brunch date :: #whatiwore

I think brunch might be my favorite meal.  You don’t have to get up super early to make it to a restaurant before they get busy and you can eat breakfast or lunch, depending on your mood that day.  Hubs & I had the weekend to ourselves so in my quest to try more local restaurants, I chose Orsay for our brunch.  To be honest, I’d had brunch there once before, but it was good and the hubs hadn’t been there yet.  Sadly, I got zero pics of our food or anything helpful like that, but I can tell you that it was delicious yet again!  I ordered the daily quiche with side salad and the hubs had Steak Frites (fancy name for steak & fries).

Although I didn’t get any food pics or couple pics, I did manage to get some photos of my brunch outfit.  I was pumped to finally wear my polka dot jog pants!  I don’t know why I didn’t think to try to pair them with a chambray shirt.  I thought it looked cute together, but I’m new at this style/fashion thing so maybe I’m crazy.  😉  I wasn’t in love with my shoe choice, but I felt like it was my best option.  My favorite shoe with these pants are my Louboutin black pumps, but a heel seemed too dressy (I wasn’t in the mood to wear one anyway) and a flat just didn’t look right.

2013-08-12_0003chambray shirt :: polka dot joggers (Forever 21, not online anymore) :: shoes


In case you aren’t following me on Instagram (which btw, why not?!), my hubs surprised me with a Maya Brenner initial necklace on Friday.  I’ve been oohing & ahhing over them for a couple of months so I was super excited to finally have one.  It’s a delicate and dainty little thing and I love it.  I’ve worn it daily since it arrived!  It’s hard to see in the above pic, but I tried to crop it closer so you can get a better look.


Style Elixir

lunch date :: #whatiwore

Lunch with the hubs and grandparents called for more than just jeans and a tee shirt.

DSCF1303-Edit copy

shirt: Target
jeans: Express
shoes: Gianni Bini Josie wedge
belt: Target
bracelets: Kohl’s




I {heart} shopping

I’ll be the first to tell you that I’m not the most fashionable person I know.  But with the help of the fashion savvy people in my life, Pinterest and the interwebs, I’m getting better (I think).

I’ve been having a lot of fun shopping lately.  I don’t always love shopping, but I’ve found a ton of fun stuff recently.  Shopping comes in waves for me.  Sometimes I try to shop and there’s nothing good out.  Other times, I find all kinds of great stuff.  We got an H&M in our city this past year and I have been horribly overwhelmed whenever I tried to shop there.  However, I must have been in a good shopping mood the other day because I was finally able to find a few things to try on…yay!  That was just the start of my shopping fun.

H&M finds…awesome blazer for $20, the shirt underneath and a cute summer sweater with a zipper at the back neckline (not pictured :().


Dillards…Michael Kors top (on sale for $27!) and Jessica Simpson Jeans. (already owned the Gianni Bini nude wedges)


Now to figure out the jewelry.  Accessories are my biggest obstacle, my kryptonite…whatever you want to call it.  I just can’t seem to visualize it very well when I’m out buying jewelry and I seriously…over think it!  I really love the layering look that’s popular right now so I think a couple of layered necklaces would look great with this outfit.  Just gotta find some!  Maybe I’ll cheat and buy the layered necklaces that are all in one.

In addition to looking for a necklaces to layer, I’ve been looking for bracelets to add to my collection so I can sport an arm party like these girls.

TBDarmparty1Source: The Beauty Department

maya_brenner_glitter_guide111-e1320353216610Source: The Glitter Guide

Target shoe finds…Red wedges. Don’t these just scream SUMMER?!  I love them!  They’re pretty comfy too.

red wedges

Yellow Merona ballet flats

yellow flat

Those who know me, know that I’m usually in jeans & tees or workout wear (see exhibit A & B below).  I’m just trying to get more fashionable so that when I do actually have somewhere to go other than the grocery, school or the gym…I’ll have something cute to wear.  😉

Exhibit A & B…my daily attire along with jeans & t-shirts


Sorry about my cut off head.  I’m usually not made up or I feel like a dork smiling for the camera when I’m trying to show my outfit.  It’s a bit ridiculous how much I cut my head off though.  I’ll have to get better about that!

You wouldn’t know it…

by looking at my clutter, but I actually LOVE organization.  I dream of having a completely color coordinated closet, a pantry stocked full of pretty containers with chalkboard labels, a spare bedroom that someone could actually stay in….the list goes on and on.

One of my biggest downfalls with this blog is that it resembles how I am in real life…a bit scatterbrained and all over the place, but also slightly OCD and craving organization.  I have a lot to say one day and then literally have nothing to say the next…I open up and say whatever randomness that pops in my head and then regret opening up and get quiet again.

Sooooo, I thought it might be helpful to have a blog schedule.  This way when I start feeling like I have nothing to write about, I will have some sort of direction to go in.

Here’s my plan…

Motivated Monday or Move It Monday – On Mondays I have a hard time getting moving.  Being an at-home mom, I tend to slack on Mondays (most days if I’m being honest :P), so on these days I want to post something motivating.  It may be an inspirational quote, maybe an inspiring story, maybe just that we made it to school on time and I packed the kids nutritious lunches.  It may be fitness, health, life related or just something personal that I accomplished.  Project Life 365 will probably be posted on Mondays as well.

Techie Tuesday or Thursday – I don’t have that much tech sharing to do so it will either be Tuesday or Thursday and it will be about anything having to do with technology….phones, computers, cameras, etc.

What I Wore Wednesday, Wordless Wednesday – Hump day is hard.  You’re in the middle of the week and sometimes you’re just doing anything you can to make it to the end.  Depending on the week I’ll post either an outfit post or a photo to share.

Foodie Friday – Pretty explanatory.  On Fridays I hope to post about a new food/recipe we tried, a food/ingredient I love or just what I ate sometime during the week.

All of these won’t happen every week.  Sometimes I’ll have my rambling posts instead, but I needed some direction for when my head goes silent and I can’t think of anything to write about.

Okay…now that that’s out of the way…let’s get it started with…

Whatever Wednesday!

lol.  I didn’t have an outfit and this post is obviously not wordless.  :oP

The hubs was out of town recently and we were all video chatting via Google+.  For some reason, the kids cannot just chat on video, they have to make it more fun than that and start playing with Google Effects.

Did you know I am mom to a pirate dog and an angel puppy?

Screen Shot2 Screen Shot3

Which doesn’t make sense at all considering I’m a kitty.  😉

Screen Shot1Their giggles were infectious.  How could I resist joining in on the fun?  😉