It was an overcast morning and I was running late as usual. I had plans to have breakfast with one of my favorite sisters-in-law. We don’t get together nearly as much as we should, but since her youngest just started preschool, it was the perfect time for some girl chat over breakfast.
I knew I had plenty of clothes so I didn’t really think about what I was going to wear until right before getting dressed. Which I know from experience, doesn’t benefit me so I really don’t know why I still insist on waiting until the last minute to decide. Oh wait, I think Albert Einstein had an answer for that…
in·san·i·ty (inˈsanitē/) : doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results
So I guess I’m insane. :oP
Why is it that we (sorry, I’m grouping all the women in that “we”, mostly so I don’t feel alone in this) can have a closet full of clothes, yet “nothing to wear”?
I start going through my closet…”nope”, “nope”, “nope”, “too dressy”, “too summery”, “I don’t want to wear a dress”, etc.
Then I got to my new sweater from Target. I walked out in the backyard half dressed to see what the weather felt like. Hmmmm….a little humid, but overcast and I’m always coooold in restaurants so…done deal! Yay, crisis diverted! Best part was that I would get to wear my new booties too!
Sweater (sold out) :: Lucky Jeans :: Gianni Bini booties
It turned out to be a very fall feeling day…for Florida anyways. Overcast most of the day, a slight cool breeze and temps in the high 70’s-low 80’s. It was awesome and made me even more eager for Fall to be here.