Word for the Year

Good morning, Internet!!

I realized the other the other day that I never posted my Word for the year. Whoops! I ended up sticking with the word that stood out to me almost immediately because no matter how much I dug and brainstormed, this word just kept coming back to me.

My word for 2015 is…Balance

bal·ance /ˈbaləns/
a condition in which different elements are equal or in the correct proportions

I have so many areas of my life that I want to give attention to, but I tend to get hyper focused on one at a time. In 2015, I’d like to achieve a better balance of fitness, fun, family, work, health, hobbies, friends and self realization.


Taking Stock // 02

photo-1416431168657-a6c4184348ab(image via UnSplash)

Last time I did a post like this I borrowed prompts (with permission) from Meet Me at Mikes. Which were great! But, this time, I used some of the same prompts and threw in several specific to me and what I’m doing/thinking right now.

Making: these yummy gluten free breakfast cookies for the kids

Cooking: healthy breakfasts

Drinking: my copycat Whole Foods tropical smoothie (recipe coming soon)

Watching: Girlfriends Guide to Divorce

Listening to: the whole Sam Smith album, but also Ed Sheeran, Thinking Out Loud and Andy Grammar, Honey I’m Good

Lusting over: the fashion on GGTD! I’m obsessed with pieces from all of their styles.

Thinking: about my Italy trip. It’s only 65 days away and I can feel the anxiety slowly creeping in, but I’m also uber excited! The last time we went out of the country was my first time ever so I feel like I had more to do. This time it’s mostly just packing.

Focusing on: eating healthier and watching my portions

Waiting: to receive my Shannon Bonatakis print (warning: possibly NSFW-ish) the teen bought me for Christmas. I’ve wanted one of Shannon’s prints for over a year. Now the question is where to put it!

Ordering: my first Vitacost order. I had heard of Vitacost, but never actually ordered. Then I ran out of vitamins for the kids and didn’t want to make a Whole Foods run.

Morning Reading: the Skimm. I just started getting Skimm emails, but so far, so good!

Bedtime Reading: To Kill a Mockingbird

Recently added to my To-Read list: Party Girl

Getting used to: drinking my morning coffee with less sugar

Pumped for: season premiere of Girls

Marveling: at snow in Jacksonville! Okay, it was just flurries, but still…SNOW!

Playing: Wits and Wagers and Apples to Apples

Wishing: we could pick up and move where we want to RIGHT NOW. We’d only move to another area of town because of the kids schooling, but maybe eventually out of the state. We will get there eventually when the timing is right.

Pinning: my ideal winter look and this adorable kitchen staple

Working on: getting more organized and de-cluttering. I’m not a fan of baby steps because it’s hard for me to see the big picture, but so far I’ve been to keep my eye on the prize and keep plugging along.

Excited about: my new business app/digital business card…go here —> katie.oily.life on your mobile device! Want one for your business? My husband created it and is looking to expand. Even if you aren’t in the essential oil business, send me a message telling me what business you are in and what you would want your digital business card to do for you.

Wishing: I had more decor in my house. I love going in someone’s home and seeing how decorated it is. I really want ours to have more decor, but I have a hard time making decisions about how to do it.

Enjoying: the kids being back at school. I was dreading the early mornings and routine, but now that I’m back in the groove, I am loving having the house to myself again.

Smelling: Thieves + Christmas Spirit in the diffuser.

Searching: for a new salad dressing recipe. I LOVE my current staple, but I’d like some variety. I’m going to try this one today. I’ll let you know if it’s yummy or not.

Quote I liked recently: “No one truly interesting is universally liked” – Girlfriends Guide to Divorce

Needing: to give the dog a bath. She is so stanky! But I need to buy doggie shampoo first! 🙁

Wearing: workout wear

Feeling: Hungry. It’s lunch time. 😛

Loving: that Florida finally has marriage equality



Reflections and Resolutions

The beginning of a new year is an obvious time of reflection. A year of memories get locked away in the vault and everyone is given a clean slate…a fresh start to put things right…to fix what they don’t like about their life…to better themselves. Although technically you can do this any time during the year and restart whenever you choose, people generally see the new year as the time to do it.

