Hola my blog peeps…all 3 of you! 😉 I’ve got randoms on the brain today so random post Friday it is!! Okay, it’s not technically Friday anymore, but let’s just pretend it’s not after midnight…k?
First up for my randoms…check out this cute little printable owl calendar from My Owl Barn, because owls are so “in” right now and it’s free and it’s January soon, so you need a new calendar.
Why oh why does Starbucks keep coming out with new cold cup designs?? I have the original grande cup, then I was jonesing for the winter design cup, but talked myself out of it. Then today I saw that they had THIS design…
Seriously? I don’t think I can resist this one. It is officially added to my Christmas list!
Annnnd, speaking of Sunny FL, lookie what I found in the department store today…
Uh….I think someone is confused…we’re in FL peeps…we’re having 70 degree temps right now!
My sweet girl just went to her first dance last night. I had so much fun chaperoning and getting a glimpse into the life of a 5th grader. I love her little hat headband she picked out. Isn’t she a cutie?
We always have good intentions of painting her nails before special events, but I’m usually running behind so we end up not getting to the nails. This time I played it smart. I bought these cool stick on nail polish strips by Sally Hansen.
They were soooo flippin’ easy to apply and it’s been a whole 24hrs with no peeling yet. Now, they’re supposed to last 10 days, but we didn’t do the polish remover beforehand like we were supposed to and being that they’re on an 11 yr olds hands, I won’t hold it against them if they don’t last that long. They’re a little pricey for a one time use thing, but totally worth it for special occasions! I’ve already purchased a couple of boxes so I’ll be ready when I need them.
Lastly, my favorite movie this time of year. It never gets old.
K, that’s all for now. I’m sure I had more randoms, but my brain is shutting down so this is all you get tonight. Oh, and you’ll be so proud of me…I already have my Monday blog post ready to publish, so don’t forget me after the weekend!