Say What?! :: Monday Motivation

What’s more motivating that a 74yo CrossFitting grandma?  Check out this article I read in Fitness Magazine this past weekend.  If this isn’t motivating, I don’t know what is!

photo 4 photo 3

Reading stories like that really impress me, but they also light a little fire under me and make me want to go workout.  So on that note…check out this awesome Booty Blaster Workout from FitnessRx Mag.  I’m printing it out and putting it on my gym to-do list pronto!

4×15 (each leg) diagonal lunges
4×15 (each leg) weighted bench step-ups
4×15 leg curls
4×15 jump squats
4×15 (each leg) cable kickbacks
4×15 deadlifts
4×15 weighted sumo squats
*Rest 30 seconds after each set…also make sure weight is challenging but you can maintain correct form

Monday (err..Tuesday) Motivation

Yeah, yeah…I know it’s not Monday.  We had a 4 day weekend and it threw me all off.  Soooo, since it’s the first day of the school week, I’m choosing to post it anyway.

Cuz it’s my blog and I make the rules…that’s why!  😉


If you hate working out or being active…try something new and different to spice up your routine.

Maybe you’ll find a form of exercise you love and maybe you won’t.  Maybe there isn’t anything that you don’t have to give yourself a pep talk to do, but maybe you’ll find something that requires less of a pep talk to get you going.

I don’t hate working out…

But I don’t love it either.

I’m naturally more of a chill type of person.  I’d much rather read or play a game or chat, than be active.

I do, however, love being fit.  I love the way I feel when I’ve finished a workout.  If I’m hitting the weights, I love the way I feel while I’m lifting.  I love feeling strong.  I love to be able to do things that others can’t do (not because I’m special, but because I’ve worked hard to get there).  But, whether I’m going for a walk/run, riding my bike, going to the gym, whatever….deciding I’m going to do it and then actually getting out the door, is the hardest part.


I’ve been in kind of a rut.  I’ve lost my motivation and I’m trying to get it back.  In doing so, I have finally started trying different forms of exercise that I’ve wanted to try for years.  Last month, I tried dance fitness because I love to dance and the thought of learning dance routines to current pop songs was pretty much as good as it gets for me.  There is a local place called Dance Trance.  I always see their posts on FB and it looks like they have a blast.  A Groupon deal for a one month pass came up so I figured it was now or never!  The atmosphere was great and the class was a lot of fun, but the location isn’t very convenient to me and I didn’t end up making it to very many classes that month, so I decided to stick with my Just Dance for the Wii for my dance fitness.

Next up…Yoga!  I’ve done a little bit of yoga, but I wanted to try it at an actual yoga studio instead of at home with a dvd or at the gym.  I was browsing yoga studios close to me and saw that one had a 4 week beginner series starting up.

Yesterday was my first class and I have to say, I could definitely see myself being a yoga fanatic.

Once you start limbering up more and learn the poses so that you can flow easily from one pose to another I can see it being extremely therapeutic.  I left class yesterday feeling loose and relaxed.  I can’t wait for my next class!

Since that is a whole week away, I’ll be hitting the gym until then.


You were born to be real, not to be perfect. You are here to be you, not to live someone else’s life.

Every day you make some progress and every day you make a few mistakes. Through it all, your wisdom continues to grow and your experience continues to broaden.

Be gentle with yourself. Accept who you are, where you have been, and what you have to work with, for in this moment you can make positive use of it all.

Reach in and touch the purpose that makes you feel most alive. The world around you is filled with places where that purpose can do great things.

It is never too late to offer your unique and genuine gifts to life. Now is the time to do great things, even in the smallest of ways.

Choose to fully and graciously live life as it comes. The richest rewards by far are the ones to which you most sincerely give of yourself.

— Ralph Marston