I’ve never been very good at creating New Year’s resolutions. Before kids, I never thought about it much. Since having kids it’s been the generic, “exercise more”, “eat healthier”, “get in shape”. Last year I tried a little harder and made them more specific…

  1. Read 14 books nailed it!
  2. Eat meals at home more often
  3. Run a half marathon nailed it!
  4. Get my photos OFF the computer
  5. Blog more often nailed it!
  6. Take more OOTD pics
  7. Record more video
  8. Finally paint a wall with chalkboard paint
  9. Be consistent with my fitness
  10. Sign up for college courses even though I still don’t know what I want to do with my life
  11. Keep my car cleaned out
  12. Volunteer

Most of them were still pretty generalized though. I used more and often instead of specific timeframes or numbers.

Maybe I’m afraid of failure, so instead of saying, “blog at least 4 times a week”, I just say, “blog more often”. That way if I technically had more blog posts in 2014 than in 2013, then I met my goal! I shouldn’t feel like a failure though if I don’t follow through on my resolutions. Instead, I should reflect on why I didn’t accomplish what I said I wanted to accomplish. Why didn’t I act on that? Do I really want this or do I just like the sound of it? Am I standing in my own way? Am I cruising through life, but not really doing anything with my life?

Time to check myself and get my head on straight.

I don’t just want to be in the car on the side of the road to finding myself. I want to be in the drivers seat, actually driving down the road! I struggle not with simply growing older, but with growing older and not knowing what I want to do with myself. The older I get, the more I think, “You should know what you want out of life!” or at least be on a journey to finding it. As the mom, I tend to always put everyone else’s needs ahead of my own. I take care of myself in the day to day sense, but as far as long term goals, I put my desires on hold. I keep thinking, “next year I’ll start on that”, “when Hayden gets into middle school I’ll be able to think about it more”, “when Caitlin can drive, I’ll have more time”. Then I think, “Am I procrastinating? Am I simply making excuses? Is it the fear of failure? Am I just being lazy?” 

A Facebook acquaintance said something a few months ago that has really stuck with me.

Screen Shot 2014-12-26 at 5.55.31 PMI don’t have the answers to my questions yet, but I do know that I don’t want to be turning 40 (in *cough* 3yrs and 3 mos) and still be wondering the same things. I have GOT to start working towards something, anything. Because knowing what isn’t me is at least starting on the path to finding what is.

My New Year’s resolution list is still in the works. Although, I’m not sure if it will be a real list, a few things I want to work on throughout the year or just one word.

I’m really interested in finding my word for the year, so I’m excited to start working on that this weekend. I think I might have stumbled upon one, but I’m not sold on it yet and it was right after I signed up for 5 daily emails to help me figure it out so I’m going to go ahead and do the 5 days of work and see what happens.

I’m not sure when picking a word for the year started, but I just heard about it recently even though it seems to have started at least a couple of years ago. Is this a new concept to you too or am I just late to the party yet again? If you’ve chosen a word for the year already, I’d love to hear it!

Highlights of 2014

2014 certainly had it’s share of heart ache, hurt and sadness, but as glad as I am that this year is coming to a close, we had some really great moments too.

  • Two concerts. Date night with the hubs and mommy/son date with the boy.


  • The teen performed in her first school musical


  • My 6th grader had his first school piano recital


  • I completed a half marathon


  • The teen got her braces off


  • I toured Washington D.C. with my favorite 5th grader


  • I read 30 (THIRTY!) Books

Screen Shot 2014-12-29 at 3.14.21 PM


  • I finally saw the Golden Gate Bridge in person


I love looking back and seeing some of my favorite moments from the year. There are, of course, many everyday moments that were just as special as well, but these were the big ones that stuck out.

Now bring on 2015! I can’t wait to see what the year has in store for us!

#MicroblogMondays // 03

Merry Christmas from Freckled LatteYes, my Christmas wishes are a little late, but I hope everyone had a great holiday! Ours was filled with love, laughter, good food and lots of family time. I’ll be back tomorrow sharing some of my favorite purchases from 2014.

