Healthy Train Five on Friday (Err…Saturday)

I have finally come to terms with the fact that my half marathon is only 5 months away.
Holy crap…5 months!  What was I thinking when I signed up for this?!

I admitted to myself that I’m not just bloated and those 10lbs are not going to magically disappear tomorrow.
Maybe my clothes are shrinking?

It was time to get back on the healthy train and get on it for realz this time.
No pretending to watch what I eat while “rewarding” myself on the daily!

So, this week, I’ve had health and fitness on the brain.

  • This has been my usual attire…sports bra, tank/shirt, stretchy bottoms.  I don’t think I’ve put on real clothes all week!


  • I have several reusable water bottles, but there is something wrong with all of them and I eventually stop using them.  The biggest issue is that most of them won’t fit into my cup holder in the car so I would have to hold onto it while driving or it would go flying.  I have one or that fit in my cup holder, but they aren’t insulated to withstand this FL heat!  I finally sat down at the computer last week and was determined to find a water bottle that fit my needs.  My non-negotiables were insulated and it had to fit in my car.  I also wanted a straw or sippy lid, but apparently that was like finding the holy grail of water bottles.  I finally settled on this pretty little bottle by S’well.


S’well is 18/8 double-walled stainless steel, non-toxic, non-leaching and BPA free.  Not to mention that a portion of the proceeds of each bottle sold goes back to WaterAid, which provides sustainable access to clean water and sanitation in the world’s poorest communities.  I’m loving my bottle so far!  I got the 17oz so it would fit in my car and as long as it keeps performing well, I’d love to get the kids the 9oz one to take to school.  I did read about some issues a few people were having with the seal in some of the bottles, but I’m hoping that doesn’t happen to mine.  I seriously spent WAY too much time researching reusable bottles to start my search over again.

  • Since June was so crazy and I knew I wanted to workout more, I decided to print a calendar to schedule in some fun time with the kids, but also some sweat time.  Our first week was a little too  high on kid fun and my workouts were a little more squeezed in than I would have liked.  Hoping to do better next week!


Btw, did you know you can get have 3 fitness apps running at the same time?  I usually have Polar Beat running for my HR, Runkeeper to keep track of my distance as well as my music playing in the background, so I don’t know why I didn’t think I could also have the C25K app running to give me audio cues.  For some reason I thought I had to choose between knowing my distance or having my run/walk audio cues.  [Hi my name is Katie and I’m a dork.]  FYI, it doesn’t work with Hulu+ if you’re running on a treadmill and you’re trying to watch tv.  It showed me visuals of when I needed to walk/run, but not the audio cues.

  • Last but not least, I was frantically looking for some camera items I was missing, which I found thankfully, but I also found my beloved FLogg journal (that sadly isn’t sold anymore)!  I love using MyFitnessPal, but I hate that you have to enter what you ate and the calories for everything at the same time.  Sometimes I don’t have time to look up the item and say how much I ate.  Sometimes I just need to jot it down quickly and then get to the specifics later when I have more time.  Sometimes I don’t necessarily want to count calories, but I want to journal what I ate for reference.  There may quite possible be an app for that, but nothing beats pencil and paper!  I plan to carry this baby around everywhere!

IMG_2317Friday I was supposed to run again, but instead, I napped and listened to a wicked thunderstorm all night.  It was a super lazy day that may or may not have ended in ice cream (okay, okay, so I’m still working on cutting out the treats!).  😉

Hope everyone has a great weekend!