Happy Mother’s Day!

I’m not much of a beach girl, but the kids wanted to go to the beach on Sunday, so that’s what we did! Because making the kids happy, made me happy.  🙂  We went to a beach we don’t go to often, but what made it super awesome was that you can drive on the sand and park your chair right next to where you park your butt!  It was kinda cloudy and the water was pretty cool, but the kids had fun anyways.  Then we went to my mom’s house to hang out for a little while.


I hope all the Moms out there had an amazing Mother’s Day!  Whether you relaxed at home, woke up to breakfast in bed, went somewhere fun or just had an ordinary day…I hope you know that you are all intelligent, beautiful, selfless, incredible, amazing women doing the hardest job out there!  If you haven’t watched the video below, I highly suggest you take a few minutes to watch it.  🙂