military vest + boat shoes :: #whatiwore

Shopping with the kids called for a simple & effortless style.  I love throwing this vest on with an outfit. It doesn’t add a ton of warmth (which is a good thing in FL!), but it makes me feel a little more put together than I would feel otherwise.

2013-06-30_0001vest :: shirt (H&M) :: boyfriend jeans :: sperry’s

I picked up this awesome army/cargo/utility (or whatever you wanna call it) vest a couple weeks ago at Kohl’s.  I’ve had my eye out for an army type vest for a few weeks so when I tried this one on, I knew I had a winner!

photodressing room pic

Style Elixir


  1. Very cute look! Simple is best, sometimes. And I have this same cargo vest and may have to steal this outfit idea now… 😉

  2. The vest is so great – and such a deal too! Can’t go wrong pairing it with stripes. Such a great and easy outfit for a casual but still pulled-together day.

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