Nothing like going to a concert to make you feel OLD

I love going out, but I have to be in the mood and just because I have plans, doesn’t mean I’m going to be in the mood.

We were kidless Saturday and as the day passed, I was excited to be getting dressed to go somewhere, but at the same time just wanted to curl up on the couch in my sweats and watch a movie with my hunny.

Nevertheless, we got dressed and headed to St. Augustine for the O.A.R + Cris Cab concert.  I didn’t get a photo of my outfit.  Why, I don’t know.  #fashionbloggerfail

This is what I wore though…

Going to a concert

It doesn’t look all that grand laid out like this, but just take my word for it, I looked cute.  😉

Once we got to the amphitheater, I was feeling the concert vibes and ready to have some fun.  We got there with 20 min to spare before the opening act took the stage.  It’s a small venue so getting to our seats didn’t take long.

We passed all kinds of people tailgating before the show and I thought it was odd.  I don’t go to a ton of concerts, but I didn’t remember tailgating to be commonplace.  Turns out, the tour is called the O.A.R. Tailgate Tour 2013.  Ha!  NOW it all makes sense.  lol.  And, although I think we were in the median age range of the concert goers, for the most part, it felt a little like we were at a frat party.

We usually like aisle seats (easy entry/exit), but it wasn’t necessarily the best choice for this concert.  Aren’t people supposed to just sit/stand and enjoy concerts?  Apparently you need to refill your beer every 5 min.  The aisle way was constantly full of people going up & down the stairs. Honestly, it was a little distracting and I took a mental note to NOT sit on the aisle next time.

Anywho, we were enjoying ourselves anyways.  Cris Cab was the opening act and he was awesome. He’s a young guy from Miami, FL and his music has a very chill, reggae, pop, hip-hop sound.


Then it was time for O.A.R to come on stage.  The crowd was going nuts!  I knew a few of their songs, but my hubs was pretty well acquainted with their latest album.  They were super awesome live.  They interact with the crowd and have fun with their songs.

Awesome concert last night! #oartailgatetour #ofarevolution #staugustine


Unfortunately the hubs had a massive headache so we dipped out early.  Which honestly, was okay by me.  I was definitely enjoying myself, but grabbing dinner and then going home, washing my face and crashing on the couch sounded just as good.

And that, my friends, is how you know you’re getting old. 😛

Blog slacker…

Whoops.  I started to write a Five on Friday post today and realized that my last post was one of those.  Where the heck did the week go?!  I haven’t really been THAT busy, but just preoccupied I guess.

Last Friday was the start of me getting back on the workout wagon so my OOTD’s looked a little something like this…


While this is bad news for my OOTD posts and made me not feel like blogging…on the up side, I burned 2,262 calories this week!  😉


I also decided to join the worst kept secret zombie flash mob!  A Zumba instructor in town puts together a flash mob of sorts to perform at the Zombie Fitness Kids run.  This is their 3rd year doing it and I wanted to join in last year, but heard about it too late and honestly it’s a little out of my comfort zone.  I’m a bit of a commitment-phobe and it requires you to learn the dance mostly on your own.  And, of course, I don’t just want to join in at the end of the dance, I want to go all out and do the whole routine!  With less than 10 days to practice, I have my work cut out for me!  I love dancing though so I knew I would regret not joining in even though it requires a lot of work.  Not only do I have to learn the dance, but I also have to figure out zombie outfit/make-up.  Here’s last years flash mob…


So, I’ll admit to being a blog slacker, but I think I’ve been a fitness winner…this week!  Now, let’s see if I can keep up the fitness part and try to get some blogging done too.  :oP

I’m off to the gym!!!  Hope everyone has a great weekend!

leopard + oxblood :: #whatiwore

If there are two things I’m obsessed with fashion wise at the moment, it would be prints & oxblood!  Actually I’m loving color period.  I first saw these pants on Rach over at Pink Peonies, but good fitting pants are such a PITA to find most times so while I loved them on her, I didn’t have high hopes that they’d fit me as well.  I didn’t rush out to the mall or anything, but I did pop over to LOFT a couple weeks ago to try on their new  line of jeans. I only found one pair that fit me great and they were just okay so I left without them.

