Punching gluten in the face

*Sorry in advance for this massively-wordy-with-only-one-photo post

I told my husband a couple years ago that he should look into cutting his gluten back or even going gluten free.  Just reading the sensitivity symptoms, I thought it could maybe help him.  Last year, he finally (when he thought of it on his own of course because he’s a MAN!) decided to try it and did really well for awhile. He felt better and could tell a difference when he introduced it back into his diet.  He fell off the wagon for a little while, but recently decided to go full throttle again.  Now, he’s a type A personality.  Jumps in with both feet kinda personality…an all or nothing even if it kills him type.  SOOOO very opposite of me.  I’m a think it till it’s dead, gotta introduce it slowly, need to have a plan that I’m comfortable with type.  Although it can cause a little friction at times, I like to think I’m the ying to his yang and vice versa.  As opposites, I feel like we balance each other out.

Up until now, I’ve been fine with his dietary needs/wants.  He tells me what he wants from the grocery, I get it.  He hasn’t really cared if I made something specific for him or not.  Actually I tried a couple times, but he wasn’t really that interested.  So I just let him be and let him figure out what he’s eating.

Recently though, he’s been reading Grain Brain and I’m about to bash him in his brain if he doesn’t stop saying, “this guy [insert nutrition advice]”.  I’m a big fan of moderation.  I think everything in moderation is okay.  But, my husband has been feeling really good without having gluten in his diet and he’s convinced me that we should all try it.  Now, if you’re old hat at not eating gluten, you’re probably thinking, no problem!  But since 80% of my kids’ diet is apparently gluten filled, it’s turning into quite a big undertaking for me.  I spent hundreds of dollars this past weekend and went to three different stores, shopping for gluten free items to replace some favorite foods and also buying ingredients to make my own gluten free items.  I’m trying to take it one step at a time, but it seems really overwhelming right now.  My son is embracing this new way of eating, but the teen is being teenager-y about it.  On Monday, I made their lunch sandwiches with gluten free bread without telling them.  I was certain the teen wouldn’t be pleased about it so I didn’t even bother asking how their sandwich was, but surprisingly she offered up that she liked the “new” bread better than the regular bread.

Say wha?!  Color me shocked people.  Seriously, I can’t figure her out sometimes.  When I expect an attitude, she doesn’t have one, when I’m not expecting it, it comes out of nowhere like a sucker punch to the gut.


here’s what a typical day for the kids was like (don’t judge…molly homemaker, I am not!):

breakfast: cereal, pop-tarts, or waffles

lunch: sandwich, chips/crackers, granola bar, cheese, fruit

dinner: meat, veggie, starch

Well, let’s see, there are no breakfast items that they were eating that didn’t have gluten and they don’t want eggs & meat for breakfast.

Lunch was 50-75% gluten

Dinner was usually 50% gluten depending on if their meat was breaded or not.


HUGE undertaking


While I know that it’s better and we’ll be eating overall healthier, it’s overwhelming.  I feel like all I do is think about gluten-effing-free!  I’m sure it will get easier and I’ll use that to comfort me when I’m curled in the fetal position, with a vacant expression, obsessively rocking back and fort while repeating, “does it have gluten?!” “why does everything have gluten!?”

Oh, did I mention that that stupid Grain Brain has my husband nitpicking how much sugar we’re eating too?  Seriously?!  I can only handle one dietary restriction at a time and the kids need to be crossed over SLOOOOOWLY.  I’m already having them make a huge lifestyle change.  I’m all for limiting the excess candy and whatnot, but leave my freaking gluten free baked goods, smoothies and FRUIT alone!

I don’t like change.  I’ve was a bit (okay more than a bit) of a holy terror this past weekend.   🙁

*big sigh*

So, I thought I’d share what I’ve found helpful so far…

This blog has been uber helpful…Gluten Free on a Shoestring.  I made her easy oatmeal breakfast cookies at the beginning of the week and also one of her flour blends that I later used to replace the wheat flour in this zucchini banana chocolate chip muffin recipe.  Both recipes were delicious and kid approved!  Plus, the muffins are only 150 cal and 4g of protein.  Holla!  Now I don’t have to feel guilty about eating 2 of them.  😉  I also bought one of her books that has a homemade goldfish cracker recipe!  I was never much of a baker, but maybe it’s inside me somewhere because I want to make everything on her site!

