I’m kinda addicted

NaBloPoMo for November is over and I made it all 30 days. *insert a wild raucous of hooting and hollering*

Yet, here I am…still staring at my blog daily…feeling the itch, the visceral need to type something…anything. Even though I have nothing particularly interesting rattling around in this head of mine that I want to share.

While the whole blogging every day thing was sometimes a hassle and harder in some ways, it was also easier. When I’m blogging daily, I don’t feel the need to make sure that I write about something interesting. I would sit, knowing that I have to write something so whatever came to mind and spilled out onto the keyboard, was what I blogged about that day. But then I start to wonder if that’s a good thing or not?

A couple thoughts I’m pondering since the end of my 30 days…

I need to spend less time typing out a blog post :: I take so long to write a post that it ends up monopolizing my time and I get very little done outside of blogging. When I get this figured out, then I’ll be able to actual schedule some posts!

I need to work harder at creating content :: While I find my posts to be amusing or worth reading, I do realize that I probably feel that way because I’m IN them and it’s about MY life.

I really like blogging daily and just letting things flow, but I feel like I need to strike a balance between daily just saying whatever comes to mind and talking about things that are interesting enough for people to keep coming back.

Or maybe not? I don’t know. I haven’t found it yet, but I feel like I’m at least getting closer to finding my voice.

What do you all think…is content or consistency more important in a blog you visit often? A mix of both?

P.S. I devoured this whole bag of popcorn today. THIS is why I can’t have yummy things in the house! Meanwhile, my hubby, who has never drank a green juice/smoothie in his life, has decided to go on a green smoothie cleanse.  🙄

Photo on 12-2-14 at 12.04 PM


  1. Joanna says:

    that popcorn is the BEST!

  2. Congrats on completing the 30 day challenge! I lost my mojo and decided to stop. But kudos to you for keeping on:) p.s…..yes, that is the BEST popcorn!!!!

    • Thanks, Jennifer! I really enjoyed your posts, but I could tell you were putting a lot of time and thought into them so I imagine it was time consuming. You tried, that’s what counts!

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