100 Push Ups – day 2 | Challenge

Day 2 of the push up challenge…done!  I won’t be video’ing every day because, for one, they are a little long and boring to watch and for two, I don’t want to be on camera that much!  I’m having fun experimenting a little though so I video’d my day 2 today.  I did better than the last time, but I cut off my head AGAIN, had some environmental issues, and didn’t talk loud enough.  Please don’t hold my horrible video skillz against me!  Who likes watching a perfect video anyways?  :oP 

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SaYem5GEmBU]

Did you do your push ups today?!

It’s not too late to join me in the 100 Push Ups Challenge!  Remember, you don’t have to be able to do a regular push up to join in.  Do it with whatever modification you need to.

100 Push Ups – day1 | Challenge

Yesterday was day 1 of my 100 Push Ups challenge.  Before I headed out on my run last night, I made a video of my day 1 to share with you all!  Holy moly, I hope I get better at this video’ing myself thing.  lol.  Sorry about cutting my head off, the excess background noise and poor quality (gotta learn more about video’ing!).  I also tried to edit out a good portion of the 60 sec rests so that it’s not so boring, but trust me, I definitely took my rest breaks.  Enjoy!

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h7e6sp9tS6I]
Psst….it’s not too late to join me in the 100 Push Ups Challenge!  Remember, you don’t have to be able to do a regular push up to join in.  Do it with whatever modification you need to. Whether you can do 100 push ups on your toes in the end or you progress from wall push ups to knee push ups.  Either way, you will be getting stronger!