Technically the kids got out of school on June 6th, but we were in San Francisco the week after that, then had one week to catch up and start getting ready for simultaneous trips the next week…D.C. for my son & I and camp for the teen!
Last Sunday, we were up at 3:30am…headed to Washington D.C. with the other safety patrols from his school and other schools within our county. In case you don’t have safety patrols in your school, the safety patrol program is a volunteer position for 5th grade students who are respectful, courteous, on the honor roll and show leadership skills. — The AAA website can explain it better than I can. 🙂 — Every year the patrols have the opportunity to tour D.C. for 3 days and then get a day at Busch Gardens. 5 days in all to drive up there, tour the city & amusement park and then drive back.
2nd kid, 2nd safety patrol trip…no offense to anyone who lives there, but I think I’ve had my fill of Washington D.C. for awhile!
After riding in a bus all day on Friday, I was up bright and early (5:30am!) on Saturday to pick the teen up from camp. This was her first time at a weeklong camp and it will likely not be her last. She didn’t want to come home! She had a lot of fun making new friends and being away from mom & dad. 😉
As evidence of her good time…
I’m so proud of myself though. Most of our clothes and gear are unpacked! It was partly because the teen’s suitcase/clothes/bedding from camp weren’t coming in the house until they were cleaned, but whatev’s…our bags are unpacked (mostly), clothes are clean and it’s almost back to normal around here!
I’m already anticipating no early morning alarms, no schedules, nowhere we HAVE to be unless I want to be there, yoga without having to take the kids to school first, evening plans that don’t revolve around homework, lazy days of staying in our pj’s, afternoon trips to get ice cream…endless possibilities!
Some of the things I’m looking forward to…
- Swimming
- Library visits
- Museums
- Visiting family
- Back to the gym/workout routine
- Fro-yo
- Movie theatre during the day (not on a weekend!)
- Rock climbing with the kids
- Concerts
- Baseball games
- Art Walks
- Jaxon’s Night Market
- Lazy PJ days
- Finally trying SUP & SUP yoga
- Organizing and cleaning areas of the house that get skipped over often
After getting all caught up on laundry over the weekend, we have had a completely lazy day today. And when I say lazy, I mean laaaaazy. Like, watched Kung Fu Panda once, it started over with subtitles and instead of turning it off, I just muted it and we ended up letting it play all the way til the end again. Afterwards, the kids retreated upstairs to be lazy some more. lol. Maybe we’ll do something tomorrow other than be lazy, but today…I’m content with being a slug. 😛
How about you? Do you have a bucket list for summer or do you just wing it?