Getting my groove back…

I’ve been in a bit of a funk…

slacking in exercise

slacking in eating healthy

slacking in day to day duties!

So, it’s 10am as I’m writing this.  I have a sick kiddo home, but hubs can stay with her so it’s pretty much going to be a normal day for me.  I was feeling good around 9:30 b/c I’d taken a kid to school, sent a load of clothes through the washer, showered and was half dressed for the gym.  Then, I sat down to write this blog post and got lost in the interwebs for a half hour…story of my life.

I feel kinda all over the place lately.  I don’t know if it’s turning 35 or the kids getting older or what, but it’s time to figure out what makes Katie tick.  I’ve spent a long time being a mom and a wife and while I am still both of those things…it’s no longer enough.  I’m longing for more.

Soooo…I’m working with a life coach/counselor to figure out what I want out of life.  And starting this week, I’m going to work harder at exercising and eating better. I feel better when I’m working out a few times a week and not eating so much junk so I’m going to the gym today and going to try to keep my food/exercise log up at  The food log will come and go b/c I try not to worry as much about calories as I do about eating the right foods.  Not to mention that counting calories just plain sucks.  😛

In other news…#whatiwore this past Memorial Day weekend…

hanging with the hubs
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hanging with all my siblings at the mostly non-existent Silver Springs
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Sorry for the not so great photos.  I’m trying to get better at it, but I loathe asking people to take my picture and I rarely have time to try to take a self timer photo of myself.

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