Hubby is out for the night, a pot of chili is simmering on the stove, Christmas jams are filling the air and the littles are working on making the tree pretty.
Over the years, I’ve released my death grip on decorating the tree to perfection. I must say that I’m not sure why I held on so tight. It’s much more relaxing to sit back and let the kids decorate the tree. And, the older they get, the better they get at decorating. The first year tested my OCD tendencies, but this year they are doing a bang up job! They enjoy doing it, they’re usually sweet to each other while doing it and I can relax and enjoy the night.
Between finally getting the tree up, buying a few presents and reading my Blogging for Books holiday book, I’m slooowly getting in the spirit of the season.
Hopefully I’ll get more of my shopping done this weekend and feel a little less overwhelmed with everything that needs to get done.
How’s everyone doing on their shopping? Are you an early bird or a procrastinator like me?