, there is a cart (van, car, whatever) that is pacing at the slowest speed you can go. If they catch up to you, they are going to transport you to the finish line. You don’t get to finish the race. You don’t get your medal. Each race has a different end time. For this particular one, I have to make 13.1 miles in faster than 16 min miles. Piece of cake, right?! I hope so. Right now, I’m run/walking 2 miles at about a 12-13 min/mile pace. Not great. If I slow down even the slightest, I’m screwed. Fortunately, I think I can keep that pace up for a while and I will out run that damn cart even if I kill myself doing so. I thought about bailing on the race, but no, I’m not letting myself get off that easy. I did this to myself. I didn’t train and I’m gonna have to suffer the consequences. I’m hoping that by December, I can get up to at least around 6 miles. I’ll feel better knowing that I can at least run/walk half of it without getting picked up by the pace cart. Wish me luck!


TGIF…five on friday

Oh, Friday…how I love thee.

It’s been a long week and I am ready for the weekend! My husband was out of town until last night so I’ve been single-parenting it since Sunday. It’s doable, but it’s tiring!  The teen’s routine didn’t really change, but the boy and I have been getting up earlier.  Between his allergies and having to be dressed for school an hour earlier than he’s used to, he’s been so tired.


Not eating gluten is getting easier, but it takes a lot more thought and planning.  Before, if I got up late or didn’t have groceries, I’d just let the kids buy lunch…but now that’s not an option because not only will the kids not think about it, but I highly doubt much of what they serve is gluten free.  School lunch is crap though, so this isn’t a bad thing.  Before, when we’d have a busy night, I would have normally run to McDonalds to pick the kids up dinner…but not now.  I know, I know…McDonald’s…doesn’t get much worse than that!  I’m getting better though and cutting out gluten forces me to make better choices.  Not always healthier, but better.  Junk food is still junk whether it has gluten or not!  😉


I had so many grand ideas for what I was going to get done in the house while hubby was away this week, but instead I was a…total, complete, slacker!  I did manage to shower and go to the mall on Tuesday.  I need some every day t-shirts and I had birthday money to spend!  Unfortunately, it wasn’t a very fruitful trip.  I only found one shirt to buy.  🙁


The dress on the left was really cute and comfy, but it was the only one left and defective.  It was also sold out online. 🙁  And I loved this maxi…comfy with baggy pockets!  It was like have my sweats on!  Unfortunately, sweats are super comfy, but they aren’t really flattering.  I felt like it gave me zero shape.  Although, I might buy it anyways because it was so comfortable!


Last week, it was all muffins and oat cookies for breakfast. This week, I decided to make my overnight oats again.

I used the same basic recipe I was using before, but I did a few things different.  For one, I made it with less oats.  Using 1/2 cup of oats was just too much food.  For two, I nuke it for about 15-20 sec to take the chill off.  I don’t like hot oatmeal, but I didn’t love the overnight oats super duper cold out of the fridge either. A little cooler than room temp? Perfect! Finally, I’m not sure if this adds much to the final product, but I’ve been adding a little vanilla extract.  With these little tweaks, it’s pretty much per-fection!  Two of the mornings, I just added honey & peanut butter, the next morning I added in banana, but yesterday morning, instead of the PB, I added mashed up strawberries with a few pecan pieces.  OMG.  By far the best breakfast of the week!


  • 1/4 cup gluten free oats (not the quick cooking kind)
  • 1/4 cup plain greek yogurt
  • 1/2 cup almond milk
  • 1 packet Truvia
  • 1 1/2 tsp chia seeds
  • dash of vanilla extract

The night before, throw all the above ingredients into a jar and mix them well.  Put them in the fridge and when you wake up in the morning, it will be thickened up and ready for toppings.

For my strawberry one, all I did was cut up a few fresh strawberries, mash them a little to make them juicy and added some honey for taste.  Then stir the strawberry mixture into your oats and top with some chopped pecans!  Seriously delicious and refreshing.  It kinda reminded me of strawberry shortcake.


Have ya’ll heard of the Give it 100 project?  It’s basically about committing to something for 100 days.  This chick rocked push-ups for her 100 days and I can’t believe how far she came.  And this chick, jumping rope throughout Berlin…awesomesauce!

