The Good and Bad

The Good // I am almost recovered from my race on Sunday. I’ve been sore from exercise enough times to know that the 24-48hr time frame is when it hits me the worst and Monday night, like clockwork, I thought I might die. But, as usual, I woke up Tuesday morning and was on the upswing. Tuesday was better than Monday and today, better than yesterday! My toenails are still hurting though and that’s a little annoying. They aren’t black or blue though so hopefully they won’t fall off. 😛

The Bad // I’ve been so focused on Thanksgiving and then my race that I had a little mini heart attack when I realized that I only have 14 shopping days left! Holy what?! 2 weeks people…2 weeks! I think I’m turning into a bit of a scrooge. I wish I could just skip to January 2nd. I like celebrating Christmas and I love to spend time with family, but it all gets to be a little overwhelming. If I had bottomless bank account and a personal assistant, that would make it so much more enjoyable!

Bear with me a sec while I daydream about how awesome it would be to have an assistant to help with the holidays…

…My house would look like a magazine shoot because I would show her a bazillion decorating ideas from Pinterest and have her go to town making it festive!

…I might actually have lights up on the outside of the house too. Not too many, but a tasteful amount.

…I’d give her my list of people to buy for, tell her what to buy, and then she would do all the running around.

…I’d have her make these cute little DIY gifts for teachers (from Pinterest of course!).

…She’d clean my house so when we had company, I could enjoy having people over instead of being stressed from getting ready for the party.

*sigh* Doesn’t that sound heavenly?!

Who am I kidding. I’m a control freak. I probably wouldn’t be able to hand over the reigns for most of that stuff. 😛

The Good //tonight we’re finally going to get our tree put up!! Better late than never!

The Bad // our naughty little elf, Manny, has still not made his arrival. Maybe tonight is the night!

The Good // I got my new BloggingForBooks book today! It’s a holiday book and it’s perfect timing since I just finished my current book.

The Bad // it’s eggnog season and I cannot control myself! Let’s not even talk about the fact that I bought some of my favorite bottled iced coffee and found out that it is delicious with eggnog added to it!

The Good // There is only one more school event for the kids before Christmas break!

The Bad // There are only 6 more days of school left before Christmas break. This is a good and bad thing really. Only 6 more days of packing lunches and getting up early to drive across town, but also only 6 more days where I don’t have to actively hide from the kids if I’m doing something Christmas related!

The Good // I’ve been crossing off to-do list items like mad!

The Bad // I still have a laundry list of to-do items left.

Care to share any Good/Bad’s from your week? Are you a holiday lover? If not, could you be if you had an assistant?

I saw this video today and it made me rethink my Scrooge-ish attitude. I’ve been pretty emotional lately so maybe it’s just me, but I leaked a few tears while watching.