Latest obsessions…

I don’t know why I haven’t tried it before now, but I recently discovered Iced Passion Tea from Starbucks and I love it!  I wanted something different, but not something sugary or with a lot of calories so the unsweetened passion tea is perfect!


And, hello…have you seen these adorable insulated mason jar tumblers at Target?!  I instantly snatched up two! I have no idea what I need two for (or another tumbler even for that matter), but I HAD to have them!


Remember Saturday’s post about floral dresses?  Yep, the urge was just too much, I had to go shopping.  I ended up with these two pretties!  Both under $50 thanks to a coupon at Express.  😉

2013-07-22_0003Forever 21 :: Express

lust list :: #fiveonfriday

No, I don’t have my days mixed up.  I do realize it’s Saturday.  But, I wanted to do a #fiveonfriday post and I didn’t want to wait for next Friday.  😉

I’ve got bridal shower on the brain lately.  My SIL’s is going to be held at a great little cafe with a garden and I think a floral dress would be perfect.  Too bad I don’t have one hanging in my closet right now!

Linking up with Style Elixir

Maxi Skirt (aka crotchless yoga pants) :: #whatiwore

I ran across this hilarious e-card on FB recently and thought, “Omg.  This is so true!” 1044381_501896206542464_931458633_n

And that’s exactly how I wore them the other day!

I put my sports bra & tank on that morning to walk the dog, but when I needed to get dressed to go out to lunch & shop, I did not want to take them off.  So….I didn’t!

This weeks outfit is part of a style challenge from Freckles in April.  Btw, how cute is that blog name?!  I’m seriously jealous I didn’t think of it.  I mean, if you read her little “about me” blurb under her pic on the left column, you could totally sub my name & photo in there!  And her name starts with a “Ka” too!

Anywho, the challenge was to take something from your inspiration board and DO IT!

Inspiration photos :: I know at least one of them is wearing flowy pants, but in both pics, they look like they’re wearing a skirt.  Hey, the goal isn’t to “copy”, it’s to put my own spin on the outfit!  😉

2013-07-08_0003img source :: img source

My spin… 2013-07-08_0001VS tank (similar,similar):: maxi skirt :: sandals (similar seen at Target & American Eagle)

2013-07-08_0002My super cute state love necklace was purchased from Hazel & Olive, but it’s not currently on their website
similar here and here
I totally love this splurge one though if I didn’t mind spending a little more and you can even have a diamond placed along the coast for your city!

Freckles in April Style Challenge
Do you love your maxi? Check out my post on how to wear a black maxi 6 ways!

military vest + boat shoes :: #whatiwore

Shopping with the kids called for a simple & effortless style.  I love throwing this vest on with an outfit. It doesn’t add a ton of warmth (which is a good thing in FL!), but it makes me feel a little more put together than I would feel otherwise.

2013-06-30_0001vest :: shirt (H&M) :: boyfriend jeans :: sperry’s

I picked up this awesome army/cargo/utility (or whatever you wanna call it) vest a couple weeks ago at Kohl’s.  I’ve had my eye out for an army type vest for a few weeks so when I tried this one on, I knew I had a winner!

photodressing room pic

Style Elixir

Printed Shorts :: #whatiwore

Sad to say, I usually keep it pretty simple when I get dressed.  Deciding what you’re going to wear is exhausting! Honestly most of the time I’m fighting the urge to throw on a pair of jeans with a t-shirt and flops so, when I wear something that isn’t that, I call it a WIN!

Even though it’s blasted hot in FL right now, I am always cold when I go inside places so if I wear shorts, I have to have something covering my arms.  This jean jacket is one of my favorite purchases this year.  I looked high and low for a jacket that was the right wash/color and fit me perfectly.  For me, this is the perfect one and it goes with EVERYTHING!  If you haven’t jumped on the jean jacket band wagon…do it now!  I spent $40 (I think.  Maybe $50, but it was worth every penny!) on this jacket and even if I never wear it again after this year, I will have gotten my money’s worth.

