More than a Handful is just a waste

It was kismet…


I was perusing the internet as usual…reading blogs, FB posts, twitter, etc and I ran across a post on FB by a personal trainer that I follow and it was directed to his female fans.

Sweet…off I went to see what was so awesome for us gals only.  It was an article about an awesome sports bra called the Handful Bra.  Coolage.  I’m always looking for a good sports bra.  Noted it for future reference and kept perusing.

As I’m reading another blog, I see a post about Handful again!  Okay, now my interest was peaked.  Twice in one day?  Obviously this was a sign that I was meant to have one!

Picked out the style and color and it was done.  I couldn’t wait to try it out and see if it was all it was cracked up to be.

I chose the adjustable strap bra in purple (btw, it looks plum in these pics, but it’s actually more of a deep jewel purple IRL.  Very pretty!).  Seen here in these terribly lit, hideously grainy iPhone pics taken in my messy bathroom.

HandfulI was in love!  The fabric feels amazing and the bra itself is super cute, comfortable and flattering.

A couple of things you might want to know…

  • All the bras come with their own little matching washer bag.  So cute and convenient!  If you stick them in the bag before you put them in the hamper, then you’re good to go when it’s time to wash them.
  • The pads that come with the bra are uh-mazing!  They are little push up pads and you can order extra sets in case you want to enhance what your momma gave ya.
  • Shipping was fast and free if you sign up for an account.  A company who isn’t going to charge me an arm and a leg to ship?!  Sign me up!  However, I would have gladly paid a shipping fee for this beauty.  😉
  • Handful bras were created by a woman for women.  They’re also an approved mastectomy bra.
  • My only complaint is….more color options!

As I mentioned before, Handful and I were meant to be together.  It just so happens that a couple weeks after I found Handful, I saw a blog contest for a Handful bra…entered…and WON!  How awesome is that?!

I won

I decided my Handful and I needed a little photo shoot…


Adjustable straps…
(side note: it is REALLY hard to take a self portrait of your back!)