Against the Grain is also a great site.  I bought her book several months ago when I was going to help the hubs try some new things, but I haven’t gotten around to trying any recipes yet.  There are a ton of recipes on her blog that look great though.

A blog that I enjoyed following, Iowa Girl Eats, has recently been diagnosed with Celiac disease so all of her recipes from here on out will be gluten free.  Woohoo!

I know that convenience foods are not very healthy, but they are an essential in this house.  I’d love to say that it’s going to be only homemade goodies, fruit & veggies all the time, but I’d be lying.  I’m trying to limit them, but I’ve been thrilled to find some really great packaged items in the store and most of them I found at my Target or Publix.

  • Goldfish Puffs
  • Annie’s Organic Bunnies (cocoa & vanilla, snickerdoodle and ginger snap)
  • Annie’s gluten free mac n cheese
  • Kind healthy grain bars
  • Glutino pretzels (the chocolate covered & yogurt covered are SOOO good!)
  • Udi’s pizza
  • Canyon Bakehouse for bread (it’s surprisingly soft after you defrost it!)
  • Barilla GF Pasta (not an everyday thing or even every week, but this pasta was kid approved and great as a treat when you feel like you’re missing out on all your favorites. Great taste & texture!)

Of course, there are items that we usually eat that are gluten free as well.

  • Larabars
  • Greek yogurt (Chobani for the kids and Fage plain for me)
  • Cheese
  • Eggs
  • Fresh fruit
  • Veggies
  • Chips (A lot of brands are gluten free, you just have to read the label. PopChips are a favorite of my sons and the Terra Sweet Potato w/Sea Salt chips are downright delicious!)

So, as you can see, with a few replacement items and checking the ingredients in what I use for dinner, breakfast is our most challenging meal.  And eating out of course.  Eating out just plain sucks and as much as I hate to admit it, we ate out a LOT.  :o/  Don’t even get me started on all the sneaky places that gluten hides.

I’m currently still on the hunt for more breakfast options.  The kids are enjoying the breakfasts this week, but I’m not sure if they’ll still be excited about the same items next week.  I have had pretty good luck with gluten free pancake blends, but neither of them really want pancakes for breakfast during the week.  The teen will eat boiled eggs so I made some of those for her to have this week with the oatmeal breakfast cookie.

Disclaimer: No one in my family has been diagnosed with Celiac disease.  I am not an expert.  I’m just sharing what I’ve found through online researching.  In case you are a Celiac and are rolling your eyes at me because I’m so clueless and possibly think we’re jumping on a bandwagon.  First of all, that’s your opinion and you’re certainly welcome to it.  However, I feel the need to say, we aren’t doing this as a fad diet or to lose weight.  My husband felt a world of difference mentally and physically when he took it out of his diet and felt it’s affects when he introduced it back so he thought it could maybe benefit the rest of us.  I am constantly fatigued, have brain fog and some attention problems.  Now, is gluten my problem?  I don’t know.  But the only way to find out is to eliminate it and see if I feel a difference with it gone and then see if I feel a difference when it’s reintroduced back in. Plus, after realizing how much gluten we ate in general, it can’t be a bad thing to cut it out where we can!  



Foodie Friday :: Frozen Spinach Cups


Green smoothies are all the rage lately.  I first tried one a couple of years ago and was pleasantly surprised that everyone was telling the truth…you can’t taste the spinach at all!

The problem for me was that I wasn’t drinking them often enough and my spinach would go bad before I could eat it all.