Fast forward to last week, I was at the mall looking for booties, but stopped in LOFT to see what they had and was told by two store employees that I came in at the perfect time because they’d just marked down a whole bunch of good stuff.  Okay, they peaked my interest, so I dug into the sale racks to see if anything caught my eye.  I had actually forgotten about the blog post, but as soon as I saw these pants, I remembered and immediately snatched them up (in two sizes just in case!) and added them to my dressing room pile.

There were some “meh’s” & “cute’s” in the dressing room, but these lovely pants were a “gotta-have-em!”  They fit me amazingly well and the kicker, they were on sale for $32!  Score!

2013-10-01_0003top :: pants :: shoes (cheap American Eagle for Payless black flats ;)) :: jewelry (Express, Etsy, Charming Charlies)

2013-09-29_00012013-10-01_0002posed…a little more relaxed…over the top

I keep getting annoyed at myself because I forget to get IN photos with people.  I always get so wrapped up in the moment that I don’t take any photos or if I do think about pictures, I get distracted with not so perfect lighting conditions or what I’m wearing or not wearing or how I look/don’t look and then the moment passes and I’m left with zero photos and regrets. So when we got home from a birthday lunch on Sunday, I had the teenager snapped some pics of me & the hubs.  The middle one is my favorite, but the third one pretty much sums up the hubs.  He’s got the silly gene for sure. Way more silly than I am and I’ll be honest in saying that I’m usually the one to just shake my head at his silliness, but I do appreciate it…most of the time.  😉

Linking up with Style Elixir

Wedding :: #whatiwore

Ok, so it’s Saturday instead of Thursday or Friday, but…I’m back with my wedding outfits! I’m sure your weekend just wouldn’t be complete without seeing them. 😛

Rehearsal :: My jumpsuit was the perfect rehearsal dinner outfit. Comfy and a little bit dressy without being too much.

2013-09-27_0001jumpsuit (on sale!) :: sandals (on sale!) :: blazer (H&M)

Wedding day :: I’m so happy I bought this dress. I was a little worried about the underarm chafing me, but I’m happy to report that I was completely comfortable throughout all the wedding festivities. As far as accessories, I pulled in the deep red/oxblood/burgundy color that’s popular right now.  I just knew it would go perfect with the navy & teal!  Now to figure out a way to restyle it so I can wear it more than once.  I’m thinking a jacket & boots maybe?

2013-09-27_0002dress :: shoes :: clutch :: blingy bracelet :: earrings & red bracelet (Charming Charlies)
*please excuse the blurry dog behind me in the pic on the right. That sneaky girl jumped into my pics! lol


a hint of fall :: #whatiwore

It was an overcast morning and I was running late as usual.  I had plans to have breakfast with one of my favorite sisters-in-law.  We don’t get together nearly as much as we should, but since her youngest just started preschool, it was the perfect time for some girl chat over breakfast.

I knew I had plenty of clothes so I didn’t really think about what I was going to wear until right before getting dressed.  Which I know from experience, doesn’t benefit me so I really don’t know why I still insist on waiting until the last minute to decide.  Oh wait, I think Albert Einstein had an answer for that…

in·san·i·ty (inˈsanitē/) : doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results

So I guess I’m insane.  :oP

Why is it that we (sorry, I’m grouping all the women in that “we”, mostly so I don’t feel alone in this) can have a closet full of clothes, yet “nothing to wear”?

I start going through my closet…”nope”, “nope”, “nope”, “too dressy”, “too summery”, “I don’t want to wear a dress”, etc.

Then I got to my new sweater from Target.  I walked out in the backyard half dressed to see what the weather felt like.  Hmmmm….a little humid, but overcast and I’m always coooold in restaurants so…done deal! Yay, crisis diverted! Best part was that I would get to wear my new booties too!

2013-09-26_0006Sweater (sold out) :: Lucky Jeans :: Gianni Bini booties


It turned out to be a very fall feeling day…for Florida anyways. Overcast most of the day, a slight cool breeze and temps in the high 70’s-low 80’s.  It was awesome and made me even more eager for Fall to be here.

coffee date :: #whatiwore

A couple of weeks ago I met up with a local blogger at a local coffee shop. High five for meeting new people and supporting our hometown shops!

I was still really loving my new leopard belt and remembered this inspiration image I pinned a little while ago.  It was perfect for morning coffee!  Which coincidentally turned into early afternoon because we chatted for a few hours.  Gotta love when you meet someone new and instantly hit it off.



