Word for the Year

Good morning, Internet!!

I realized the other the other day that I never posted my Word for the year. Whoops! I ended up sticking with the word that stood out to me almost immediately because no matter how much I dug and brainstormed, this word just kept coming back to me.

My word for 2015 is…Balance

bal·ance /ˈbaləns/
a condition in which different elements are equal or in the correct proportions

I have so many areas of my life that I want to give attention to, but I tend to get hyper focused on one at a time. In 2015, I’d like to achieve a better balance of fitness, fun, family, work, health, hobbies, friends and self realization.



If last week was my “get ‘r done” week, this week is the opposite…NOT gettin ‘r done.

I’ve gotten a few things accomplished…like starting to learn Ruby (yes, a kids book! I gotta start small), doing a little work on a part time gig and finally finishing To Kill a Mockingbird.

That’s the extent of my “work” this week though.

It started over the weekend. I got a little (okay, a lot) complacent and distracted and it grew from there.

The weather certainly isn’t helping my productivity. It’s overcast and cold and I just want to curl up on the couch with a blanket and a cup of hot coffee loaded with rich, thick buttery cream and sugar-y goodness.

This morning I desperately wanted to crawl back into my warm bed with the hubby instead of making sandwiches for lunches and driving the kids to school.

It’d been a few weeks since I treated the kids to hot chocolates before school so we made a detour on our way downtown to get something warm to drink. Well, the kids got something warm, I got my usual iced latte. I’m a creature of habit. I stick to my favorites and don’t like to venture out of my comfort zones.

I started out semi productive today, but then I started binge watching House of DVF on demand. Have you guys seen this? Did you know it existed? I’m not sure how I missed this show being on tv! I’ve started to realize lately that I really, really love Diane von Furstenburg’s designs so I was ALL OVER this reality show. Hence the getting sucked in part. The show was just okay. I was in it for the fashion really and to see DVF. 😉

This photo has nothing to do with me being a slacker, but I’m so in love with my pretty pink girl that arrived in the mail last week. I’ve been staring at her daily while she hung out on the mantel for awhile. She’s now residing on top of my dresser in the bedroom.

freckledlatte_shannonbotakisShannon Bonatakis print

Today is our Friday because the kids have a 4 day weekend and I’m not sure what we’re doing other than History Fair projects, but we MUST do something productive! And something fun!

I know it’s not yet the weekend for most of you, but do you have anything good planned?

Taking Stock // 02

photo-1416431168657-a6c4184348ab(image via UnSplash)

Last time I did a post like this I borrowed prompts (with permission) from Meet Me at Mikes. Which were great! But, this time, I used some of the same prompts and threw in several specific to me and what I’m doing/thinking right now.

Making: these yummy gluten free breakfast cookies for the kids

Cooking: healthy breakfasts

Drinking: my copycat Whole Foods tropical smoothie (recipe coming soon)

Watching: Girlfriends Guide to Divorce

Listening to: the whole Sam Smith album, but also Ed Sheeran, Thinking Out Loud and Andy Grammar, Honey I’m Good

Lusting over: the fashion on GGTD! I’m obsessed with pieces from all of their styles.

Thinking: about my Italy trip. It’s only 65 days away and I can feel the anxiety slowly creeping in, but I’m also uber excited! The last time we went out of the country was my first time ever so I feel like I had more to do. This time it’s mostly just packing.

Focusing on: eating healthier and watching my portions

Waiting: to receive my Shannon Bonatakis print (warning: possibly NSFW-ish) the teen bought me for Christmas. I’ve wanted one of Shannon’s prints for over a year. Now the question is where to put it!

Ordering: my first Vitacost order. I had heard of Vitacost, but never actually ordered. Then I ran out of vitamins for the kids and didn’t want to make a Whole Foods run.

Morning Reading: the Skimm. I just started getting Skimm emails, but so far, so good!

Bedtime Reading: To Kill a Mockingbird

Recently added to my To-Read list: Party Girl

Getting used to: drinking my morning coffee with less sugar

Pumped for: season premiere of Girls

Marveling: at snow in Jacksonville! Okay, it was just flurries, but still…SNOW!

Playing: Wits and Wagers and Apples to Apples

Wishing: we could pick up and move where we want to RIGHT NOW. We’d only move to another area of town because of the kids schooling, but maybe eventually out of the state. We will get there eventually when the timing is right.

Pinning: my ideal winter look and this adorable kitchen staple

Working on: getting more organized and de-cluttering. I’m not a fan of baby steps because it’s hard for me to see the big picture, but so far I’ve been to keep my eye on the prize and keep plugging along.

