leopard + oxblood :: #whatiwore

If there are two things I’m obsessed with fashion wise at the moment, it would be prints & oxblood!  Actually I’m loving color period.  I first saw these pants on Rach over at Pink Peonies, but good fitting pants are such a PITA to find most times so while I loved them on her, I didn’t have high hopes that they’d fit me as well.  I didn’t rush out to the mall or anything, but I did pop over to LOFT a couple weeks ago to try on their new  line of jeans. I only found one pair that fit me great and they were just okay so I left without them.

Fast forward to last week, I was at the mall looking for booties, but stopped in LOFT to see what they had and was told by two store employees that I came in at the perfect time because they’d just marked down a whole bunch of good stuff.  Okay, they peaked my interest, so I dug into the sale racks to see if anything caught my eye.  I had actually forgotten about the blog post, but as soon as I saw these pants, I remembered and immediately snatched them up (in two sizes just in case!) and added them to my dressing room pile.

There were some “meh’s” & “cute’s” in the dressing room, but these lovely pants were a “gotta-have-em!”  They fit me amazingly well and the kicker, they were on sale for $32!  Score!

2013-10-01_0003top :: pants :: shoes (cheap American Eagle for Payless black flats ;)) :: jewelry (Express, Etsy, Charming Charlies)

2013-09-29_00012013-10-01_0002posed…a little more relaxed…over the top

I keep getting annoyed at myself because I forget to get IN photos with people.  I always get so wrapped up in the moment that I don’t take any photos or if I do think about pictures, I get distracted with not so perfect lighting conditions or what I’m wearing or not wearing or how I look/don’t look and then the moment passes and I’m left with zero photos and regrets. So when we got home from a birthday lunch on Sunday, I had the teenager snapped some pics of me & the hubs.  The middle one is my favorite, but the third one pretty much sums up the hubs.  He’s got the silly gene for sure. Way more silly than I am and I’ll be honest in saying that I’m usually the one to just shake my head at his silliness, but I do appreciate it…most of the time.  😉

Linking up with Style Elixir

a hint of fall :: #whatiwore

It was an overcast morning and I was running late as usual.  I had plans to have breakfast with one of my favorite sisters-in-law.  We don’t get together nearly as much as we should, but since her youngest just started preschool, it was the perfect time for some girl chat over breakfast.

I knew I had plenty of clothes so I didn’t really think about what I was going to wear until right before getting dressed.  Which I know from experience, doesn’t benefit me so I really don’t know why I still insist on waiting until the last minute to decide.  Oh wait, I think Albert Einstein had an answer for that…

in·san·i·ty (inˈsanitē/) : doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results

So I guess I’m insane.  :oP

Why is it that we (sorry, I’m grouping all the women in that “we”, mostly so I don’t feel alone in this) can have a closet full of clothes, yet “nothing to wear”?

I start going through my closet…”nope”, “nope”, “nope”, “too dressy”, “too summery”, “I don’t want to wear a dress”, etc.

Then I got to my new sweater from Target.  I walked out in the backyard half dressed to see what the weather felt like.  Hmmmm….a little humid, but overcast and I’m always coooold in restaurants so…done deal! Yay, crisis diverted! Best part was that I would get to wear my new booties too!

2013-09-26_0006Sweater (sold out) :: Lucky Jeans :: Gianni Bini booties


It turned out to be a very fall feeling day…for Florida anyways. Overcast most of the day, a slight cool breeze and temps in the high 70’s-low 80’s.  It was awesome and made me even more eager for Fall to be here.

lunch date :: #whatiwore

Lunch with the hubs and grandparents called for more than just jeans and a tee shirt.

DSCF1303-Edit copy

shirt: Target
jeans: Express
shoes: Gianni Bini Josie wedge
belt: Target
bracelets: Kohl’s




I {heart} shopping

I’ll be the first to tell you that I’m not the most fashionable person I know.  But with the help of the fashion savvy people in my life, Pinterest and the interwebs, I’m getting better (I think).

