Blog slacker…

Whoops.  I started to write a Five on Friday post today and realized that my last post was one of those.  Where the heck did the week go?!  I haven’t really been THAT busy, but just preoccupied I guess.

Last Friday was the start of me getting back on the workout wagon so my OOTD’s looked a little something like this…


While this is bad news for my OOTD posts and made me not feel like blogging…on the up side, I burned 2,262 calories this week!  😉


I also decided to join the worst kept secret zombie flash mob!  A Zumba instructor in town puts together a flash mob of sorts to perform at the Zombie Fitness Kids run.  This is their 3rd year doing it and I wanted to join in last year, but heard about it too late and honestly it’s a little out of my comfort zone.  I’m a bit of a commitment-phobe and it requires you to learn the dance mostly on your own.  And, of course, I don’t just want to join in at the end of the dance, I want to go all out and do the whole routine!  With less than 10 days to practice, I have my work cut out for me!  I love dancing though so I knew I would regret not joining in even though it requires a lot of work.  Not only do I have to learn the dance, but I also have to figure out zombie outfit/make-up.  Here’s last years flash mob…


So, I’ll admit to being a blog slacker, but I think I’ve been a fitness winner…this week!  Now, let’s see if I can keep up the fitness part and try to get some blogging done too.  :oP

I’m off to the gym!!!  Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Boston Strong

Lookie what came in the mail today!  The same day I start back running is the same day I received my Boston Strong tank from Firedaughter clothing.  Coincidence…I think not.


It looks like the Boston Strong tanks are all sold out  There are a few more S, L & XL’s for sale on her site if you want one of your very own.  This one that I have on is a small (for reference I’m 5’4″, size 2/4, 34B) and it’s a little more fitted and shorter than I would have liked.  I think when I order one of her tanks again (and I’m sure I will), I’ll go with a medium.  🙂

More than a Handful is just a waste

It was kismet…


I was perusing the internet as usual…reading blogs, FB posts, twitter, etc and I ran across a post on FB by a personal trainer that I follow and it was directed to his female fans.

Sweet…off I went to see what was so awesome for us gals only.  It was an article about an awesome sports bra called the Handful Bra.  Coolage.  I’m always looking for a good sports bra.  Noted it for future reference and kept perusing.

As I’m reading another blog, I see a post about Handful again!  Okay, now my interest was peaked.  Twice in one day?  Obviously this was a sign that I was meant to have one!

Picked out the style and color and it was done.  I couldn’t wait to try it out and see if it was all it was cracked up to be.

I chose the adjustable strap bra in purple (btw, it looks plum in these pics, but it’s actually more of a deep jewel purple IRL.  Very pretty!).  Seen here in these terribly lit, hideously grainy iPhone pics taken in my messy bathroom.

HandfulI was in love!  The fabric feels amazing and the bra itself is super cute, comfortable and flattering.

A couple of things you might want to know…

  • All the bras come with their own little matching washer bag.  So cute and convenient!  If you stick them in the bag before you put them in the hamper, then you’re good to go when it’s time to wash them.
  • The pads that come with the bra are uh-mazing!  They are little push up pads and you can order extra sets in case you want to enhance what your momma gave ya.
  • Shipping was fast and free if you sign up for an account.  A company who isn’t going to charge me an arm and a leg to ship?!  Sign me up!  However, I would have gladly paid a shipping fee for this beauty.  😉
  • Handful bras were created by a woman for women.  They’re also an approved mastectomy bra.
  • My only complaint is….more color options!

As I mentioned before, Handful and I were meant to be together.  It just so happens that a couple weeks after I found Handful, I saw a blog contest for a Handful bra…entered…and WON!  How awesome is that?!

I won

I decided my Handful and I needed a little photo shoot…


Adjustable straps…
(side note: it is REALLY hard to take a self portrait of your back!)




Say What?! :: Monday Motivation

What’s more motivating that a 74yo CrossFitting grandma?  Check out this article I read in Fitness Magazine this past weekend.  If this isn’t motivating, I don’t know what is!

photo 4 photo 3

Reading stories like that really impress me, but they also light a little fire under me and make me want to go workout.  So on that note…check out this awesome Booty Blaster Workout from FitnessRx Mag.  I’m printing it out and putting it on my gym to-do list pronto!

4×15 (each leg) diagonal lunges
4×15 (each leg) weighted bench step-ups
4×15 leg curls
4×15 jump squats
4×15 (each leg) cable kickbacks
4×15 deadlifts
4×15 weighted sumo squats
*Rest 30 seconds after each set…also make sure weight is challenging but you can maintain correct form

100 Push Ups – day 2 | Challenge

Day 2 of the push up challenge…done!  I won’t be video’ing every day because, for one, they are a little long and boring to watch and for two, I don’t want to be on camera that much!  I’m having fun experimenting a little though so I video’d my day 2 today.  I did better than the last time, but I cut off my head AGAIN, had some environmental issues, and didn’t talk loud enough.  Please don’t hold my horrible video skillz against me!  Who likes watching a perfect video anyways?  :oP 


Did you do your push ups today?!