Seeing as I can’t be the only one with this problem, I present to you the solution to that!  This isn’t anything new and it certainly wasn’t my grand idea.  I first saw it on Pinterest, but their spinach cups had a bunch of other veggie juices in them and for now I just wanted spinach.  I looked up a few other recipes, but none were what I was looking for and for whatever reason, I just decided to drop it.  Fast forward to a month ago when I ran across this BodyBuilding.com recipe by Natalie Hodson.  Score!!!  Just spinach and water!  Duh.  So simple I should have thought of it on my own, but…..I didn’t.  The only thing I did different was add flaxseed meal b/c that stuff goes rancid quick once it’s ground and it’s usually a step I would skip since it was a pain.

I used…

  • one bag of spinach (about 6 cups)
  • 6tbsp of flaxseed meal
  • approximately 1 cup of water


I filled the blender to the top with spinach and added some of the water


I kept adding spinach and water as needed until I finished the bag.  Once I was on my last bit of spinach, I added the flaxseed meal.


All mixed!


A lot of recipes I saw, put them into a regular muffin tin to freeze, but I liked the idea of putting them into a mini muffin pan.  It takes less time to freeze and it’s easier on your blender!  It made 25 cups exactly (I used a small container to hold the 25th cup :)).


Annnnd, here they are frozen.  Aren’t they cute?


(Please ignore the frostbite.  I didn’t take the after pics for a few days.)


Nutrition info:  each frozen spinach cup has approximately 10 calories

It’s so easy to pop them into a smoothie!  I haven’t had a protein shake without spinach since I made these.  I usually add about 3-4 ice cubes to my shakes, but since these are pretty much like spinach ice cubes, I just throw in 3 of them instead of the ice cubes.

My go-to protein shake recipe…

  • 1/2-2/3 frozen banana (I weigh it and add about 65g)
  • 1 cup almond milk
  • 1 scoop vanilla protein powder (Jay Robb is my fave!)
  • 1 tbsp of peanut butter
  • 3 frozen spinach cups
  • dash of vanilla extract

Meal Planning should not be this hard!

Why oh why is meal planning so difficult for me?  Please tell me I’m not alone in this struggle.


tell me…

pretty please…

*sigh* Okay, maybe I am alone after all.  At least that’s how it feels.  In my head, I know that it’s as simple as picking something out and buying the items you need to make it.  I mean, I see people (online) do it all the time.  They even do a month at a time!  A month!  I don’t even know what I want to eat on Tuesday.  How do I know what I’ll be in the mood for three Tuesdays from now.

Let’s just tell it like it is.  In reality, I over think this whole meal planning thing to D.E.A.T.H.  Like, chop it’s head off, bake it, grill it, sauté it, then run it over with my car.  It’s my inability to make a decision that causes this over thinking.  I tell my husband that it’s a good thing I got married when I was young and carefree because they way I over think something as simple as meal planning, I don’t think I’d ever be able to decide who/when to get married!

If knowing what the problem is, is half the battle, then why the heck isn’t it any easier?!  I know that I just need to make a decision, but I find something wrong with every recipe.  It’s too fatty…next…the kids won’t like it…next…too complex…next…too simple…next…yuck, I don’t like mushrooms, peppers, carrots, etc….next, next, next!!!!

However, the flip side of not being able to meal plan is that it causes us to eat out or scrape together meals at home that are quite possibly worse than if I would have just made a decision and prepared a meal in the first place!

It’s a vicious cycle.

So, I am trying my hand at meal planning again.  And when I say trying my hand, I actually mean, I spent hours searching for the perfect print your own meal planning sheet, but couldn’t find one.  Then I decided to make one.

Open Photoshop…spend an hour creating a so-so meal plan sheet…print it out…now it’s time to actually eat so I have to stop meal planning and figure out what we’re going to eat.


K, so I’ve got my meal plan sheet.  I WILL plan some meals.  Maybe only 2 or 3, but a girls gotta start somewhere, right?

Here’s my weekly meal plan I made.  I’m sure I’ll hate it in a week or so.  Heck, there’s stuff I would change about it now.  But sometimes I have to stop myself from over thinking and just leave it be.

Click this link to download the PDF

Just to make a point of how insane I make myself, a FB friend said she just planned a month of dinners using her iPad and iPhone with the menu-planner app.

I immediately downloaded it.

Head – meet – desk.  O_o

What was I thinking?!