Instagram Story Tips

I learned a couple Instagram story tips/tricks recently and thought I’d share. You may already know these, but if not, here you go…

The first is if you want a plain background to just put text on (or a gif or a photo).
• Go to add a new story
• Take a photo (it doesn’t matter of what)
• Hit the paintbrush – like you’re going to draw something
• Select the color you want as your background
• Hold your finger down on the screen for a few seconds
• Voila!

Second…how to put multiple photos into one Instagram story frame. Yes, there are apps to make it prettier and I use those, but sometimes I’d just like to throw a couple of photos/videos up and be done. Basically, you turn them into stickers that you paste into the story. What?! Yes. Check out the video below for the how-to (it also mentions quickly my first tip above).

ALSO, while surfing Youtube, I came across a great video with lots of tips/tricks for making your Instagram Stories pop! Click over to Youtube to check it out —>

Wake up and kick ass

Not gonna lie, I’m usually an “ugh, it’s Monday, pass me alllllll the caffeine” kind of gal, but I’m trying something new this week. I woke up on this Monday morning and decided to kick some ass today.

First of all, I have this awesome blog post coming at you bright and early! I RARELY get my blog posts up early in the day. #winning already!

Second, it’s the beginning of October, the month of all things pumpkin and the start of some of the busiest months of the year and the perfect time to set some monthly goals.

Personal Goal: Wake up earli(er) than normal. On a day when I don’t have to go into work (MWF), I’m usually rolling out of bed at 6:40a.m., making the kids’ sandwiches and then heading out for my 1.5-2 hr trek of driving them to school and getting back home. SO, instead, I’m going to get up at 6am on those days and sip some coffee (from my Bialetti that I brought out of retirement yesterday and wondered why I ever stopped using) while I browse and see what’s happening online.

Business Goal: Work hard at getting my Beautycounter business off the ground. I’m going to share share share about how our beauty care industry needs a major overhaul and how what we put on our skin matters. You can clicky that link over there 👉🏼 in the sidebar (the Never list) to see all the awesome products we offer. If you want to try some in person, I can hook you up!

Health Goal: EAT BETTER. I’m tired of burning 600+ calories 3-4 times a week and seeing zero physical results. The scale hasn’t budged, but more importantly, my measurements haven’t changed one teeny tiny bit. I am no doubt stronger, healthier, and overall more fit than I was 5 months ago and that’s nothing to take lightly, but I would love to be a little leaner. I’m just eating too damn much and all the wrong things. I’m going to be more intentional in my eating and think more about what I’m putting in my mouth.

Mental Goal: More yoga & meditation. I plan to follow a 30 day yoga program (not sure which one yet) and add some actual studio classes in as well. One per week is the goal.

This week is going to be hectic with a lot of appointments and meetings after school, but I’m gonna rock it!

Awesome mug up there ^^^ can be found here. *not sponsored*

#MicroblogMondays // 02


I survived my first half marathon!!

Not gonna lie…it was ROUGH. I was doing okay until about mile 9 and then I hit my wall. The temperature was dropping, the wind was brutal and my leg muscles were tightening by the minute, but thanks to a new friend, I made it all 13.1 miles! We both wanted to cry when we crossed the finish line, but we held it together. I couldn’t have done it without my accidental running partner and I’m so thankful that fate intervened.

Before the race, I thought, “I just want to get this over with. I’m never signing up for anything longer than a 5k ever again!”

Races are addicting though. I’m proud of myself for finishing, but part of me says, “You did great, but you can do better!”

So, now I’m thinking, “Never say never!” 😉

#MicroblogMondays // 01

Trying a new feature this month called Microblogging Mondays. The goal is to microblog (anywhere from one word to 8 sentences) on Mondays. I tend to ramble a bit so some of you may like my microblogs better than my normal ones. 🙂

This photo and story made me tear up today and it’s definitely worth a click.

16448702-mmmain(photo via The Oregonian, click the photo to read a Q&A with the photographer)