They totally inspired me to do my own #giveit100 project, but the question is WHAT?

*wheels turning*

Hmmm…I know from previously doing only a 30 day challenge that running or even working out for 100 days straight isn’t going to happen.  Going gluten free for 100 days might be a good goal, but I’m kinda already doing that so I want something more challenging.  Other ideas…

  • read at least 30 minutes a day
  • yoga/meditation
  • no social media (yikes, this one would be hard, but probably beneficial. The blog wouldn’t count!)
  • burpees
  • pull-ups
  • no lattes

That’s all I got right now.  How about you?  Any ideas on what you could do or give up for 100 days?

*Since I wrote this yesterday I ended up deciding on yoga for 100 days.  I may add pull-ups too, but I’ll start simple for now.  


Annnnnd, because I apparently have the musical taste of a teen girl, this song has been on repeat this week (and last week…and the week before)



Hope everyone has a great weekend!!




Last weekend was filled with birthday parties (three to be exact), then it was spring break so the kids went to their grandparents for a few days while it rained cats & dogs and hubby and I vegged out in the house (okay, okay, I vegged, hubby worked :P).  The kids came back, we watched Frozen (best Disney movie evah!), the boys went away for the night while the teen had a friend sleepover and now it’s Friday once again.  Oy vey!

But, I’m not going to dwell on how fast my week went by.  Instead, I’m gonna share the internet goodness I found while surfing this week…

Umm, a digital mixtape with all the vintage-y goodness of an old school mixtape?  Yes please!

My hubs is constantly telling me I need to get my clutter piles under control.  I found this on which conveniently starts today!!  I think the universe is trying to tell me something.

I’m kinda in LOVE with Ashley Bell’s latest outfit!  Firstly, I DIE for that skirt and secondly, denim + sequins?  I die…twice!

This NYC runner looks like she was having a blast during her recent half marathon.  Maybe I should try this fun game to keep me distracted during my first half this year.

Like the idea of boyfriend jeans, but not sure how to wear them?  Confessions of a Product Junkie posted 5 ways to wear boyfriend jeans and they’re all awesome!

Is it just me or does Grey’s Anatomy have the best songs?  They are the reason that Ingrid Michaelson is my favorite singer ever.  Last night I was catching up on the last few weeks of shows when I had to immediately look up who sang the cover of Time After Time at the end of last weeks episode.  FYI, it was by The Wind + The Wave.

I know St. Patty’s day just passed and we all had green on the brain, but I don’t need a holiday, I always have green on the brain!  When I was looking for interesting links to share I checked out my Pinterest to see if I had pinned anything good…my last eight pins all have one thing in common…green!!

K, that’s all I can think of for now.  Hope everyone enjoys their weekend!


On my mind this week // Five on Friday

Geez.  My week has flown by!  Why is it that when we’re younger, the days/weeks/years seem so long and as we get older, time passes so quickly?!


Speaking of time passing quickly…my baby boy turned 11 yesterday…ELEVEN!  Holy moly, how did this happen?  It feels like just yesterday that he was this little…


We celebrated by taking him to jui-jitsu (his request!) and having dinner at Carrabba’s.  Unfortunately, our night wasn’t as pleasant as I would have liked.  We were tired and hungry by the time we got to dinner and the restaurant was on a slight wait, when we finally got seated we had a not so great experience due to having a new server.  I didn’t even bother telling the guy it was his birthday because he sucked at his job and I didn’t want to make it any harder.  Then it was late and he was too full for dessert so there was no singing of “happy birthday” and no cake.  🙁  He did get to open presents though.  He seemed fine with how his evening turned out, but I wish it would have gone a little better.  We were rushed because of jui-jitsu, but that was his choice and he loves going.  I told him we’d do dessert today and then tomorrow is his birthday party so there’s still time to make up for what went wrong yesterday.  🙂


Have you heard of oil pulling?  I’ve seen it floating around the internet for the past several months and I’m super intrigued.  My only issue is that I have a crown and some people have had issues with their crowns coming loose or off completely.  Maybe because of all the swishing?  But maybe the crowns were just old and bound to come off anyway?  I don’t know. Maybe I’ll try it for a week or so and if I want to keep doing it I’ll double check with my dentist.

benefits-of-oil-pullingimage via Fashion Lush


Am I the only one who over thinks rating books on Goodreads?  I fret over not wanting to give it a lower star than it deserves.  I don’t know why this matters, but every time I go to rate a book, I go through this whole thought process of what it should be rated.  This last time I decided to write down my rating process so that I don’t forget.  This rating scale is much more lenient than my last one, but it fits me better.



