I’m gonna need a bigger closet

I don’t know if you’ve been able to tell or not, but I’ve recently become just slightly obsessed with fashion.  The most I’ve been since having kids actually.  I tried to remember back before husband and babies and while it was 15yrs ago, I do remember taking a portion of my tips (I was a Bennigan’s waitress back in the day) and going to the mall every week.  I also remember having a $500 JCP card & a $300 Victoria’s Secret credit card that were always pretty close to limit.  Although it’s apparent I was once in to shopping, this is the first time I’ve really been interested in fashion.  Like, putting whole outfits together with accessories & such.

As you can imagine, after 15 yrs, two babies, a myriad of sizes from 0-10…my wardrobe was kinda sad.  Toss in the fact that when I did buy things, I bought things that would get me by, but not necessarily classic staples.  Which means, half of the stuff I bought that still fits, ends up getting tossed because I don’t like it anymore.

So…for the last few months I’ve been buying some much needed additions to my wardrobe.

basicsblack blazer (H&M) :: jean jacket (H&M) :: seersucker blazer (the Limited) :: black sheath dress (the Limited)
nude wedges (Gianni Bini) :: brown flats (Gianni Bini) :: black pumps (Christian Louboutin)
striped tee (H&M) :: white tee (the Limited) :: white sleeveless blouse (H&M) :: black pencil skirt (Express)

And, because shopping for staples is boring without some ‘just because’ pieces thrown in…here are some of the fun purchases I’ve made

Apr-May_shopping copy

1) I am in L.O.V.E with my new DVF wedges (anniversary present from my hubs!)

2) You know when you try something on, and the instant you put it on, you know that you have to have it?  That was this Cremieux striped maxi.  I was not leaving the store without it!

3) white peplum & pink sequin pencil skirt (black version)

4) neon distressed chinos (clearance rack at AE)

5) boyfriend jeans (Target) – not the most awesome boyfriend jeans ever, but at $30 and the only ones I’ve found thus far that I even liked on me, I was sold!

6) Vince Camuto low heeled sandal

Mint+Seersucker :: #whatiwore

When I bought my seersucker blazer I combed the internet for ideas on how to style it.  I found this adorable outfit inspiration over at Capitol Hill Style.  Seersucker and mint…a genius combo!  I promptly tucked this photo away for use on a later date.
wear me soon

a later date…I loooved this combo on.  For accessories, I went with gold and a pop of coral.


Mint + Seersucker

Trend :: Jumpsuits

I’m not a big fan of change, so it takes me a year or two to warm up to new fashion trends.  Of course the downside of taking a while to warm up to something, usually means I jump on the band wagon while the rest of the world is slowly moving on to a new trend.  I’m usually one step behind, but that’s ok with me.  😉

Like always, I’m a little late to the party with the jumpsuit trend.  I thought it was new this year, but when I googled it, apparently it is definitely not new.  *sigh*

Anywho, I didn’t think I would like this trend at all.  I don’t have a good track record with one piece items (I guess I have a longer torso so the size I need for the torso, doesn’t usually match the size I need for my clothing size) so when I picked up a jumpsuit the other day to try on, I really didn’t expect to like it.  I thought it was pretty though so I grabbed it to try it on.

Imagine my surprise when I put it on and kinda didn’t want to take it off.  It was loose and comfy, but I felt stylish.  I could see it with some barely there sandal heels, but also cute with flats & a jean jacket.  I ended up leaving without it because honestly, I’m still not confident in what looks good on me and what doesn’t, so I wasn’t convinced that I would wear it past this summer.  It was also $130, which would have been okay if I wore the heck out of it for a year or two, but IMO a little steep for a one hit wonder outfit.  I have been thinking about it ever since though so I think I’m going to be on the hunt for a more affordable version.

Here‘s the one I tried on.  In hindsight, I probably should have tried on the next size down, but I was accounting for my long(ish) torso and yes, the leg length is a little LONG (I’m only 5’4″  :))


And here are a few from around the web that I’m lovin’…

Wendy’s Lookbook

Rachel Zoe Utilitarian Turquoise Jumpsuit – Spring 2013


What do you think…will you get in on this trend?  Check out some I found for sale right now…
Forever 21-1, Forever 21-2, Forever 21-3 ::  H&M shorts romper :: ASOS-1, ASOS-2
dressy jumpsuit (splurge)

One Piece, Three Ways :: #whatiwore

MK over at Outfit Posts decided to do a fun little Spring remix post about how to wear one piece, two ways.  She featured all the reader submissions on her blog today and I wanted to share mine here.  For your viewing pleasure, I also included a third (basic) option.  😉

