Weekend Wrap-up

Woot!  Look at me!  It’s almost 9am as I sit here typing.  Getting a jump start on my NaBloPoMo, day 3!  This is going to be a real test of whether I can get a post done quickly or not though because I have to get ready for the day in about 30 min.  *let’s do this!*

I’m also multi-tasking and may or may not be (okay, I am) eating leftover chili for breakfast. I was hungry and I didn’t want to eat a sugary breakfast, but I didn’t feel like making eggs…soooo chili was the only obvious choice of course! I love chili. I can eat it at 8am, I can eat it at midnight, I can eat it in a box with a fox, I can eat it anytime, anywhere!  Which is a good thing since I’m the only one in the house that loves it enough to eat it multiple days in a row. So when I do happen to make chili, I’m eating it for lunch and dinner and apparently sometimes breakfast!

I remember when I first started living with my husband and I thought I could cook so well, but it ended up that I could really only cook the few meals that I cooked for my mom at home and my two staples, spaghetti and chili, my new partner HATED!  #wifefail  I would get so mad at him because these were my two favorite meals and he wouldn’t eat them.  Who hates chili and spaghetti?! Good thing I didn’t know that when we first started dating or it might have been a deal breaker! 😛 Nowadays, I just make it whenever I want and he just has to deal with it.

Anywho, back on task.

So, over the weekend if you didn’t hear, Brittany Maynard, the terminally ill woman who was going to end her life in Oregon, actually passed away.  It was so sad to me because I watched her latest video update and she seemed like she was still getting joy out of life so she was going to postpone it.  But, either she got worse right after that or she just implied she was postponing in hopes of getting a little privacy. It’s times like this that I’m really disappointed in the character of a large majority of the population. People can be so cruel. This woman opened up to the world in a very scary way and while there were a lot of people who were supportive, there were a lot of people who were judgmental and downright mean. It’s okay to voice your opinion if you don’t agree, but why must people be so rude and hurtful? I read comments after her recent video came out and people were saying idiotic things like, she did this for publicity, she “doesn’t look sick”, she just wanted her “15 min of fame”.  Really people?  She didn’t *want* to die.  She chose that date because she wanted to be there for her husbands birthday and she thought that her quality of life would be dwindling so she just chose a date that she liked. If she decided not to go through with it, why would that for one, be any of our business, but for two, why does it matter?!  She was allowed to change her mind. We all know that our bodies don’t always do what we want them to. I eventually had to stop reading the comments because it makes me sad and angry that people can be so dispassionate and cruel. I think the internet has given people the courage and anonymity to say whatever is on their minds when they should really just keep it to themselves. Didn’t their momma’s teach them, “if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all”? If not, they should have! What good comes out of attacking her character or her motives? She’s dying people!! Have some compassion!

*sigh* rant over.

In happier news, my Baublebar package came on Saturday while I was gone to an all day school event for the teen!  I was so exhausted from the day, but I was thrilled to see my pretties had arrived in the mail while I was gone.


When the double sided earring trend started last year (I think Dior was the one that everyone started making knockoffs of), I was definitely intrigued…exhibit A, B and C. But about that time that I was really tempted, I was starting down the road of reassessing what I liked/didn’t like and cutting back on spending, and deciding not to buy things just because they were “trendy”.  Then last month was my SIL’s bday and she wanted some of these earrings, so I went browsing at all the options.  And again, started jonesing for a pair…but decided against it.  THEN, stinking Baublebar sends me an email with the $10 deal of the day and I couldn’t control myself any longer.  I mean, they were sparkly, plus colorful, plus trendy, and they were only TEN dollars!  It was seriously a no brainer. I’m glad I waited until the right pair came along though because I really do love this color/style combo.


Have you jumped on the double sided earring trend?  What’s your favorite pair?  Any trend that you waited on and then finally caved?