Excited about: my new business app/digital business card…go here —> katie.oily.life on your mobile device! Want one for your business? My husband created it and is looking to expand. Even if you aren’t in the essential oil business, send me a message telling me what business you are in and what you would want your digital business card to do for you.

Wishing: I had more decor in my house. I love going in someone’s home and seeing how decorated it is. I really want ours to have more decor, but I have a hard time making decisions about how to do it.

Enjoying: the kids being back at school. I was dreading the early mornings and routine, but now that I’m back in the groove, I am loving having the house to myself again.

Smelling: Thieves + Christmas Spirit in the diffuser.

Searching: for a new salad dressing recipe. I LOVE my current staple, but I’d like some variety. I’m going to try this one today. I’ll let you know if it’s yummy or not.

Quote I liked recently: “No one truly interesting is universally liked” – Girlfriends Guide to Divorce

Needing: to give the dog a bath. She is so stanky! But I need to buy doggie shampoo first! 🙁

Wearing: workout wear

Feeling: Hungry. It’s lunch time. 😛

Loving: that Florida finally has marriage equality



Waving the White Flag

I’m throwing in the NaBloPoMo towel!

I’ve been doing awesome on my operation: get back into shape (yes, it’s only been 2 days…don’t judge :P).

I’ve also been more motivated to do a little first of the year de-cluttering. I was watching Rachel Ray yesterday, something I NEVER do, and this guy, was on. He has a 31 day de-clutter challenge that started yesterday (how convenient!), so I have been doing his daily challenges, along with a little other house cleaning. My hubby is in hog heaven and I feel like I’m going to regret getting everything so nice and shiny because then he’s going to expect this kind of treatment all the time and lets be honest, I’ll likely go back to my procrastinating ways very soon. But, for now, I’m enjoying having the motivation and desire to de-clutter, so I’m gonna ride this wave until I wipeout.

Between de-cluttering, trying to eat better and move more, my motivation (and creativity) towards blogging is at about a 10 out of 100. I feel like I’m struggling to type anything out. I get snippets that pop into my head, but I can’t seem to type out a whole post.

So, before I stress myself over this blogging every day thing, I decided that maybe January wasn’t the right month to try another 30 day blogging challenge. Seriously, I’m boring myself to pieces with my writing so I can’t imagine anyone is actually enjoying the garbage I’ve been passing off as blog posts so far this month.

I’ll still be around, just not likely every day. 🙂



#MicroblogMondays // 04

I’m taking the easy route today and using Blogher’s NaBloPoMo daily prompt.

Monday, January 5, 2015: Tell us about your worst habit?

Hmmm…my worst? I’m not sure I can choose!

I often…


chew my nails

pick at my cuticles

leave hair in the shower drain

start something and not finish it

mindlessly eat

sit my fanny in front of the TV

worry too much

overthink a task so much that I fail to ever start it

Clearly I have many bad habits to work on. I think my worst is probably procrastination.

At least I’m aware of my downfalls, right? Admitting it is the first step to recovery! 😉


It’s day 4 (my day 3) of NaBloPoMo and here I am at 10:37pm, writing my blog post.

Oy vey. Not a very good start to the month.

I woke up this morning, poured my iced coffee, was just about to sit on the couch to surf when I heard a little voice say, “mommy…I threw up”

Well, good morning to you too, sunshine!

He was very calm and we had a little discussion about how he didn’t get it on his bed, but a little went on his floor before making it to the bathroom.

I put my coffee in the fridge and headed up to start my day by cleaning vomit off the carpet.

It could have been way worse though so I’m thankful that he mostly made it to the toilet.

Tomorrow, it’s back to the grind. Back to school, back to early morning routines, back to homework and back to focusing on my health and fitness.

I already planned meals for the week so now I just have to stick to them and get my exercise in. I’ll be taking my “before” photos and measurements tomorrow too, but I won’t be sharing them until I have a good after to compare it to!

Getting back on track with my fitness is a must! I am tired of feeling sluggish and not being able to fit into my clothes!

Getting sleep is also important so I’m going get off this thing and get ready for bed. The school alarm is a wee bit earlier than when I’ve been waking over holiday break. I have a feeling I will not be the most pleasant person in the AM. 😉

Are you starting your fitness/health goals tomorrow too or did you start on the first?

