Whoops. I started to write a Five on Friday post today and realized that my last post was one of those. Where the heck did the week go?! I haven’t really been THAT busy, but just preoccupied I guess.
Last Friday was the start of me getting back on the workout wagon so my OOTD’s looked a little something like this…
While this is bad news for my OOTD posts and made me not feel like blogging…on the up side, I burned 2,262 calories this week! 😉
I also decided to join the worst kept secret zombie flash mob! A Zumba instructor in town puts together a flash mob of sorts to perform at the Zombie Fitness Kids run. This is their 3rd year doing it and I wanted to join in last year, but heard about it too late and honestly it’s a little out of my comfort zone. I’m a bit of a commitment-phobe and it requires you to learn the dance mostly on your own. And, of course, I don’t just want to join in at the end of the dance, I want to go all out and do the whole routine! With less than 10 days to practice, I have my work cut out for me! I love dancing though so I knew I would regret not joining in even though it requires a lot of work. Not only do I have to learn the dance, but I also have to figure out zombie outfit/make-up. Here’s last years flash mob…
So, I’ll admit to being a blog slacker, but I think I’ve been a fitness winner…this week! Now, let’s see if I can keep up the fitness part and try to get some blogging done too. :oP
I’m off to the gym!!! Hope everyone has a great weekend!