7 days and counting…


Woot!  We made it through week 1!

Giving myself a virtual pat on the back because I…

  • drank 48-72oz of pure water per day
  • kept track of what I was putting in my mouth with the exception of Sunday (my free day).  They weren’t always good choices and I had several days this week that made me want to throw healthy eating out the window, but I did practice a little self control
  • made 3 dinners at home, only had breakfast out once (Sunday) and ate lunch at home several days
  • did some form of exercise every.single.day giving me a weekly total of 309 min of physical activity and 2,067 calories burned

People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing.  That’s why we recommend it daily. –Zig Ziglar

Need to do better…

  • cleaning up my messes in the kitchen.  When it’s a mess already, it’s hard to get motivated to make it a bigger mess.
  • planning and sticking to it.  I plan out my days, but then I don’t follow the schedule and I end up cramming exercise in where I can and many daily chores fall through the cracks.

2013-11-04_0001homemade chicken salad with greek yogurt :: easy way to keep track of my water intake :: cauliflower pizza crust with a bottle of hard cider :: Polar Beat history log

A few observations from the week…

going from not enough water to a good amount, flushed mucho toxins out via my pores.  On day 3 I started breaking out like crazy on my face and considering I had eaten pretty well at that point I was sure that it was all the water I was drinking.  People online say they’ve had the same reaction.

cooking dinner (and breakfast/lunch) creates a huge mess that seems to be never ending.  As soon as I make a dent, I create more mess and my sink is even fuller than it was!

Not eating out or pre-packaged foods makes it hard to count calories.  I’m not too focused on a specific caloric goal per day, but I am trying to be more cognizant of what is going in my mouth and making your own meals from scratch makes it take even longer to input your calories.  Thankfully myfitnesspal has a nifty little recipe calculator that helps ease my pain slightly.

Remember in my first post about the challenge, I mentioned I was going to use the Lift app.  Well, not having used it before and only hearing about it from my hubby, I mistakenly thought it was just a workout app.  It’s actually an app to help you create good, healthy/productive habits, break unhealthy habits or just anything you want to remember to do on a daily basis.  There are a tone of different goals you can “check-in” with every day such as, taking a vitamin, brushing your teeth (not sure who needs an app to remember that one, but whatevs), getting up on time, inbox zero, spend time with my kids, etc.  Other people can “like” your check-in’s and the app will tell you how long of a streak you have going each day.  If checking in and getting “props” for your check-in’s isn’t enough motivation, you could even promise yourself a reward when you hit a 30 day streak or if it’s something really challenging, a 7 day streak.  My hubs is currently on his 89th day of exercising every day.  On day 100, he’s going to celebrate with a work friend by going out to lunch!  How fun is that?!


Your turn!  Feel free to check in with your weekly accomplishments and what (if anything) you’d like to improve on.  You can comment, message me or just make a note to yourself.

Don’t be too hard on yourself, but be real.  Give yourself props for doing the things you did well and acknowledge what you fell short on, but then brush yourself off and get ready for week 2!