It Was Me All Along // Book Review

If you had asked me a few years ago what my favorite genre of books was, I would have told you murder/mystery. It’s still mostly the case, but last year when I made a concerted effort to read more, I realized I have another genre I really like…memoirs.

I’d tried to read memoirs before. Back when Oprah was still on TV and she would rave about certain books, I was pulled to read a couple…or at least try to. I started A Million Little Pieces and loved it, but when I was about three-fourths of the way through, it came out that the author embellished a little (or a lot…I can’t remember). Anywho, after that I was sort of bummed out that what I had been reading wasn’t all true. I think it would have been different if I’d know from the beginning, but after reading the bulk of it, I felt duped. So I never finished it. Then came the massively popular Eat, Pray, Love. UGH! I tried reading that particular book several times, but it was so B.O.R.I.N.G that I eventually gave up trying. I didn’t read a ton at the time, but I was completely turned off from memoirs after the second memoir let down. I figured I’d just stick to what I know I like and what didn’t usually let me down.

Last year’s reading threw me for a loop though because some of my favorite books from the year were memoirs. I loved Brain on Fire, Glitter and Glue and Wild so when It Was Me All Along by Andie Mitchell was one of my book options on Blogging for Books, I snatched it up before they were all gone.


It Was Me All Along, a memoir // Andie Mitchell, the author of the wildly popular food blog, Can You Stay For Dinner?, writes about her mind and body journey of losing 100+ pounds, keeping it off and also keeping her love of food. I’ve never struggled with the emotions or feelings she writes about and I don’t have 100lbs to lose, but I still found her journey inspirational and captivating. The book opens with a binge session, goes right into her early childhood and follows her through the teen years and into adulthood. I really enjoyed reading about her journey from rock bottom to the woman she is today.

Disclaimer: I received this book from the Blogging for Books program in exchange for this review. All views in this post are my honest, unbiased opinions.