Starbucks is killing it

I usually take my lazy booty through the drive thru line at Starbucks, but today, I thought, “eh. The line is kinda long, I’ll go inside” and oh was I glad I did.

I walked in…looked to my right and…”aaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh”


the heavens opened up, a light shone down from above and the angels started singing

Ya’ll, Starbucks has SERIOUSLY stepped up their game this holiday season! I had to refrain from buying one of everything! I was like a kid in a candy store. You can see them all online at, but here are a few of my favorites.


YES, please! I really don’t need these cups, but oh.em.geeeeee, they are SO stinkin’ cute!

And it’s not just cups, check out their massive collection of gift cards.


#nablopomo day 23

Starbucks Secret Menu? :: Five on Friday

Did you know there’s a Starbucks secret menu?!  Well, technically it wasn’t actually put out by Starbucks, but basically it’s different drink combinations that you may or may not have thought of using Starbucks flavors.

I’m not sure if it’s commonplace to order an item exactly like it comes or to customize the heck out of it, but I have a few go-to drinks that I like to order that aren’t necessarily on the menu.  My personal sbux concoctions (if you can call them that)…

  1. Grande, Iced, 3-pump caramel, 3-pump cinnamon dolce, no whip, with cinnamon dolce sprinkles & caramel sauce on top (what I get most of the time)
  2. Tall, nonfat, Peppermint/Java Chip frappuccino
  3. Tall, nonfat, Hazelnut frappuccino with java chips (got this one recently from another blogger I follow on Instagram!)

Most of the secret menu items put my little recipes to shame though!  So, for today’s five on Friday I’m sharing the top 5 recipes from the secret menu that look the yummiest (to me!) and aren’t overly complicated.

Psst….Don’t miss the P.S. & the P.P.S at the end of the post for important info about ordering your secret menu drinks!


Banana Split Frappuccino

  1. Start with a strawberries and creme Frappuccino
  2. Add Vanilla Bean powder
  3. Add Java Chips
  4. Add a whole Banana (note the extra cost)
  5. Top with whipped cream and mocha drizzle
  6. Top with caramel drizzle if desired


Cotton Candy Frappuccino

  1. vanilla bean frappuccino
  2. raspberry syrup (1 pump for a tall, 1.5 pumps for a grande or 2 pumps for a venti)


Banana Cream Pie Frappuccino

  1. Vanilla Bean Creme Frappuccino
  2. a pump of vanilla syrup
  3. a pump of hazelnut syrup
  4. a whole banana
  5. whipped cream


Fuzzy Peach Tea (for you non-coffee peeps)

  1. Passion Iced Tea made with half water and half orange mango purée w/light ice
  2. Peach syrup instead of the classic syrup

and last, but not least…the one I’m most excited about trying…


Butterbeer Frappuccino!

  1. *choose your size*
  2. caramel & toffee nut (yes, both syrups) cream frappuccino (whole milk)
  3. 1 pump of vanilla syrup (1 pump for tall, 1.5 pumps for grande, 2 pumps for venti)
  4. extra caramel sauce

Bonus recipe :: Banana Foster Frappuchino

photoI took a pic of this at a local Starbucks a few months ago.  Forgot about it until I was doing this post!

P.S. Don’t go trying to order these “secret” drinks by name or your barista will most likely look at you like you have two heads.  It’s not an official menu so most of the time they will have no idea what you’re talking about.  Order it by the recipe!
P.P.S. If you add banana to a frapp, just know that it will be extra $$$.

Any of you in blogland order a special Starbucks drink?  Even if you don’t have a cool name for it, please share!

Randoms on a Thursday…

::  I randomly start singing songs from Disney movies while I’m aimlessly perusing the internet…specifically Mulan.

It’s true.  I have no idea why it happens.  I’ve probably only watched it once in the past 8 yrs!

I start humming and before I know it, I’m singing, “please bring honor to us, please bring honor to us, please bring honor to us allllllll”  I’ll admit…I’m weird.  But Mulan is a pretty kick butt movie so I guess there are worst things I could hum.


::  My hubs got me these coolio bluetooth headphones for Christmas and it’s so awesome to be wireless!!  I’ve worn them running and weight lifting. They rock and I love not having to deal with the cord.  Plus, when you’re on a cardio machine, you can prop your phone up to watch a show without worrying about hitting the cord and knocking it down.  😉

photo 1

::  I’ve been wanting to try avocado pudding for a few months now and I finally did it last night.  I was a little leery.   I mean, I love avocado, but as pudding?  With chocolate?  I was skeptical.