I fall down the rabbit hole often.  It’s one little thought, one crumb, and I get lost for hours.  Last week, it started with my new blog design.  I was looking for a possible font for the heading and I ended up searching for all types of calligraphy.  I love all the modern styles that are everywhere right now.  I landed on a page that suggested a book to learn and the next thing you know, I was on Amazon with it in my cart.  It arrived on Wednesday last week, but I didn’t get around to gather a few supplies until this week.  My mom writes beautiful classic calligraphy and she tried to teach me when I was younger, but I quickly moved on. I’m hoping I can last a little longer this time.

bohobabybumpINKImage from Boho Baby Bump. I love her calligraphy. I originally bookmarked it so I could commission her to design a tattoo for me.

While traveling down the rabbit hole, this was the post that led to the ordering of a calligraphy book…Besotted and here’s the book I ordered.  I waited to gather supplies until I got the book and I didn’t want to spend too much money getting started, but I’m almost ready to begin!  I bought a pencil and sketchbook to start, but then realized I needed some kind of real pen and now I’m realizing I want a lined sketchbook to practice instead of a blank paged one.  Geez oh man!  I just want to start practicing all right already!  Spring break is next week though so with any luck I’ll be able to find a lined sketchpad locally and  properly start soon.  Then it will be easy to just spend a few minutes a day practicing!


If you have reward points at Sephora, you should order something NOW!  They have awesome goodies in their points shop.  I had been saving my points for awhile so I was able to get all 3 of these…


I almost ordered the rollerball size (the PERFECT size for me b/c I only wear it occasionally and the rollerball makes it super easy to put on) of the Tory Burch perfume, but then I saw that it was in their points shop for 250 points so I just ordered that instead.  I really like the scent, but it’s strong so a little goes a long way.  Which is why the rollerball or this little sample is perfect.

I have a big version the GlamGlow SuperMud, but they just recently came out with YouthMud and I told myself I didn’t need to buy it since I had a full tub of the other version, but I really wanted to try it.  Problem solved!  This one was only 100 points.

If you have been wanting to check out the new Naked Lipglass from Urban Decay, you can buy this sample for only 100 points.  I tried it out in the store and really liked it, but talked myself out of buying it.  After getting this sample though, I feel like I should have bought it.  I really like that it’s glossy and moisturizing, but not sticky.  The sample color is a little on the pink side, but it’s sheer so I think anyone can wear it.

Just FYI, I’m betting these points products are going to go quickly so they might or might not be available in the store.


Okay, this post took me way longer to finish that it should have.  Now I’m off to do some cleaning and finish getting ready for the party tomorrow!  Happy Friday!  🙂

Five on Friday

This week has been cold and dreary and mostly uneventful

My Floridian blood wasn’t made for this cold weather

I’ve been wearing jeans,sweatshirts and tennies on the daily

and drinking coffee like it’s going out of style

However, my youngest rocked his middle school piano audition on Monday, we had my husbands grandmother over last night to go see Jake Shimabukuro and I had a yummy hot breakfast this morning from a local place called Grumpy’s…so I guess my week wasn’t a total wash.

< < < <   > > > >

I’m not a huge fan of Miley’s, but I love this denim on denim look she rocked on the Jay Leno show last night!

miley_cyrus4via Steal Her Style

I can’t even tell you how happy this made me when it popped up in my inbox. Thank YOU wonderful person who signed up using my referral link! My second fix is coming in a couple of weeks and I can’t wait to use my credit!