It’s not too late to join me in the 100 Push Ups Challenge!  Remember, you don’t have to be able to do a regular push up to join in.  Do it with whatever modification you need to.

100 Push Ups – day1 | Challenge

Yesterday was day 1 of my 100 Push Ups challenge.  Before I headed out on my run last night, I made a video of my day 1 to share with you all!  Holy moly, I hope I get better at this video’ing myself thing.  lol.  Sorry about cutting my head off, the excess background noise and poor quality (gotta learn more about video’ing!).  I also tried to edit out a good portion of the 60 sec rests so that it’s not so boring, but trust me, I definitely took my rest breaks.  Enjoy!

Psst….it’s not too late to join me in the 100 Push Ups Challenge!  Remember, you don’t have to be able to do a regular push up to join in.  Do it with whatever modification you need to. Whether you can do 100 push ups on your toes in the end or you progress from wall push ups to knee push ups.  Either way, you will be getting stronger!

100 Push Ups | Challenge

I love push ups.  They are some of the most rewarding exercises for me.  Plus, pull ups and dips, but we’re just talking push ups today.  I’m not sure if it’s because there was a time when I couldn’t do one on my knees, much less on my toes, and now I can do a few sets of 10-15 or maybe it’s because it’s one of those exercises that not just anyone can do without working up to it.  When I first started working out, I got involved with some gym peeps that did 95% weight lifting and fell in love with building muscle.  I loved getting stronger!  I don’t remember when I started getting strong enough to do push ups, but now I can easily do them on my toes (usually called boy push ups, but girls can totally do them too so I usually just call them normal or on the toes push ups!).

The thing I love about push-ups is that they can be done anywhere and by most anyone.  If you can’t do a full push up on your toes, maybe you can on your knees, but maybe you’ll have to start with wall push ups or stair push-ups.  Regardless of your level, YOU can do push ups too…you just have to build up your strength!

Seeing as it’s summertime, my motivation is seriously lacking.  I’m supposed to be training for a 5k next month and a 10 miler in September, but I’ve only been out running a couple of times for about 2-2.5 miles each time.  Plus, the kids are out of school for the summer so it’s much harder for me to get motivated to get to the gym since I would have to work it around when Eric was home.  Soooo, I decided to start up my 100 Push Up challenge again.  I started it sometime back, but only made it about halfway through.  I fell off the wagon and missed days and then at some point, I just said, forget it.  I’m telling YOU ALL this, so you can join in this challenge with me!  There is actually a website that lays it all out for you.  There’s an app too so you can do it on your phone!

Here’s the main website to get you started…

one hundred push ups

Make sure you peruse the website well and read about proper form and what not.  I’m a stickler for good form!  I overhear an occasional comment in the gym when I’m doing my push ups and other than the fact that I’m doing them on my toes, they are impressed with my form.  I figure it’s not worth doing, if you’re not going to do it right!  😉

For those who can’t quite do push ups on their toes, I found this video on YouTube that shows a couple of modifications.  She’s apparently a coach for BeachBody so she references P90X, but then she gets in to the modifications.


The first step in the challenge is to take the initial test to see how many full, good form push ups you can do.  I did my test today and made it to…20.  I was losing steam around rep 13-14, but I was able to eek out 20 without losing form.  I even video’d the test for you, but it was my first time video’ing myself for something like this and I was in a hurry because we were getting ready for the pool and I underestimated what all you would see on camera sooo…let’s just say, it’s not fit for blog posting.  lol.  I’ll have to try again when I’m not in a hurry and wearing more than my bathing suit top!

Once you read up on the challenge and do your initial test, come back and share your results! We’re all in this together!

(image source)

Hello again…long time, no see!

Oh my!  It’s been a little while since I’ve posted, huh?!  I’m going to try to get back on track here.  I was sick for a little bit, took a trip to Vegas for several days, came back and was sick again and then dealing with my hubs being really sick and finishing the plans for baby boy’s birthday party.  I’m happy to report that we are all feeling good right now and with the birthday party behind us, I’m ready to get back in the gym and stop eating all the junk that I’ve been munching on due to sickness and stress!

Here’s a little Monday Motivation to kick off your week…

LiveFit – days 4, 8 & 9!

Woohoo!  I made it to Week 2!  I’ll try to make my overview of days 4, 8 & 9 quick & painless.

Day 4 – shoulders & abs

Since day 4 fell on a weekend for me and I had hand weights at home, I figured I’d just knock out my day 4 at home.  I did my shoulder presses on a stability ball instead of a chair.  It went fairly well, but I feel like I didn’t have the same intensity as I do at the gym.  Seeing that I was still UBER sore from leg day, I was just happy to get my shoulder workout done and have my rest days.