Linking up with Style Elixir

my favorite kind of outfit :: #whatiwore

Jeans & a t-shirt…pretty much my favorite kind of outfit. I choose to be a little more fashion forward/dressed up somedays, but if it’s not 100% comfortable, I end up ripping it off when I get home. I try to accessorize more when I think about it, but normally I just wear a watch, some earrings, and a necklace.

This is me…

to a “T” (pun intended ;))

2013-09-04_00122013-09-04_0011home T :: Lucky Brand jeans :: cheetah print belt

I got this belt from the J Crew outlet last weekend and I’ve been dying to wear it, but haven’t been out much since I bought it and when I was out, I didn’t bother caring what I looked like. *gasp* I know, I probably shouldn’t admit that. I do care a little. I mean, I make sure my hair is brushed and that I have clothes on that match, but that’s been the extent of it for the past several days. This outfit was pretty much effortless, but when I saw the belt hanging in my closet I thought I could get away with adding it to my ensemble. Leopard print goes with everything, right?

Btw, if you’ve been debating buying one of these cool home. T‘s, you should definitely do it! It’s one of my favorite t-shirts. Not only is it super soft cotton in the perfect shade of grey….not too light, not too dark, but, it’s made in the good ol’ US of A and a portion of the proceeds is donated to multiple sclerosis research.


New toy!

I can’t even tell y’all how excited I am about my new toy.  I got a remote shutter release for my camera! I know, I know….huge nerd to be so excited about a functional toy for my camera. But, this means now I don’t have to ask someone to take photos for me and I can get proper shots of myself by my self.  Of course, I had to test it out today.


In case you’re interested, I purchased the Phottix Aion.  I did a quick google search on Thursday and this one looked good so I bought it.  I love, love, love being able to take my own photos.  I imagine it will be a little like when I first started studying photography and spent hours just playing with the camera.

photo copy 2

Camo craze…Part 2! :: #whatiwore

My post last week was spurred by my recent camouflage jean purchase and inspired TWO of my outfits for the week.  Camo has been all over the fashion blogs lately.  If you haven’t jumped on the band wagon…now is the time!  For those of you that may be tired of the camo…this is probably my last post for now.  Not saying that I won’t be posting about camo more come fall time, but I’ll try to lay off it for a few.  😉

Outfit #1 :: camo jeans, grey tee, flats

2013-08-27_0002basic grey pocket tee :: camouflage leggings :: Lucky brand flats

Outfit #2 :: camo jeans, white sleeveless button up, black flats/nude heels

2013-08-27_0005sleeveless white button down (old, from H&M) :: flats (old, Gianni Bini) :: heels

I was headed out to a birthday dinner for my hubby & his twin, but I was going to the mall first so I didn’t want to wear heels the whole time.  Looking back though, I think I liked the outfit with black shoes, rather than nude.


brunch date :: #whatiwore

I think brunch might be my favorite meal.  You don’t have to get up super early to make it to a restaurant before they get busy and you can eat breakfast or lunch, depending on your mood that day.  Hubs & I had the weekend to ourselves so in my quest to try more local restaurants, I chose Orsay for our brunch.  To be honest, I’d had brunch there once before, but it was good and the hubs hadn’t been there yet.  Sadly, I got zero pics of our food or anything helpful like that, but I can tell you that it was delicious yet again!  I ordered the daily quiche with side salad and the hubs had Steak Frites (fancy name for steak & fries).

Although I didn’t get any food pics or couple pics, I did manage to get some photos of my brunch outfit.  I was pumped to finally wear my polka dot jog pants!  I don’t know why I didn’t think to try to pair them with a chambray shirt.  I thought it looked cute together, but I’m new at this style/fashion thing so maybe I’m crazy.  😉  I wasn’t in love with my shoe choice, but I felt like it was my best option.  My favorite shoe with these pants are my Louboutin black pumps, but a heel seemed too dressy (I wasn’t in the mood to wear one anyway) and a flat just didn’t look right.

2013-08-12_0003chambray shirt :: polka dot joggers (Forever 21, not online anymore) :: shoes


In case you aren’t following me on Instagram (which btw, why not?!), my hubs surprised me with a Maya Brenner initial necklace on Friday.  I’ve been oohing & ahhing over them for a couple of months so I was super excited to finally have one.  It’s a delicate and dainty little thing and I love it.  I’ve worn it daily since it arrived!  It’s hard to see in the above pic, but I tried to crop it closer so you can get a better look.


Style Elixir