Getting deep today

Last week I came upon a video that asks 50 people one question…
bodypartOf course I watched the video first without thinking about my answer. I know it would have been different before I watched as opposed to after.

First I’ll answer truthfully and then I’ll give my after watching the video answer at the end of the post.

My before answer would be a toss-up between my boobs and my profile (chin/nose).

I have plenty of things about my body that I have a love/hate relationship with, but I’ve grown to accept them.

For example…

My feet are a small size 10. I am 5’4″ and my feet are monstrous boats. I weigh more now, but when I was in HS, imagine a 103lb frame with size 10’s holding it up. Kind of out of proportion. I’ve learned to accept the fact that they are on the bigger side though and I actually don’t mind that they are a 10. Sure, sometimes I wish they were smaller, but that’s only because I see a really cute shoe and I know that it would look horrible on my foot. Some shoes just don’t look good on me and that’s okay, but dang does it bum me out when it’s a really super fantabulous shoe. I have plenty of beautiful shoes in my closet though so obviously my shoe size doesn’t restrict me that much. 😉

My skin/freckles. My freckles have faded some on my face, but when I was younger, everyone would comment about my freckles. “Wow, you have a lot of freckles!”. I was lucky in that I didn’t really get teased or bullied about it – there was this one kid in HS, but he was an idiot who just liked to annoy me and he wasn’t exactly a looker himself if you know what I mean. I spent a lot of years wishing I wasn’t speckled and wishing my skin wasn’t so pale. Like my feet though, over the years, I learned to accept them. I actually like my freckles now and like that they make me different.

FullSizeRenderI’m sure I could find a better old photo at my moms, but this was the best I had on hand. I was around 9 in this photo and I definitely had more freckles appear over the years. When I think about my freckles, I distinctly remember a school photo with my hair pulled back, with that horrible school photo lighting that showed everything on your face. Not to mention that the color processing they do does not always work for the fair skinned, freckled type. There are some horribly processed photos of my (now) teen. Her red hair, freckles and pale skin make the auto color processing go nuts!

My hair. It was a mousy brown color, stick straight and thin/lifeless. I used to hate it, but now thanks to covering up my greys, I have a pretty rich shade of brown. It’s no longer stick straight and I kind of wish it was, but throughout the years, I’ve learned what works for my hair texture and what doesn’t and not to be repetitive, but I’ve learned to accept what I can’t change.

Now for the things that I’m still working on…

My boobs. Before kids, I had small B’s. Perky, but small. I was never in love with them, but I didn’t feel the desire to change them. After kids, my boobs are a deflated, saggy B-C. I have struggled with wanting implants. Mostly so I can feel comfortable in cute clothes without a bra, but if pushed I’m not sure I’d actually go through with it. Honestly, it’s the putting something into my body that my body could reject and something that would require upkeep 10-15 yrs down the road. I’m not sure it’s worth it. I’m too old to go bra less anyways probably.

My profile (chin/nose). My chin is slightly recessed and my nose seems too big for my face. If I wasn’t married with children and could be sure it would come out looking amazing, I would likely go for it. But, I don’t want to send that message to my kids. I preach to them about accepting who they are and accepting their bodies and I really mean it. What kind of message would I be sending when I can’t even accept my own? My husband and my kids love me the way I am and by changing a part of my face would be to change who they love. I would still be the same inside, but I would look different.

I still have some internal work to do, but I’m close.  After the recent Renee Zellweger hoopla, I’m determined to stop being so hard on myself and accept me just as I am!

Your turn. “If you could change one thing about your body, what would it be?”

Think about your answer and then watch the video below.  Don’t read the rest of my post until after you finished the video.



K. Did you watch it? Did it make you tear up and smile at the same time? Was it what you expected?

As promised, here’s my after answer…it’s a toss up again, but this time it’s between changing nothing or adding fairy wings!  🙂

So tell me, what’s your before and after?



Four Day Weekend, Here We Come!