I’ve been following a workout plan for almost 4 weeks now and I haven’t missed a day yet! *patting myself on the back*


Sometimes you find what you’re looking for when you’re looking for it. I’m not sure it’s the perfect style of cardigan, but the color was too good to pass up.

photo 5sweater from The Limited

I’ve had my 2014 goals written out for a couple of weeks now and I intended to make this pretty photo collage with all of my goals, buuuuuuut, that didn’t happen…and it’s now the end of January and if I don’t get them listed, it will never happen!

  1. Read 14 books
  2. Eat meals at home more often
  3. Run a half marathon
  4. Get my photos OFF the computer
  5. Blog more often
  6. Take more OOTD pics
  7. Record more video
  8. Finally paint a wall with chalkboard paint
  9. Be consistent with my fitness
  10. Sign up for college courses even though I still don’t know what I want to do with my life
  11. Keep my car cleaned out
  12. Volunteer

< < < <   > > > >

Happy Friday party peoples! I’m off to pick up some dinner and then watch Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2 with the fam.  I hope you all have a great weekend! 🙂

Five on Friday

Feelin’ random today.

My sister told me a couple months ago about a blog she followed called, Not Your Average Mom.  It’s a lady with 7 kids (yep, SEVEN!) and she’s not your typical mom blogger.  She’s real, she’s funny and she’s got a mouth like a sailor (which I love her for).  Recently she’s been on a de-clutter/organizing mission throughout her house.  We always see perfectly decorated, organized, clean living spaces online and it’s refreshing to see that everyone doesn’t live in an immaculate house.  Even though she is straightening her messes now, it makes me feel a little bit better about my clutter piles that I need to do something about.  I have been admiring her photos all week and this morning, I was inspired to do a little de-cluttering myself!  I started with my desk and that’s as far as I got.  But something is better than nothing, right?!


Can you believe Thanksgiving is right around the corner?!  Cranberry sauce was never really on my radar until my daughter took a liking to it a few years ago. Since then, I’ve experimented with a few recipes here and there and they’ve all been delicious, but this past week, I ran across another cranberry sauce recipe that I really want to try.  I’m thinking of having a little pre-Thanksgiving turkey dinner next week just so we can test it out!  Click here for the recipe.

apple-cranberry-sauce-recipe-from-sunny-vegan-and-mywestelm(pp_w699_h873)photo & recipe via Sunny Vegan

I mentioned on Monday that there was some tile demolition going on in the house.  It started with a teeny tiny crack in the fiberglass bottom of our master bath shower stall, which turned into ripping out the whole bottom part of the shower, which then turned into a shower remodel of sorts so that the repair doesn’t look like a hack job. Every day this week (except for today thank goodness!) we’ve had a worker in here doing something.  It’s seriously bringing me down and giving me anxiety. Things never go as planned, but I’m trying to hope for the best!


Fashion trends come and go all the time.  Sometimes I love them right away, sometimes they have to grow on me before I fall madly in love with them and then there are the ones that I hope go away very, very soon.  This is one that falls in the latter category.  They say “never say never”, but I can 100% say that I will never fall prey to this trend!  Blech!

Whitney-Port-Socks-And-Heels-Trend-850x850 2(photo source

On the flip side, I am loving the blush pink trend!  Then, you go and put it with olive and black…winner, winner, chicken dinner!

For those of you keeping up with my 30 day challenge, you know that I’ve had a few hiccups.

I’m doing great with my water intake, exercising almost every day (missed 2 out of the last 18 days), but not doing so hot with my eating at home more and logging my food.  For one, I tend to get distracted with other more pressing issues than planning my meals, but for two, I learned that sometimes eating at home and logging your calories don’t necessarily play well together.  When I make something from scratch I have to enter ALL of the ingredients into a recipe calculator and then figure out how much I’m eating of it.  It’s a PITA!  My Fitness Pal is great, but sometimes it’s too specific. Sometimes I just want to say that I ate 1 bowl of chili for dinner, but not calculate the calories.  Sometimes I want to say that I ate 5 french fries.

SO…I’m feeling the need for simplicity.  I’m going back to the good old fashioned pencil & paper food diary.  While I will still likely be on & off of myfitnesspal, I will be mainly using this little gem to keep track of what I’m putting in my mouth.