I’ve been having a lot of fun shopping lately.  I don’t always love shopping, but I’ve found a ton of fun stuff recently.  Shopping comes in waves for me.  Sometimes I try to shop and there’s nothing good out.  Other times, I find all kinds of great stuff.  We got an H&M in our city this past year and I have been horribly overwhelmed whenever I tried to shop there.  However, I must have been in a good shopping mood the other day because I was finally able to find a few things to try on…yay!  That was just the start of my shopping fun.

H&M finds…awesome blazer for $20, the shirt underneath and a cute summer sweater with a zipper at the back neckline (not pictured :().


Dillards…Michael Kors top (on sale for $27!) and Jessica Simpson Jeans. (already owned the Gianni Bini nude wedges)


Now to figure out the jewelry.  Accessories are my biggest obstacle, my kryptonite…whatever you want to call it.  I just can’t seem to visualize it very well when I’m out buying jewelry and I seriously…over think it!  I really love the layering look that’s popular right now so I think a couple of layered necklaces would look great with this outfit.  Just gotta find some!  Maybe I’ll cheat and buy the layered necklaces that are all in one.

In addition to looking for a necklaces to layer, I’ve been looking for bracelets to add to my collection so I can sport an arm party like these girls.

TBDarmparty1Source: The Beauty Department

maya_brenner_glitter_guide111-e1320353216610Source: The Glitter Guide

Target shoe finds…Red wedges. Don’t these just scream SUMMER?!  I love them!  They’re pretty comfy too.

red wedges

Yellow Merona ballet flats

yellow flat

Those who know me, know that I’m usually in jeans & tees or workout wear (see exhibit A & B below).  I’m just trying to get more fashionable so that when I do actually have somewhere to go other than the grocery, school or the gym…I’ll have something cute to wear.  😉

Exhibit A & B…my daily attire along with jeans & t-shirts


Sorry about my cut off head.  I’m usually not made up or I feel like a dork smiling for the camera when I’m trying to show my outfit.  It’s a bit ridiculous how much I cut my head off though.  I’ll have to get better about that!

Trying to be trendy…

I’m SO not the most trendy dresser.  I always think people look so cute in their trendy outfits, but I have a really hard time getting out of my comfort zone.  My closet is full of staples, you know, those things that you can wear ALL the time, that go with everything…black slacks, black tank/cami, white tank/cami, black sweater, grey sweater, white slacks and then I have dressy jeans & slacker jeans and a whole bunch of t-shirts.  I’m not afraid of colors, but the problem is that I tend to always buy things I can get a lot of use out of.  In my every day wear, I’m a jeans/t-shirt/flops kind of girl.  I like to be comfortable and these things make me comfortable.  If I’m not in my jeans, tee & flops, then I’m in my groove crops, sports bra, tee & tennis shoes.  However, now that I’m comfortable in my skin again and I feel good about myself, I find myself trying to be a little more trendy in how I dress.  I am terrible at accessorizing and being a little OCD, it’s really hard to not be so matchy matchy which I know is BAD!  But thanks to Pinterest and some super inspirational online friends, little by little I feel like I’m getting better with my outfits.  Now, of course, I forgot my hoop earrings in these pics and don’t forget, I’m still a work in progress and yes, I’m still in JEANS, but…here’s my attempt at being somewhat trendy.  Well, I guess it’s really just the belt & scarf that I added that make it “trendy” and different from my usual wear, but it’s baby steps, right?!  🙂

photo taken by Boo (i.e. my 8yo)

photo above & below taken by the hubs

*fun fact…the first time I wore this sweater, Boo (8yo), told me I looked like an elf.  The second time I wore it, he said I really had to stop wearing it because I reminded him of a leprecaun!  lol.  Boys!

Wear to buy:  Sweater, scarf & belt are all from Target — Jeans are ReRock Boot cut from Express