what’s on my current playlist and other randoms…

I was only going to post some recent songs that have been on repeat on my iPod lately, but then I had other randomness floating through my head and thought what the heck, let’s just throw it all in one big mashed up randomness post.

Currently listening to…

  • Olly Murs, “Dance with Me Tonight” :: I’m kind of in love with this song.  I love to dance, so any song that makes me want to get up and dance is destined to become a playlist favorite!  Car dancing is almost not even good enough for this song.  I want to stop the car, jump out and start dancing in the middle of the street.  But, then I worry about getting arrested b/c I look like a crazy person or more importantly, getting run over and that wouldn’t be good so I stick to car dancing.  For your listening pleasure, I included the video so you can chair dance at your desk or even better, just get up and bust a move next to your desk.  If this song doesn’t make you at least tap your foot…I just…don’t even know what to do with you.


  • Lady Gaga, “Applause”
  • Lana Del Ray, “Summertime Sadness”
  • Katy Perry, “Roar”
  • JT & Jay-Z, “Holy Grail” :: I didn’t love this song at first, but it’s slowly grown on me and now I like it a lot.

Currently lusting after…

  • these boots from Target.  They are too high or they would have been mine already!  I love everything about them, except they like 1/2″ too tall.  Curse you Sam & Libby!  🙁

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    • leopard shoes :: I *need* some.  Part of me wants flats because I don’t actually wear heels that often, but I really want some classic leopard pumps.

Currently losing my mind over…

  • party madness!  ::  My daughter’s 13th bday was Saturday, along with her party.  We usually have parties somewhere other than the house so that it’s less stressful, but for some reason I was obsessing over what needed to get done.  I think because the party room at the location was plain & barren so I felt the need to bring more decor than just plates & a few balloons.  I didn’t bring a lot, but enough to get me in a tizzy.  I spent Friday night prepping and getting all my stuff organized though, so the next day it all went off without a hitch and she had an great 13th birthday!
    (*side note* Ahhhhh!  I am now the mother of a teenager! Where’s the biting your fingernails emoticon?!)


  • wedding madness :: My brother is getting married next weekend and my sister and I are going to put together a candy buffet for the reception.  We’re driving ourselves crazy deciding on candy, decor, containers, etc.  We’ve got most of the candy figured out.  Now we just have to pull it all together!

Currently dreaming of…

  • a clean house.  My house is in more of a disarray than usual since I’ve got a one tracked mind and lately it’s been torn into two trying to focus on the two parties/events.  It’s getting a bit ridiculous.  I had a dream about needing to do the laundry last night.  Because needing to do it in real life isn’t bad enough, I have to DREAM about it not being done too!  Maybe I can get back on track this week since one party is over now.
  • Fall weather and clothing and holidays!  I love Fall.  There’s a nice breeze, it’s not so flippin’ hot, pumpkin spiced lattes are back, and there’s a holiday every month until the end of the year.  By Christmas I’m pretty much over the holidays, but I love October and Halloween.  I’m a little more in love with my fall wardrobe than my summer one too so I need cooler weather to get here soon so I can start wearing all my favorite clothes!

As of now, I could have had a jump start on that clean house, but I chose to completely slack today.  Maybe tomorrow!  😉  Hope everyone’s week is off to a great start!