I used to have this super cool food/fitness log, but I’ve apparently misplaced it so the journal above will have to do for now.

Hubs & I are headed to an O.A.R concert on Saturday and I’m very much looking forward to a kid free night out.  Anyone else have plans this weekend?

Five on Friday…

Woot! It’s Friday y’all! Here are some fun/cool/interesting things from this week…

scaled-down-satchel-philliplim-target-34-99 2

  • I think we’re all pretty aware that Breast Cancer Awareness is this month, but I bet you didn’t know that it’s also Squirrel Awareness month.  Yep, you read that right.  There is a squirrel awareness month!  Oy vey.


  • I am seriously loving this “autumn” hair that Vanessa Hudgens is sporting.  I wonder how hard it is to replicate.

vanessa_autumn 2

  • Check out this super cool online storytelling community where you can create, read and share visual stories.  It’s great for kids of all ages (K-12), adults and artists.  I can’t wait to tell my teenager about it!

Screen Shot 2013-10-03 at 8.53.11 PM

  • Never look bad in a photo again!  Click here to see Cara’s advice on how to rock the camera.  She always seems to look great in photos so she must be doing something right!

cara 2image via

lust list :: #fiveonfriday

No, I don’t have my days mixed up.  I do realize it’s Saturday.  But, I wanted to do a #fiveonfriday post and I didn’t want to wait for next Friday.  😉

I’ve got bridal shower on the brain lately.  My SIL’s is going to be held at a great little cafe with a garden and I think a floral dress would be perfect.  Too bad I don’t have one hanging in my closet right now!

Linking up with Style Elixir

bad native…

I’ve lived in Jacksonville most of my life.  The only time I haven’t lived here was a short stint in Savannah and then Raleigh, NC for about a year right after I got married. Being a Jax native, you would think that I know all the good places to eat in town, but sadly…I do not.  I don’t work outside the house, I’m a bit of an introvert and I’m reluctant to try new places alone so I end up sticking with what I know.

I am a seriously bad, bad native.

However, I’ve been browsing more hometown blogs lately and have found several restaurants/cafe’s that I’m adding to a must visit list.

For a cup of joe :: Y’all know I love me some coffee so Bold Bean seems right up my alley!

Screen Shot 2013-07-11 at 8.02.10 PMLocated at 869 Stockton Street, Suite 1-2, Jacksonville, FL 32204

For breakfast :: I saw Metro Diner on Diners, Drive-In’s & Dives one night.  I don’t even watch that show really, but it happened to be on the channel when I turned the tv on and I heard “Jacksonville” so I stuck around to see who they were going to highlight.  I must go here for breakfast soon!  The “Yo Hala on the Square” sounds amazing!  Bad for my waistline, but uh-mazing.

Screen Shot 2013-07-11 at 8.12.07 PMLocated at 3302 Hendricks Avenue, Jacksonville, Florida 32207

Brunch :: Since last year, I’ve been following the Jax Truckies and have been introduced to the goodness that is food trucks.  I first heard of The Salty Fig as a food truck, but I just recently realized that they also have a full restaurant and that they serve brunch.  I glanced at the menu…um, they make their grits with goat cheese and they have an amazing sounding french toast dish…that’s all I need to know!

Screen Shot 2013-07-11 at 8.22.55 PM Located at 901 King Street, Jacksonville, FL 32204

Lunch :: Amy’s Cafe looks like exactly the place I’ve been craving lately. Cozy neighborhood restaurant with soups, salads, sandwiches, smoothies and more!  I will definitely be headed here for lunch one day soon.  They don’t have a website, but they have a FB where you can see a sample of their daily specials along with their regular menu.

Screen Shot 2013-07-11 at 9.44.42 PMLocated at 1020 Park St, Jacksonville, Florida 32205

And, last, but not least….dessert!! :: Florida Creamery is an ice cream parlor.  Need I say more?  I don’t think I’ll have a hard time getting the kids to try this one with me.  😉

Screen Shot 2013-07-11 at 9.40.03 PMLocated at 3566 St. Johns Ave, Jacksonville, FL 32205

There are more that need to be added to my list, but this is a good start.  Any Jacksonville foodies out there with suggestions of restaurants I need to try?