100 Push Ups – day 2 | Challenge

Day 2 of the push up challenge…done!  I won’t be video’ing every day because, for one, they are a little long and boring to watch and for two, I don’t want to be on camera that much!  I’m having fun experimenting a little though so I video’d my day 2 today.  I did better than the last time, but I cut off my head AGAIN, had some environmental issues, and didn’t talk loud enough.  Please don’t hold my horrible video skillz against me!  Who likes watching a perfect video anyways?  :oP 

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SaYem5GEmBU]

Did you do your push ups today?!

It’s not too late to join me in the 100 Push Ups Challenge!  Remember, you don’t have to be able to do a regular push up to join in.  Do it with whatever modification you need to.

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