It’s Friday and I’ve officially made it through a whole week of NaBloPoMo! I don’t want to count my chickens yet or anything, especially since the weekends are hard to blog during, but I’m stoked I’ve made it a quarter of the way through this blogging every day for a month thing.

Today I’m gonna phone it in a little and post a Five on Friday. Mostly because I’ve got a lot of little things on my mind and I just want to get them out staccato style.

stac•ca•to  /stəˈkädō/ : with each sound or note sharply detached or separated from the others

I love music. I love to sing. I love to dance. You would think I would have done something musical as a child. Unfortunately, I’m a stubborn little wench and refused to play anything other than piano when I was younger, which we couldn’t afford at the time so that meant I learned to play nothing. I’m the only one of my 4 siblings that never learned an instrument. Don’t feel bad for me though, not only am I never to old to learn, but I’m now living vicariously through my children. My daughter is a vocal major at her middle school with a minor in musical theatre (hoping to switch her major to musical theatre in HS) and my son is a majoring in piano. You know the downside to having musical children? It is not uncommon to wake up to your 11yo, in his underwear, playing piano at 6:30 in the morning when he’s supposed to be getting ready for school. And once he starts actually getting ready, his sister will just be getting into her morning beauty routine and will start belting out songs at the top of her lungs from the school musical. Songs that aren’t even hers, but ones that she’s heard 200 times so she knows them by heart. Then said songs will get stuck in your head for hours!

I was listening to the radio today and they were interviewing Mary J Blige. She has an album coming out in December, called The London Sessions. It’s called the London Sessions because she picked up everything and moved to London for a month to write this album with a bunch of London talent that she hadn’t worked with before. A huge creative leap for her to make, but she felt like what had been working for her was getting a little stale and she needed to mix things up a bit. Go out on a limb and do something that was good for her soul. She jumped in with both feet and even though it got off to a rocky start (the first song was a dud!), she pushed on and ended up with an album that she’s proud of. She said that even if the album doesn’t do well, she’ll still be glad she did it because it was good for her creatively to get out of her comfort zone.  Anywho, I just thought that it was food for thought and could apply to everyone’s life in one way or another. So, what are you doing to feed your soul?!

I’m not proud to say this, but homeless people kind of make me uncomfortable. I have sympathy towards them, yet, I don’t want to be a pushover or duped by someone who maybe isn’t as needy as they claim or is just going to use the money for drugs/alcohol. So to combat my inner turmoil, I don’t make eye contact, I ignore them or quickly dismiss them with “I don’t have any money”. In most situations, I’d like to at least be comfortable enough to treat everyone as a human being, but as a female I feel super vulnerable if I’m getting into my car and someone comes up behind me to ask for money. I would be ignoring all of those “stay safe” guidelines that have been drilled into us if that didn’t make me a little nervous.  But it’s stories like this and the video below, that make me want to do more to help anyone who finds themselves in the position of being homeless.

I know this probably keeps you up at night worrying so let me put your mind at ease, I think I MAY be closer to finding out what I want to be when I grow up. Yay!! It’s only taken me 36.5 yrs, but I’m almost there. I’m 90% sure I want it to be something in the health/nutrition field, with an emphasis on the holistic side. The downside is that I really want to take classes in person so that I have someone to ask questions to and peers to talk things out with, but I can’t find a lot of reputable holistic offerings.  I think I’m going to have to go for a Bachelors in Science and Nutrition and then take holistic classes/certifications separately. I went to a health luncheon on Wednesday and one of the speakers talked about Epigenetics, which sounds fascinating…way over my head at the moment, but uber cool at the same time! I’d love to learn more about epigenomes.