What I Didn’t Buy (but wanted to) // 01

If I needed a New Year’s Eve outfit, this dress would have been at the top of my wish list. The lace…the zipper all the way up the back…*swoon*
DVF_NYEAnd since the dress is so amazing on it’s own, I probably would have paired it with these Kate Spade square cut earrings and simple black patent Louboutin’s…perfection!


January NaBloPoMo

I missed a day (Jan 1) already because I didn’t schedule a post, but I’m going to try NaBloPoMo again this month. I’m hoping it will set the tone for the year.

Follow along and join in if you like! 🙂


Reflections and Resolutions

The beginning of a new year is an obvious time of reflection. A year of memories get locked away in the vault and everyone is given a clean slate…a fresh start to put things right…to fix what they don’t like about their life…to better themselves. Although technically you can do this any time during the year and restart whenever you choose, people generally see the new year as the time to do it.

I’ve never been very good at creating New Year’s resolutions. Before kids, I never thought about it much. Since having kids it’s been the generic, “exercise more”, “eat healthier”, “get in shape”. Last year I tried a little harder and made them more specific…

  1. Read 14 books nailed it!
  2. Eat meals at home more often
  3. Run a half marathon nailed it!
  4. Get my photos OFF the computer
  5. Blog more often nailed it!
  6. Take more OOTD pics
  7. Record more video
  8. Finally paint a wall with chalkboard paint
  9. Be consistent with my fitness
  10. Sign up for college courses even though I still don’t know what I want to do with my life
  11. Keep my car cleaned out
  12. Volunteer

Most of them were still pretty generalized though. I used more and often instead of specific timeframes or numbers.

Maybe I’m afraid of failure, so instead of saying, “blog at least 4 times a week”, I just say, “blog more often”. That way if I technically had more blog posts in 2014 than in 2013, then I met my goal! I shouldn’t feel like a failure though if I don’t follow through on my resolutions. Instead, I should reflect on why I didn’t accomplish what I said I wanted to accomplish. Why didn’t I act on that? Do I really want this or do I just like the sound of it? Am I standing in my own way? Am I cruising through life, but not really doing anything with my life?

Time to check myself and get my head on straight.

I don’t just want to be in the car on the side of the road to finding myself. I want to be in the drivers seat, actually driving down the road! I struggle not with simply growing older, but with growing older and not knowing what I want to do with myself. The older I get, the more I think, “You should know what you want out of life!” or at least be on a journey to finding it. As the mom, I tend to always put everyone else’s needs ahead of my own. I take care of myself in the day to day sense, but as far as long term goals, I put my desires on hold. I keep thinking, “next year I’ll start on that”, “when Hayden gets into middle school I’ll be able to think about it more”, “when Caitlin can drive, I’ll have more time”. Then I think, “Am I procrastinating? Am I simply making excuses? Is it the fear of failure? Am I just being lazy?” 

A Facebook acquaintance said something a few months ago that has really stuck with me.

Screen Shot 2014-12-26 at 5.55.31 PMI don’t have the answers to my questions yet, but I do know that I don’t want to be turning 40 (in *cough* 3yrs and 3 mos) and still be wondering the same things. I have GOT to start working towards something, anything. Because knowing what isn’t me is at least starting on the path to finding what is.

My New Year’s resolution list is still in the works. Although, I’m not sure if it will be a real list, a few things I want to work on throughout the year or just one word.

I’m really interested in finding my word for the year, so I’m excited to start working on that this weekend. I think I might have stumbled upon one, but I’m not sold on it yet and it was right after I signed up for 5 daily emails to help me figure it out so I’m going to go ahead and do the 5 days of work and see what happens.

I’m not sure when picking a word for the year started, but I just heard about it recently even though it seems to have started at least a couple of years ago. Is this a new concept to you too or am I just late to the party yet again? If you’ve chosen a word for the year already, I’d love to hear it!

Highlights of 2014

2014 certainly had it’s share of heart ache, hurt and sadness, but as glad as I am that this year is coming to a close, we had some really great moments too.

  • Two concerts. Date night with the hubs and mommy/son date with the boy.


  • The teen performed in her first school musical


  • My 6th grader had his first school piano recital


  • I completed a half marathon


  • The teen got her braces off


  • I toured Washington D.C. with my favorite 5th grader


  • I read 30 (THIRTY!) Books

Screen Shot 2014-12-29 at 3.14.21 PM


  • I finally saw the Golden Gate Bridge in person


I love looking back and seeing some of my favorite moments from the year. There are, of course, many everyday moments that were just as special as well, but these were the big ones that stuck out.

Now bring on 2015! I can’t wait to see what the year has in store for us!