Wannabe DIY’er

I think I’ve done maybe a handful of DIY (do-it-yourself) projects over the years.

Let’s see…there was vanilla extract, cookie in a jar,



I think that might be it. lol.

Maybe one or two more that I can’t think of. Well, I’ve done a few with essential oils lately so I guess those count, right?

But I want to do MORE!

I blame Pinterest (so many pinnnnns!)

and obnoxiously crafty (talented) people…

who I’m secretly (or not so secretly) jealous of

I’m determined to start marking some of the DIY projects off my list. Maybe I need to commit to trying one new project a month?

Most recently lusting after these DIY’s…

  • Homemade Marshmallows – Do these count as DIY? I say yes!
  • I’m not big on these colors, but this magnetic frame is pretty cool.
  • Geometric Hexagon Box wall – This one is technically a photography backdrop, but I’m obsessed with it! I think it could work for the wall. Just not sure how exactly.
  • Wool Dryer balls have peaked my interest lately. I’m not sure it’s worth trying to make them, but this DIY seems pretty easy.
  • Sharpie Mugs (#22) – I’ve seen the white ones, but I love these black ones!
  • Also, a lip scrub and a lip balm with essential oils, but not sure which recipe I’m going with yet.

Would you consider yourself a DIY’er? If so, what’s your favorite DIY project you’ve done or what’s one on your list to do?