Confession: my first ever 1/2 marathon is a short month away and I haven’t run in months. I FINALLY got out and started running last night. Those 13.1 miles are gonna down! When I signed up for this race, I had such high hopes. I’m gonna train my ass off! I’m going to run the whole way! I’m going to make a PR (personal record)! Now my goal is just not to get picked up by the pace cart! If you’ve never ran in a race before, there is a cart (van, car, whatever) that is pacing at the slowest speed you can go. If they catch up to you, they are going to transport you to the finish line. You don’t get to finish the race. You don’t get your medal. Each race has a different end time. For this particular one, I have to make 13.1 miles in faster than 16 min miles. Piece of cake, right?! I hope so. Right now, I’m run/walking 2 miles at about a 12-13 min/mile pace. Not great. If I slow down even the slightest, I’m screwed. Fortunately, I think I can keep that pace up for a while and I will out run that damn cart even if I kill myself doing so. I thought about bailing on the race, but no, I’m not letting myself get off that easy. I did this to myself. I didn’t train and I’m gonna have to suffer the consequences. I’m hoping that by December, I can get up to at least around 6 miles. I’ll feel better knowing that I can at least run/walk half of it without getting picked up by the pace cart. Wish me luck!




Devoured would be a good word to describe what I did to the book I just read.  Since I finished Eleanor and Park, I was having difficulty getting into a new book.  I started a few, but none quite peaked my interest enough to keep reading.  I was worried I was going to lose the momentum I had built up and fall into a lull.  And then, I found Me Before You by Jojo Moyes.

One reviewer said it had a slow start, but being one who needs a book that pulls me in immediately, I didn’t feel like that was the case.  I was hooked right from the start with the sample I downloaded to my kindle.  I tore through the sample, downloaded the rest of the book and read 20% the first night I started it.  I finished the rest of it over the next 2 days!

You only get one life. It’s actually your duty to live it as fully as possible. – Me Before You

The story is pretty simple.  Plain, ordinary girl finds herself as the caretaker of a quadriplegic man even though she has no experience doing so.  They are both from extremely different lives, but they (albeit reluctantly at first) bond with each other like no one else they’ve met before.  The story is about their 6 months together and how they change each other for the better.  It’s a funny, sweet, moving story that kept me interested the whole way through.  **warning** It is SAD so prepare yourself and have some tissues within reach!

Have you read Me Before You?  What did you think?

It’s here! It’s here!

Welcome to the new and improved “Food, Sweat and Inspiration”!

Obviously, not only does it have a new design and web home (no more katiehigg.wordpress.com!), but I changed the name.

I started my blog in 2011 after I quit the photography business.  I was never in love with my blog name, but I didn’t end up blogging that much so it didn’t really bother me.  Until now.  In 2013 I started blogging a lot more frequently and the blog name/design were really starting to irk me.

So, last week, I took the plunge…

Food, Sweat and Inspiration is now


I know what you’re thinking.  What the heck is a freckled latte?  Well, I won’t bore you with my brainstorming thought stream, but basically, I have freckles and I like lattes so I put them together and wham!  Freckled Latte was born!  I was hesitant at first, asking friends/family what they thought, testing the waters, but the more I thought about it, the more it grew on me and now I absolutely LOVE it!

As far as the content, I have all the old posts & photos on here and I will be posting the same type of randomness.  😉

The old blog will stay up for now, but all new posts will be over here, so you’ll need to subscribe/follow/like this page or you won’t see any of my new content!

*gasp* None of my new content?!! Don’t let that happen!

Follow/like/subscribe now so we can stay friends!  I love my readers and I don’t want to leave any of you behind.

subscribe via email —–>

Follow Freckled Latte on Bloglovin’ —–>

Add my RSS feed to your reader —–>

Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest are all still the same so if you are following there, you are good to go!

My new blog home makes me absolutely giddy!  I hope you love her as much as I do.  I’m so excited to finally post here!  I’ll still be making tweaks here and there, but for the most part….

Welcome to my new home!  Grab a latte, get cozy and stay awhile!

*p.s. if you notice a link that doesn’t work or some other technology fail, please shoot me a message! I tried to check everything, but I have links everywhere! 😉

Happy New Year!

For the last couple of years we’ve let the kids stay up and ring in the New Year with us.  They think it’s awesome to stay up until midnight and get to drink sparkling cider out of wine glasses.  🙂


My 15sec recap of 2013

My first attempt at our year in review. #flipagram made with @flipagramapp♫ Music: Ingrid Michaelson - All Love