My one piece is the Striped Convertible Neckline Slub dress from Express.  It’s a cotton material, so it’s pretty comfy and you can wear it with a high neckline or turn it around and wear it with a lower neckline.  I decided to do a day to night inspired look.  Day (on the left) would be say, at your 9-5’er.  Then, for your Night look…you slip off the pencil skirt, turn the dress around (lower neckline), change your shoes, throw on some leather and you’re ready for the club (or date).  The third look (in the middle) could be considered “weekend” wear.  Here in FL, you can’t have too many layers during the 90+ degree days or you might heat to death.  🙂

I feel like it’s important to add that, with almost all of my Express purchases, I use a coupon.  They put a coupon out often that’s along the lines of $15 off $30, $30 off $90 and $50 off $150.  I hardly ever pay full price unless I really need something and there isn’t a coupon out.


*disclaimer – Hubs does not approve of my “night” shoes.  He said I should have kept the heels on.  lol.  Honestly, IRL if I were going from day to night and going for drinks, I would have probably kept the heels on, but I wanted to make the night outfit a little funkier.  So, if you hate the booties,
<——– here it is with the heels.

 Inadvertently, this post could be titled Express clothing remix (with the exclusion of the shoes) since all of my clothing pieces are Express brand.

Pencil Skirt
Jacket (old, but similar here)
Booties (Target, but pretty much sold out
similar here, here & here)
Sandals (Target)

Five Things…

TGIF!  Only 3 weeks until my kiddos get out of school and I think I’m more excited than they are.  It’s so close I can taste it…shorts & flip flops, fresh fruit on a hot summer day, the smell of coconut lotion, spur of the moment bowling excursions, and best of all, no homework & no schedule!

Sum..sum..summertime here we come!

I’m so pumped about Sara Bareilles new album coming out this summer (July 16th)!  I love her songs and I’ve already been playing her single “Brave” over and over again.  If you haven’t heard it, you need to go buy it now.

Seriously…I’ll wait…

“Show me how big your brave is…say what you wanna say and let it all fall out…honestly…I wanna see you be brave”


She has this cool download on her website where you can post how you’re going to be brave.  That’s mine above.  Now show me yours!


Sequins & Glitter?  Yes please.  I’m attending my daughters vocal banquet on Sunday and I can’t wait to wear my new pink sequin pencil skirt that I got from the Limited on an insane sale ($12.50..oh yeah!).  Today I bought pink glitter polish to complete my outfit.  I’m going to paint it over the polish that’s currently on my toes to make them sparkle a little and it’s going to be the polish on my ring finger with Essie Mint Candy Apple on the rest of my fingers. Woot!

glitter polish_________________________________

I am in love with Shannon Botakis’ work.  I have no idea where I would put one, but eventually she will have the perfect one for sale and I WILL have it for my house.  My favorites are “Sailing Away” and several of her new pieces seen here, specifically the first four and “How I Wish You Were Here”.

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I have been on a huge shoe bender lately and just when I think I’ve got all my bases covered, I find another shoe I NEED.  No, really, I NEED it.  I have this amazeballs maxi dress that is just a smidge too long so it needs to be paired with a low wedge sandal, which of course, I don’t own.  I like this one and I adore this Chinese Laundry one, but I want more of a 2 in heel so they won’t work.  I ordered these from Target today.  The heel is the right height and they weren’t too expensive…Score!

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Ugh…the VS annual swim sale catalog came today.  Please tell me I’m not the only one that isn’t ready for the swimsuit part of the summer?!  Nuff said.

lunch date :: #whatiwore

Lunch with the hubs and grandparents called for more than just jeans and a tee shirt.

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shirt: Target
jeans: Express
shoes: Gianni Bini Josie wedge
belt: Target
bracelets: Kohl’s




date night :: #whatiwore

It’s been awhile since hubs & I had a real date night where we got all dolled up.  Usually we’re just happy to have alone time so we end up having a casual dinner and enjoy hanging out together.  I have to admit that we’d already been out that day and I was seriously fighting the urge to wash my face, jump into my pj’s and settle in under my blanket on the couch.  I think it’s pretty obvious from my previous sentence that I’m a hard core party animal so….I threw on some (ridiculously awesome) pumps, a leather jacket, touched up my make-up and we were off!  What else could I do?  We were kid free and I had been waiting on an excuse to wear my new shoes for weeks!


shirt: H&M (similar, similar)
jeans: ReRock by Express
jacket: Express (similar, similar)
shoes: Christian Louboutin


Love, love, loving my recent purchase from Paris.  This was their first real outing since being back in the states and they were amazing.  I want to live in them 24/7!