  • Seated Dumbbell press
  • Standing Dumbbell Front Delt Raise
  • Side Lateral Raise
  • Seated Bent Over Rear Delt Raise
  • Exercise Ball Crunch
  • Air Bike

All went well except the stinkin’ crunches.  On my second set I got a wicked bad cramp or ab dislocation or something.  It’s hurts so bad when it happens and it’s weird because it’s always on the same side and it doesn’t happen every time, but when it does, I can’t do crunches for a good while afterwards.  After taking a 5 min break I was able to do the air bike though.  🙂

Annnd…here’s what happens when I workout at home and I have to waste a minute in between sets…I take self portraits.  😛

Day 8 – Chest & Triceps, Day 9 – Back & Biceps

Workouts were the same exercises as last week so I tried to go up in weights, even if just for one set or half of one set.  I was super excited because last week I did all of my narrow push-ups on my knees and somehow, magically I was able to do about half of each narrow set on my toes!  Those narrow ones are freaking killer and I hate them, but I was pumped that I could get a few on my toes!

Felt good both days.  Got a good pump and I’m sore, but not immobilizing sore.  😉

Ah, ah ah….I work out!


I’ve been doing okay with my eating.  I have good days and bad days.  I won’t lie and say I haven’t had a Starbucks or more dessert than I should, but I’m trying to have more good days than bad days and some days…I’m just trying to not to eat my weight in junk food!

I’m using My Fitness Pal to track my food so feel free to friend me if you’re on there too!  My username is katiehigg.

Speaking of food, I found a yummy protein pancake recipe that I’ll be posting soon!  I made some again this morning and took pics so now I just have to write it up.  😉

LiveFit – Day 2 & 3

Shew.  Got days 2 & 3 done this week with a rest day in between.  Not the way it’s supposed to go, but oh well, I gotta do it when I can.  I’m going to do day 4, shoulders & abs, here at the house today so that I can rest tomorrow and then start week 2 on Monday (or Tuesday since the kids are off on Monday).

Just a quick overview of my days…

day 2 — back & biceps.  I LOVE back & biceps so I was pumped for day 2.

  • Wide grip Lat Pull-down
  • One-arm Dumbbell Row
  • Seated Cable Row
  • Underhand Cable Pull-down
  • Alternating Dumbbell Curl
  • One-arm Dumbbell Curl
  • Standing Biceps Cable Curl

All pretty self explanatory.  Well, except for the underhand cable pull-down.  That was my first time doing those and basically it mimics doing a chin-up.  I definitely felt it in my biceps!  Between that one and the alternating curls, my biceps were spent by the time I got to the one-arm dumbbell curl.

day 2 pic…all my equipment I wear when I workout and my snazzy workout bag!

day 3 — legs & calves.  I did day 3 yesterday and all I have to say is “OUCH!”

  • Leg Press
  • Leg Extensions
  • Sumo Barbell Squat
  • Seated Leg Curl
  • Standing Calf Raises
  • Seated Calf Raises

Soooo, I think my pride might have physically hurt me.  Let me start by saying that although I’ve been working out with weights fairly regularly, I haven’t done a dedicated “leg day” in probably 6-12 months.  I would always do other body parts or mix in a couple leg exercises with other parts to save time because I hate leg day.  Your leg muscles are a huge muscle group so you tend to really get the heart rate up if you work them hard.  With that being said, I do my little 5 min warm-up on the treadmill and then walk myself over to the leg press ready to bust out some reps.  I throw the big guns on…a 45 plate per side, 90lbs total + the weight of the machine.  Yes, not that heavy to some girls, so I was confident I could knock out 12 reps.  I did my first rep and immediately thought, hmmm, maybe I should drop to 35lbs each.  But, no, I didn’t want to wuss out and it be too light so I kept the 45’s on.  About halfway through I was thinking I definitely should have put on the 35’s.  However, seeing that I was feeling all tough and stuff, I refused to get up and un-rack the 45’s only to go down in weight.  So…I pushed through.  I got 12 of each set (pausing a few times during each set).  It totally killed my legs!  I did my next exercise…leg extensions…and when I got up after my last set, I had to grab a nearby machine because my legs felt like they might crumble underneath me.  They were pure jelly!  Worst part?  I still had killer sumo squats to do.  Needless to say, my squats were not heavy or even great form.  Well, my form was fine, but I didn’t go as deep as I should have.  I kind of felt like a failure, but I’m uber sore today so I must have worked them out good enough.  I’ll have to kill my sumo squats next time.  😉

Here I am BEFORE my workout.  I know.  Super original, but, it’s too much of a pain to get my phone out of my armband during my workout so I only have time to take pics before or after.

Side note:  My car was filthy so I got it washed right before I got to the gym and when I came out of the gym this is what I found!

A bird apparently thought my car was too clean.  😐  And it was on more than just my windshield.  If I had time I would have gone back to the car wash and asked if I could have a cheap run through, but I didn’t have time.  🙁  Errrrr.  Stupid bird!