Buuut, I’m all about trying a freaky combination if it turns into a sinfully delicious tasting treat that happens to be good for me.

Ta da!!

photo 3

Okay, so it looks kinda gross in this pic and the avocado didn’t puree as much as I wanted it to (hence that little yellow/green chunk sticking out), but it was pretty creamy and definitely tasty.  I ate a little last night and then froze the rest in a popsicle mold.  I have no idea if it will be good as a popsicle, but I figured it was worth a shot.  Here’s the recipe I sorta used,  Except I only had 1/2 of an avocado so I had to adjust the measurements and I wanted it to be vegan so I used almond milk.  I also added a little bit of PB.  Yum!!!

::  In almost exactly 2 months, my daughter and I will be jetting off to Paris!  I am uber excited, but also starting to have panic attacks at the same time.  I’m a bit of a worry wart and an OCD over thinker so the thought of everything that we need to remember to pack and the fast pace of the trip and the super long plane ride that I’m terrified of getting motion sickness during…omg…I’m going to throw up.  Anywho, I heard about a countdown app this morning on the radio and I’m not sure if it will make it more exciting or more anxiety inducing, but it’s called Timenotes and it gives you a countdown to any big events you add to the calendar.  It sounded kinda cool and since I’m super excited about my first trip out of the country, now that I’m typing it out, I’m worried (see, worry wart and over thinker) it isn’t a good idea to have it on my phone.  However, if you AREN’T crazy like me, you might want to check it out.  😉


::  I decided I should probably cut back the coffee intake so I started drinking hot lemon & honey water in the morning thinking that it was just warmth I wanted in the morning, not specifically coffee.


After 2 days, I started craving coffee after I drank my lemon water so after taking the 2nd kiddo to school, I’ve been stopping by Starbucks.  Not good….not good at all.  I think I should switch it up and have coffee some days and lemon water other days b/c I definitely do NOT need to get Sbux every day.  Not only is it bad for my wallet and sugar intake, but it causes me to skip breakfast and that’s not what I should be doing.

photo 2

It is super yummy though and I have thoroughly enjoyed my last two morning lattes.  😉

[random #542] :: I’m trying to cut the animal products down where I can, so I finally got around to ordering this all natural, gluten-free, gmo free, vegan protein.  It has a bit of a following on FB and everyone says it’s delicious.  I just hope it lives up to my Jay Robb protein.


Random Post Friday…

Hola my blog peeps…all 3 of you!  😉  I’ve got randoms on the brain today so random post Friday it is!!  Okay, it’s not technically Friday anymore, but let’s just pretend it’s not after midnight…k?

First up for my randoms…check out this cute little printable owl calendar from My Owl Barn, because owls are so “in” right now and it’s free and it’s January soon, so you need a new calendar.

Owl Lover 2012 Calendar


Why oh why does Starbucks keep coming out with new cold cup designs??  I have the original grande cup,  then I was jonesing for the winter design cup, but talked myself out of it.  Then today I saw that they had THIS design…

Seriously?  I don’t think I can resist this one.  It is officially added to my Christmas list!


Annnnd, speaking of Sunny FL, lookie what I found in the department store today…

Uh….I think someone is confused…we’re in FL peeps…we’re having 70 degree temps right now!


My sweet girl just went to her first dance last night.  I had so much fun chaperoning and getting a glimpse into the life of a 5th grader.  I love her little hat headband she picked out.  Isn’t she a cutie?


We always have good intentions of painting her nails before special events, but I’m usually running behind so we end up not getting to the nails.  This time I played it smart.  I bought these cool stick on nail polish strips by Sally Hansen.

They were soooo flippin’ easy to apply and it’s been a whole 24hrs with no peeling yet.  Now, they’re supposed to last 10 days, but we didn’t do the polish remover beforehand like we were supposed to and being that they’re on an 11 yr olds hands, I won’t hold it against them if they don’t last that long.  They’re a little pricey for a one time use thing, but totally worth it for special occasions!  I’ve already purchased a couple of boxes so I’ll be ready when I need them.


Lastly, my favorite movie this time of year.  It never gets old.


K, that’s all for now.  I’m sure I had more randoms, but my brain is shutting down so this is all you get tonight. Oh, and you’ll be so proud of me…I already have my Monday blog post ready to publish, so don’t forget me after the weekend!