Girls Night Out! :: #whatiwore

My SIL & I had an impromptu GNO and went to see Spank! The Fifty Shades Parody.  It was 50 Shades of Grey meets comedy with a side of strip club…SO funny!!  Perfect for a GNO!

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shirt: Michael Kors
jeans: ReRock by Express
shoes: Gianni Bini
watch: Michael Kors
necklace: Charming Charlie’s (I think)

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I {heart} shopping

I’ll be the first to tell you that I’m not the most fashionable person I know.  But with the help of the fashion savvy people in my life, Pinterest and the interwebs, I’m getting better (I think).

I’ve been having a lot of fun shopping lately.  I don’t always love shopping, but I’ve found a ton of fun stuff recently.  Shopping comes in waves for me.  Sometimes I try to shop and there’s nothing good out.  Other times, I find all kinds of great stuff.  We got an H&M in our city this past year and I have been horribly overwhelmed whenever I tried to shop there.  However, I must have been in a good shopping mood the other day because I was finally able to find a few things to try on…yay!  That was just the start of my shopping fun.

H&M finds…awesome blazer for $20, the shirt underneath and a cute summer sweater with a zipper at the back neckline (not pictured :().


Dillards…Michael Kors top (on sale for $27!) and Jessica Simpson Jeans. (already owned the Gianni Bini nude wedges)


Now to figure out the jewelry.  Accessories are my biggest obstacle, my kryptonite…whatever you want to call it.  I just can’t seem to visualize it very well when I’m out buying jewelry and I seriously…over think it!  I really love the layering look that’s popular right now so I think a couple of layered necklaces would look great with this outfit.  Just gotta find some!  Maybe I’ll cheat and buy the layered necklaces that are all in one.

In addition to looking for a necklaces to layer, I’ve been looking for bracelets to add to my collection so I can sport an arm party like these girls.

TBDarmparty1Source: The Beauty Department

maya_brenner_glitter_guide111-e1320353216610Source: The Glitter Guide

Target shoe finds…Red wedges. Don’t these just scream SUMMER?!  I love them!  They’re pretty comfy too.

red wedges

Yellow Merona ballet flats

yellow flat

Those who know me, know that I’m usually in jeans & tees or workout wear (see exhibit A & B below).  I’m just trying to get more fashionable so that when I do actually have somewhere to go other than the grocery, school or the gym…I’ll have something cute to wear.  😉

Exhibit A & B…my daily attire along with jeans & t-shirts


Sorry about my cut off head.  I’m usually not made up or I feel like a dork smiling for the camera when I’m trying to show my outfit.  It’s a bit ridiculous how much I cut my head off though.  I’ll have to get better about that!

More than a Handful is just a waste

It was kismet…


I was perusing the internet as usual…reading blogs, FB posts, twitter, etc and I ran across a post on FB by a personal trainer that I follow and it was directed to his female fans.

Sweet…off I went to see what was so awesome for us gals only.  It was an article about an awesome sports bra called the Handful Bra.  Coolage.  I’m always looking for a good sports bra.  Noted it for future reference and kept perusing.

As I’m reading another blog, I see a post about Handful again!  Okay, now my interest was peaked.  Twice in one day?  Obviously this was a sign that I was meant to have one!

Picked out the style and color and it was done.  I couldn’t wait to try it out and see if it was all it was cracked up to be.

I chose the adjustable strap bra in purple (btw, it looks plum in these pics, but it’s actually more of a deep jewel purple IRL.  Very pretty!).  Seen here in these terribly lit, hideously grainy iPhone pics taken in my messy bathroom.

HandfulI was in love!  The fabric feels amazing and the bra itself is super cute, comfortable and flattering.

A couple of things you might want to know…

  • All the bras come with their own little matching washer bag.  So cute and convenient!  If you stick them in the bag before you put them in the hamper, then you’re good to go when it’s time to wash them.
  • The pads that come with the bra are uh-mazing!  They are little push up pads and you can order extra sets in case you want to enhance what your momma gave ya.
  • Shipping was fast and free if you sign up for an account.  A company who isn’t going to charge me an arm and a leg to ship?!  Sign me up!  However, I would have gladly paid a shipping fee for this beauty.  😉
  • Handful bras were created by a woman for women.  They’re also an approved mastectomy bra.
  • My only complaint is….more color options!

As I mentioned before, Handful and I were meant to be together.  It just so happens that a couple weeks after I found Handful, I saw a blog contest for a Handful bra…entered…and WON!  How awesome is that?!

I won

I decided my Handful and I needed a little photo shoot…


Adjustable straps…
(side note: it is REALLY hard to take a self portrait of your back!)