2013-06-19_0001printed shorts (on clearance from the Limited) :: sleeveless top & jean jacket (H&M)

My specific jacket is still being sold in stores (here anyway), but H&M is constantly changing out their inventory online so I can’t find the link for it. If you don’t have an H&M in your town, check out these great jean jacket options…

jean jackets

Madewell (not exact, but a good one) / Gap jean jacket / KUT from the Kloth jean jacket / American Eagle Outfitters jean jacket / Mossimo jean jacket

Comfy & Casual :: #whatiwore

I went out with my friend the other night and I really liked what I wore, but didn’t take a photo.  So, I recreated it virtually.

A few things I took into consideration when deciding what I wanted to wear.  1) it was raining about an hour before and I wasn’t sure if it would rain again throughout the night, 2) we were going to the movies so I needed to be covered up somewhat or I would freeze in the theatre, and 3) I wanted to be comfortable!

Casual night out

Buy me…
jean jacket (H&M) :: grey tank :: Jessica Simpson brand cropped jean (early spring purchase at Dillard’s) :: Sperry’s :: gold bracelet :: bubble necklace

Summer dresses & rompers :: Loft shopping

It’s the first week of summer vacay for us here and I have to say that it hasn’t been all that productive.  Monday we tried out some new maids (who failed miserably) so we had to be out of the house for several hours while they cleaned.  I shopped a little with the kids, we had lunch, went to the bookstore and finished up with a Starbucks treat.  Yesterday was a PJ day for the kids, but I decided I needed to go back out to GAP to try on some shoes I’d been drooling over since I tried them on Monday.  Good news, I was right for not impulse buying (I’d like a little more nude and less brownish)…bad news, I found other goodies to buy at GAP.  😉  Anywho, the moral of this story is that while I was out yesterday I passed the Loft and there were so many cute things I wanted to try on!  I came home and did some online window shopping…



Click the pics to go to Polyvore to see the individual links!

life is beautiful :: #whatiwore

2013-06-04_0001sweater on clearance at Target :: jeans (old from the Limited) :: shoes, Skechers

Teensy bit obsessed…

Woo!  Happy Hump Day friends!  It’s June (aka, the start of summer) and this is the last week of school!  I know that in a couple of weeks I will start to crave schedules again, but for now, I can’t wait to be schedule FREE!  Late mornings, beach/pool days, movies & golf without homework or school nights looming over us….we’re FREEEEEEE!

Anywho…on to the subject at hand…

I believe I already mentioned that I’ve been on a shoe buying craze lately.  Seriously…it’s bad.  What’s worse is that I could easily buy another 10-15 pair right NOW.

I’m currently lusting after these puppies…


1 :: 2 :: 3 :: 4 :: 5 :: 6 :: 7 :: 8 :: 9 :: 10 :: 11 :: 12

There are obviously some duplicates (or very similar in style) in there so I’d probably add the boat shoes I wanted and maybe another fun colored/printed shoe, another flat sandal and a comfy wedge or espadrilles instead of a couple of those.  Then again…they all have their own unique qualities so how could I give any of them up?  Hypothetically of course since my wallet, nor my closet can handle all of these shoes!

If I had to pick a couple to have right now I’d probably pick #2 because I’ve been buying a lot of brown, but have only one pair of black flat sandals, #8 because I still need a low wedge brown sandal and #12 because I am dying for a strappy heel that isn’t 4+ inches tall.  How about you?  Any of these shoes on your own lust list?

If you can’t tell, I am LOVING the ankle strap this season.  Are you as obsessed with the ankle strap as I am?

Feeling sunny today :: #whatiwore

Honestly, I was second guessing my yellow pants purchase when I brought them home from my shopping trip, but then I put this outfit together yesterday and I can’t believe I almost took them back.  I was in a pretty good mood today and I told the kids it was because I was wearing yellow pants.  My son’s response…”you should wear yellow more often!”.  That’s my boy.  He tells it like it is.  lol.

Here in FL it’s hot as the dickens and I just can’t even think about wearing layers.  Most of the time I just want to be in a comfy sleeveless top so I imagine this outfit will get lots of wear this summer!

yellow pants (can’t find online, but were on sale for $15 in store right NOW!) & striped tank :: H&M
earrings are old :: sandals :: yellow wrap bracelet (Target), gold ring (LOVE this ring!)

STYLELIXIR Style Sessions