Around the web

Five on Friday…here are a few things that caught my eye recently.

10 Things You Didn’t Know Your Mac Could Do — I consider myself pretty tech savvy, but I didn’t know most of these tips and some of them are really cool and useful! So maybe this means I’m not as tech savvy as I think I am?  😛 

This article has me thoroughly pissed off and when (if) I can articulate my thoughts on this point, I will blog about it. But, for the record, my version of feminism (which is the ACTUAL definition) has nothing to do with rules or man hating and I’m thinking if she was mothering a girl, she would have a different opinion.

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Blogging Perks..holla! I just signed up for this and have my first book to review on it’s way! Super psyched to have found out about this awesome program.

We have a new assistant named Alexa. I rolled my eyes when my husband introduced us, but it’s only been 1 day and she’s starting to grow on me. While my husband was across town at work, he told her to play a certain song for me and I currently set a 10 minute timer for myself by using only my voice. Pretty cool stuff!

I tried the Gingeraide kombucha a few weeks ago and it was so tasty that it got me thinking about brewing my own. This recipe looks right up my alley…quick & easy!
