It’s gonna be that kind of day

It’s a morning ritual

I wake up

I potty

I make my coffee

I surf on my laptop or phone

It’s simple


I don’t want to talk when I first wake up, I don’t want you to ask me a bunch questions, I just want to be inside my little bubble with my coffee and internet.

Before my coffee/internet ritual, my morning routine was a little different, but still gave me time to adjust to waking up. When the kids were little and they would wake up in their cribs, I’d go get them and bring them into my bed to snuggle. Whey they got a little older, they would crawl into bed with me to snuggle and we’d slowly wake up together. If they insisted on asking things of me first thing in the morning, I would make sure they had these things so they wouldn’t have to ask me. Because I neeeeed that time in the morning where no one is asking anything from me.

It doesn’t just apply to things asked from me.

If you want to have a conversation with me for an extended period of time or you expect me to listen to you for an extended period of time…give me 30 min first.

I love you dearly, but I need time to wake up. I don’t like waking up. It sucks. I was all comfy and warm in my bed and now…I’m not. That makes me irrationally grumpy. Then if you start asking things of me or needing my time, that makes me grumpier.  Once I’ve adjusted to waking up, I will be chipper and happy to conversate with you!

My family forgot this about me today.

Or they just didn’t care.

Either way…I was labeled “in a bad mood” this morning. But don’t blame me. You poked the bear, you suffer the consequences! 😛

What about you? Are you a morning person or do you need a little “me” time to wake up in the AM?





  1. Definitely NOT a morning person! Luckily I live alone right now {except for the cats and they don’t talk too much} so I’m able to get that morning solitude! But even at work…give me 20-30 minutes to get settled first before comin at me with demands:)

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